Using your existing data
Using your existing data, ArcPad leverages existing mapping and GIS software systems
and databases. ArcPad supports vector map and raster image display including
numerous industry-standard formats. In addition, ArcPad supports most of the
symbology used in ArcGIS Desktop, enabling you to display layers in your mobile GIS
applications using the standards of your organization.
Capturing data in the field
ArcPad provides a comprehensive set of tools users need for collecting and capturing
data in the field including redlining using a graphics layer, and extensive support
for capture devices such as GPS receivers, rangefinders, and cameras.
Moving around your map
ArcPad has a number of map navigation tools, including variable zoom and pan, fixed
zoom, zoom to a specified layer or spatial bookmark, and center on the current GPS
Querying your data
ArcPad enables you to identify features by tapping on them; display additional
information about features through a hyperlink; navigate to a specific geographic
coordinate; and locate a feature within the extent of your map, label it, and zoom
to it.
Measuring distances on your map
ArcPad lets you measure distance, area, and bearings on your map with three measuring
tools: Measure, Freehand Measure, and Radial Measure.
Navigating with your GPS
Connect a GPS to your mobile device and let ArcPad guide you. ArcPad provides
navigational information from the current GPS position to the destination and a GPS
tracklog that illustrates the path you have traveled.
Editing your data
In addition to displaying and querying spatial data, ArcPad allows you to create and
edit spatial data using input from either the mouse pointer, pen, GPS, or
rangefinder. ArcPad also supports offsets, traverses, repeated attributes, and
segmented lines to ensure more accurate and efficient data capture.
Editing attributes in related tables
ArcPad allows you to edit attribute data associated with spatial features. This
attribute data can be located in the feature data table, or in a related table.
ArcPad supports viewing and editing of attributes in related tables, where each
feature may have one or more related records in a secondary table.
Rapid data collection with QuickProject
ArcPad provides flexibility for field data capture. You can capture new data or edit
existing data. You can have vector and image background reference data to help
locate yourself in the field. New data can be captured into existing layers or into
new layers created in the field with ArcPad. The QuickProject tool allows you to
rapidly create a ready to use data capture project with or without background
reference data.
Including ArcPad in your GIS solution
ArcPad is the field component to your ArcGIS solution. Use the ArcPad Data Manager
for ArcGIS to extract, convert, project, and update your data using the ArcGIS
Desktop products (ArcView, ArcEditor, or ArcInfo).