Overview of creating line features with a GPS

Creating a line feature using the incoming GPS coordinates involves the following steps:

  1. Select a line layer for editing via the Start/Stop Editing tool or the Table of Contents.
  2. Activate the GPS.
  3. Tap the Polyline button to start capturing a line feature.
  4. Tap the Add GPS Vertex button to capture a single vertex, or tap the Add GPS Vertices Continuously button to capture streaming vertices.
  5. Tap the Proceed button on the Command bar to complete the capture of the line feature.
  6. Type in attributes for the new line feature.


Enabling GPS position averaging for vertices: GPS position averaging for vertices is enabled in the Capture page of the GPS Preferences dialog box. You can also specify the number of GPS positions for ArcPad to average.


Changing the streaming vertices position and distance intervals: By default, the Add GPS Vertices Continuously mode captures a vertex each time ArcPad receives a coordinate from the GPS. This may be too frequent and result in the capture of unnecessary vertices. You can increase the streaming vertices position and distance intervals in the Capture page of the GPS Preferences dialog box.


Creating GPS point features while capturing a polyline feature: The GPS Point button will be enabled—if a point layer is active for editing—even while the Polyline button is active and a line feature is in the process of being captured. While capturing a polyline, you can tap the GPS Point button to capture a point feature without having to first end the capture of the line feature. You will need to pause streaming GPS data capture if it is active.


Pausing streaming GPS data capture: ArcPad continuously captures vertices in a streaming mode when the Add GPS Vertices Continuously tool is active. Tap the Add GPS Vertices Continuously button to pause or stop capturing vertices. Tap the button again to resume capturing vertices.
