Editing related tables in ArcPad

In this task you will use ArcPad to edit the poles layer, by selecting a pole and adding a light to the pole, as well as a light inspection to the added light.

  1. Start ArcPad (on your Windows Mobile device or on your PC).
  2. In ArcPad, use the Open Map tool to navigate to the folder that you created in the previous task and to open the ArcPad map.
  3. Tap Table of Contents button on the main toolbar.


    Notice that only the Poles layer has a checkbox for editing as it was the only layer selected for editing in the Get Data For ArcPad tool in the previous task. All of the other layers were selected for display only, and as a result are read-only in ArcPad.

  4. Check the Edit checkbox for the Poles layer to select the layer for editing.


  5. Tap OK.

    You are now ready to select a Pole to edit

  6. Tap Select to activate the Select tool.


  7. Tap one of the Poles to select it.
  8. Tap the Properties tool to open the Feature Attributes dialog box.

    Notice that the subtypes and coded value domains defined in ArcGIS are shown in the Feature Properties dialog as drop-down list. You can tap the MATERIAL or MANUFACTURER properties to display the drop-down list and select a value from the list.

  9. Tap the INSTALLDATE property and select today’s date.


    The relationship classes and related tables that were defined for the Riverside geodatabase and the Poles feature class (in ArcCatalog) are displayed in the additional tabs (Lights, LightInspections) on the Feature Properties dialog box. In addition each relationship appears as a field with a light grey background color on the bottom of the Attributes page. Tapping on these fields will navigate you to the page for that relationship. The Down arrow NO ALT TEXT indicates that Lights is a child table for the Poles feature class, while the Double Down arrow NO ALT TEXT indicates that LightInspections is a child table for the Lights table.

  10. Tap the Down arrow to the left of the Lights relationship to go to the Lights page. Or, tap on the Lights tab of the Feature Properties dialog box.


    There are no records in the Lights table—your task is to add a Light that is associated with the current selected pole.

  11. Tap the Add button to switch to the single row view that is used for adding and editing related table records.


  12. Tap the Type property and enter ‘Halogen’ for the type of light. Also enter an InstallDate and a LightID.
  13. Tap the Down arrow to the left of the LightInspections relationship to go to the LightInspections page. Or, tap on the LightInspections tab of the Feature Properties dialog box.
  14. On the LightInspections page, tap the Add button to switch to the single row view for entering information on the light inspection.
  15. Tap the InspectionDate property and select today’s date. Also enter data for Inspector, Condition, Comment, and InspectionID.


  16. Tap the Up arrow once to return to the list view, and a second time to return to the main Attributes page for the pole that you have been editing.
  17. Tap ok to save the changes made to both the Pole feature and to the related tables, and to close the Feature Properties dialog box.

    You have completed the task of editing the Pole and adding a light and light inspection to the pole.

  18. In the main ArcPad map view, tap the Open Map dropdown button and then tap Exit to save your changes and quit ArcPad.
  19. Use Microsoft ActiveSync (for Windows XP) or Windows Mobile Device Center (for Windows Vista) to establish a synchronization session between your Desktop PC and Windows Mobile device.
  20. Use Windows Explorer to copy the entire contents of the data folder from your Windows Mobile device to your Desktop PC. You are essentially replacing the data from the Get Data for ArcPad tool with the data that you have edited in ArcPad.