DateTime controls
Use a DateTime control to provide a formatted date field that allows easy date selection. In addition, the DateTime control displays a drop-down calender that can be used to select a date.
DateTime controls are represented by Control objects in the ArcPad object model and by DATETIME elements in ArcPad Extensible Markup Language (XML).
DateTime control attributes are set at design time in ArcPad Studio on the Control Properties dialog box. They cannot be changed at run time (some attributes have corresponding properties that can be accessed and changed at run time). For more information, see Attributes vs. properties.
Attributes beginning with "on" (for example, onchange) are used to specify the script to run when an event occurs. These attributes are set in the Events page on the Control Properties dialog box. Attributes are written to the customization file (layer definition, applet, default configuration) in ArcPad XML format.
The following table shows the available DateTime control attributes and descriptions:
Attributes | Descriptions |
name | The DateTime control name. Used to reference the DateTime control in scripts. |
width | The control's width. |
height | The controls's height. |
x | The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the control. |
y | The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the control. |
sip | Specifies if the soft input panel (SIP) displays on pen devices when the control gets the focus. |
required | Specifies if the user must select a date for the control. |
allownulls | Specifies if the control can accept a null value. |
defaultvalue | A simple expression that specifies the default value for the control. |
tabstop | Specifies if the TAB key can be used to move the focus to the control. |
group | Specifies if the control starts a new group of controls. |
border | Specifies if the control has a border. |
readonly | Specifies if the control's value can be modified by the user. |
field | The field of the shapefile's database file format (DBF) table that is linked to the control. |
backgroundcolor | The background color to use for the control. If not specified, this value is inherited from the page's backgroundcolor attribute. |
color | The color to use for the control's text. If not specified, this value is inherited from the page's color attribute. |
font | The font to use for the control's text. If not specified, this value is inherited from the page's font attribute. |
fontsize | The font size to use for the control's text. If not specified, this value is inherited from the page's fontsize attribute. |
fontstyle | The font style to use for the control's text. If not specified, this value is inherited from the page's fontstyle attribute. |
onchange | The script to run when an OnChange event occurs. |
oncloseup | The script to run when an OnCloseUp event occurs. |
ondropdown | The script to run when an OnDropDown event occurs. |
onsetfocus | The script to run when an OnSetFocus event occurs. |
onkillfocus | The script to run when an OnKillFocus event occurs. |
onvalidate | The script to run when an OnValidate event occurs. |
DateTime controls generate a range of events as they are operating. You can specify a script to run when any of these events occur in the Events page on the Control Properties dialog box.
The following table shows the available DateTime control events and descriptions:
Events | Descriptions |
OnChange | Occurs when the user selects a date in the control. |
OnCloseUp | Occurs when the drop-down calender is closed. |
OnDropDown | Occurs when the drop-down calender is displayed. |
OnKillFocus | Occurs when the control loses the focus. |
OnSetFocus | Occurs when the control gets the focus. |
OnValidate | Occurs when the control is validated. |
DateTime control properties can be read and set at run time via scripts.
The following table shows the available DateTime control properties and descriptions:
Properties | Descriptions |
DefaultValue | Returns or sets the default value expression for the control. |
Enabled | Returns or sets a value that determines if the control is enabled. |
Field | Returns a reference to the feature attribute field to which the control is bound. |
hWnd | Returns the control's window handle. |
Index | Returns the control's index. |
Name | Returns the control's name. |
Parent | Returns a reference to the page that contains the control. |
Text | Returns the date currently displayed in the control. |
Type | Returns the control type ("DATETIME" for a DateTime control). |
Value | Returns the date currently displayed in the control. |
Visible | Returns or sets a value that determines if the control is visible. |
DateTime control methods can be called at run time via scripts.
The following table shows the available DateTime control method and description:
Method | Description |
SetFocus | Sets the focus to the control. |
Referencing a DateTime control
You can only reference a DateTime control in a form that is currently displayed. Attempting to reference a DateTime control in a form that is not currently displayed results in a runtime error. The following discusses the approaches (Direct and Event) to referencing a DateTime control.
Direct reference
This involves referencing a DateTime control via its name, page's name, form's name, and form's parent object. For example, use the following code to reference a DateTime control with the name "dtDateAdded" on a page with the name "pgPage1" in a form with the name "frmSettings" that is present in an applet with the name "Custom Settings":
Dim objForm
Set objForm = Applet.Forms("frmSettings")
Dim objPage
Set objPage = objForm.Pages("pgPage1")
Dim objDateTime
Set objDateTime = objPage.Controls("dtDateAdded")
var objForm = Applet.Forms("frmSettings");
var objPage = objForm.Pages("pgPage1");
var objDateTime = objPage.Controls("dtDateAdded");
objForm = Applet.Forms("frmSettings")
objPage = objForm.Pages("pgPage1")
objDateTime = objPage.Controls("dtDateAdded")
Dim objApplet
Set objApplet = Application.Applets("Custom Settings")
Dim objForm
Set objForm = objApplet.Forms("frmSettings")
Dim objPage
Set objPage = objForm.Pages("pgPage1")
Dim objDateTime
Set objDateTime = objPage.Controls("dtDateAdded")
var objApplet = Application.Applets("Custom Settings");
var objForm = objApplet.Forms("frmSettings");
var objPage = objForm.Pages("pgPage1");
var objDateTime = objPage.Controls("dtDateAdded");
objApplet = Application.Applets("Custom Settings")
objForm = objApplet.Forms("frmSettings")
objPage = objForm.Pages("pgPage1")
objDateTime = objPage.Controls("dtDateAdded")
Event reference
This involves referencing a DateTime control in an event handling script. For example, use the following code to reference a DateTime control in its OnChange event handler:
Dim objDateTime
Set objDateTime = ThisEvent.Object
var objDateTime = ThisEvent.Object;
objDateTime = ThisEvent.Object
Dim objPage
Set objPage = ThisEvent.Object.Pages("pgPage1")
Dim objDateTime
Set objDateTime = objPage.Controls("dtDateAdded")
var objPage = ThisEvent.Object.Pages("pgPage1");
var objDateTime = objPage.Controls("dtDateAdded");
objPage = ThisEvent.Object.Pages("pgPage1")
objDateTime = objPage.Controls("dtDateAdded")
Initializing a DateTime control
DateTime control initialization involves setting particular DateTime properties when the control first displays. Generally, the OnLoad event handler of the page or form is the most appropriate place to do this. For example, the following code displays a DateTime control with the name "dtDateAdded" with today's date when called in the page's OnLoad event handler:
Dim objControls
Set objControls = ThisEvent.Object.Controls
objControls("dtDateAdded").Enabled = Now
var objControls = ThisEvent.Object.Controls;
var dtDate = new Date();
var strToday = (dtDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/";
strToday += dtDate.getDate() + "/";
strToday += dtDate.getYear();
objControls("dtDateAdded").Value = strToday;
objControls = ThisEvent.Object.Controls
objControls("dtDateAdded").Enabled =
Dim objControls
Set objControls = ThisEvent.Object.Controls
objControls("dtDateAdded").Value = CDate(#04/20/2001#)
var objControls = ThisEvent.Object.Controls;
var dtDate = new Date("4/20/2001");
objControls("dtDateAdded").Value = dtDate.getVarDate();
objControls = ThisEvent.Object.Controls
objControls("dtDateAdded").Value =, 4, 20)