Undoing and cancelling edits

You can undo edits made to the geometry of a feature using the Undo and/or the Cancel Feature Edits tools. The Undo and Cancel Feature Edits tools can only be used prior to saving your changes using the Commit Geometry Changes tool. All these tools are located on the Command bar.

The Undo tool goes back to the previous change. If you make several changes to a line vertex, the Undo tool enables you to go back one step. You can keep stepping back until all your edits are undone.

The Cancel Feature Edits tool goes back to the original shape of the feature you modified.

  1. Begin editing your feature using the methods described earlier in this section.

    The Undo and Cancel Feature Edits tools are activated once you have made your first change such as insert vertex or move feature.


  2. Tap the Undo button to undo the last change.
  3. Tap the Cancel Feature Edits button to revert back to the original shape or location of the feature.