Publishing an ArcPad project

To publish an arcpad project you need:

  1. Map document (mxd)
  2. ArcPad configuration file (apo)

These two files must be saved in a location from where they can be accessed by ArcGIS Server. The publication process is the same as for any ArcGIS Server Map Service.

To learn more about Map Services, see What is a Map Service in the ArcGIS Server help

To learn more about Publishing a GIS resource to the server (using ArcCatalog), see Publishing in the ArcGIS Server help


The ArcPad Extension for ArcGIS can only be used to publish data via ArcCatalog. The ArcGIS Server Manager cannot be used to publish ArcPad data.

In order to publish your project:

  1. Open ArcCatalog by clicking Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > ArcCatalog.

    Add a connection

  2. If you do not have a connection, double-click Add ArcGIS Server, as shown above. The following screen appears.

    Manage GIS Services

  3. Choose the option Manage GIS Services and click Next. The following screen appears.

    Server URL

  4. Enter the connection details for your ArcGIS Server and click Finish. The Server URL should be http://<yourgisservermachinename>/arcgis/services and the Host name should be <yourgisservermachinename>. Click Finish and the server you just created will be added in ArcCatalog. To add a map service (which will contain your arcpad publication), right-click on the ArcGIS server you just created and choose Add New Service as shown below.

    The Server URL<http://yourgisservermachinename>/arcgis/services is used to connect internally for publishing. For external access, the web URL would be

    Add New Service

  5. Give your map service a unique name. In this case the name is Riverside_ArcPad. See the screen capture below.

    Name your Map Service

  6. When you click Next, the following screen appears.

    Choose Map Document

  7. Browse for the Map Document, which you previously configured with the Get Data for ArcPad wizard for publication to ArcGIS Server. In this example, it is \\Webboy\MXD\RiversideSDE.mxd. Now select the server cache directory; in this example, the default value listed in the drop-down list is chosen. Click Next.


    The map document file path must be accessible across a network, so it should be \\ server name\filename.mxd.

  8. The following screen appears:

    Choose ArcPad extension

  9. Select the ArcPad service from the list in the top left-hand corner of the dialog box, as shown above. Once the service is selected, a summary of the contents of the configuration file is displayed under Properties. Ensure that this is the configuration you wish to publish and click Next. The following screen appears.

    Choose Pooling

  10. Choose the pooling and time-out requirements on this page. For this example, the values are kept at the default. Click Next. The following screen appears.

    Choose instances

  11. Choose the process preferences on this screen. The values are kept at the default in this example. Confirm the service you are about to create, and choose to start the service right now. Click Finish. The following screen appears.

    Choose to start the service

  12. Your data is now published on the Server.