Create App shortcut for the Elmore sample project
You want to create a shortcut for an ArcPad project, in this case Elmore.apm.
- Open ArcPad.
- Open the map Elmore.apm.
- Click on the Quick Access menu, and select Create App Shortcut.
- On the Description tab, change the App name to Jobs for Jeff.
- Select the Electricity and Gas icon.
- Click OK.
A prompt will show that Jobs for Jeff has been created.
- Close ArcPad.
- From the ArcPad Apps folder on the Start menu, select the Jobs for Jeff App.
The ArcPad Apps folder is automatically created the first time you create an App shortcut. All subsequent App shortcuts are automatically added to the ArcPad Apps folder. You can choose to place the ArcPad Apps folder, or individual App shortcuts, on the desktop by right-clicking on the folder or shortcut and choosing Send to Desktop (create shortcut).
- Notice that the App launches ArcPad; the custom icon that you previously selected is used in place of the ArcPad icon for the application, and the map is opened automatically.