The Layers tab displays all the layers in the current ArcPad map, including the built-in GPS Tracklog and Map Grid layers. The layers in the map are drawn in reverse order; that is, layers are drawn from the bottom of the layers list to the top. From the Layers tab, layers can be added and removed from the map, and the order of these layers can be changed. The visibility of the layers can be turned on or off, and layers can be activated when editing or with the Identify command. The Layer Properties dialog box can be opened to view and change various properties for the selected layer.
Layer icons
ArcPad displays icons together with layer names to make it easier to differentiate between layers. Display of layer icons can be seen throughout the ArcPad user interface, including on the Table of Contents dialog box and the Add Layers dialog box, and in the Start/Stop Editing tool. ArcPad supports two different types of layer icons: standard and custom. ArcPad uses the following standard icons for each layer type:
GPS Tracklog.
Map Grid.
Point shapefile or
ArcPad AXF layer with no layer definition file (APL).
Point shapefile or ArcPad
AXF layer that has an associated layer definition file. The layer definition file
can include any form of customization, such as custom forms or custom symbology.
Polyline shapefile
or ArcPad AXF layer with no layer definition file.
Polyline shapefile or
ArcPad AXF layer that has an associated layer definition file.
shapefile or ArcPad AXF layer with no layer definition file.
Polygon shapefile or
ArcPad AXF layer that has an associated layer definition file.
layer, such as a graphics layer.
Image layer.
Photo layer.
StreetMap layer.
To associate a custom layer icon with a shapefile, place any 16 by 16 pixel Windows icon
file (ICO) in the same folder as the shapefile it is to be associated with and
rename the icon file with the same prefix as the shapefile. For example, to
associate an icon, such as ,
with a shapefile roads.shp, rename the icon file to roads.ico.
To associate an icon with an ArcPad AXF layer, right-click the feature layer (in ArcPad Studio) and choose Set Layer Icon. Browse to the icon file and click Open. These custom icons will then be used by ArcPad instead of the standard layer icons.
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There are many sources of icon files on the Internet, or you can create your own. ArcPad includes a variety of icons in the Samples folder located in the ArcPad installation folder.
Layer Visibility
When checked, the layer is drawn on the ArcPad map, provided the map scale is within the range specified on the Scale tab of the layer’s Layer Properties dialog box.
When unchecked, the layer is not to be drawn, provided the layer is not active for editing.
Tapping toggles the
visibility for all layers on or off, except for the built-in GPS Tracklog and Map
Grid layers.
The default is unchecked for the built-in GPS Tracklog and Map Grid layers and checked for new layers added to the map. The layer visibility settings in the ArcPad map file (APM) override the default settings.
This displays the name of each layer, as defined on the Information tab of the Layer Properties dialog box. Double-tapping a layer opens the Layer Properties dialog box for the layer.
This is a display-only field.
When checked, the layer is active for querying with the Identify and Advanced Select tools.
When unchecked, the layer is not active for querying with the Identify or Advanced Select tools.
Tapping toggles Identify on or
off for all layers.
The default is checked for new layers added to the map. The layer Identify settings in the ArcPad map file (APM) override the default settings.
When checked, the layer is active for editing.
When unchecked, the layer is not active for editing.
Layers can also be activated or deactivated for editing by using the Start/Stop Editing tool on the Browse toolbar.
Layers without a corresponding Edit check box are not editable in ArcPad. Layers that are not editable may be due to one of two reasons:
- Editing of the layer type is not supported in ArcPad (for example, image layers).
- The layer is read-only. Shapefile and ArcPad AXF layers can be read-only if the file permissions are set to read-only or if the read-only layer element in the layer definition file is set to true.
Up to three layers can be active for editing, but only one layer of each feature type can be active for editing at a time, in other words, one point feature layer, one line feature layer, and one polygon feature layer. Graphics layers can include point, line, and polygon features. If a graphics layer is made editable, all other layers are deactivated for editing. If a graphics layer is active for editing, and another shapefile layer is activated for editing, the matching feature type within the graphics layer is deactivated for editing. For example, if a graphics layer is editable, and subsequently, a point layer is activated for editing, only the line and polygon feature types within the graphics layer are editable.
The default is unchecked for new layers added to the map and checked for new layers created and added to the map, using the New submenu of the main toolbar. The layer edit settings in the ArcPad map file (APM) override the default settings.
Display edit form
When checked, the edit form is displayed when editing. The default is checked.
By unchecking this box, the edit form will not be displayed when you capture new features. This may be useful if your data is preconfigured (in the source geodatabase) to have default values for attributes.
If a layer has required fields, the edit form cannot be disabled.
Quick Draw mode
When the user taps the QuickDraw tool (on the Edit toolbar) the setting for each of the layers (nominated here) is applied. By default, all feature layers are set to the QuickDraw state, and all photo, graphic, and raster layers are set to be visible.
Feature layers (both shapefiles and AXF layers) can have three states:
- QuickDraw (black and white icon)—The layer is drawn at one-quarter of the Coarseness. Coarseness is defined on the Display Quality tab.
- Full draw (colored icon)—The layer is drawn as normal. Even when the QuickDraw tool is enabled, the layer will be drawn as normal. For example, you may choose to always show your operational layer in the full draw state and only show background layers in the QuickDraw state.
- Not visible (the box is blank)—The layer is not drawn at all.
Photo, graphic, and raster layers can have two states:
- Visible (the box has a check)—The layer is drawn.
- Not visible (the box is blank)—The layer is not drawn at all.
Layers selected for editing will be drawn in full while in Quick Draw mode.
This displays the location, or folder, where the layer file is stored on the device.
This is a display-only field.
Select Projection
Tap to select a projection file (PRJ) for ArcPad to use for the current map’s coordinate system and projection parameters.
Map Properties
Tap to open the Map Properties dialog box. The Map Properties dialog box is described in the "Map Properties" section of this reference guide.
Add layers
Tap to open the Add Layers dialog box to select layers to be added to the current map.
Layer properties
Tap to open the Layer Properties dialog box to view and change various properties for the selected layer. The Layer Properties dialog box is described in the "Layer Properties" section of this reference guide.
Move up
Tap to move the layer up one position in the layer drawing order.
Move down
Tap to move the layer down one position in the layer drawing order.
Tap this to remove the selected layer.