Text/Style (graphics features)

The Text/Style tab is used to display and edit properties of features associated with a graphics layer. The Text/Style tab can only be accessed via the Feature Properties tool; the Identify tool is not available for graphics layers. When accessed via the Feature Properties tool—or by double-tapping a feature with the Select tool—all fields are read/write.



Type the text to be used to label the graphics feature on the map.

The default is blank for a new feature.

Text Symbol

The Text Symbol button displays the current specified font and color for the graphic feature’s label text. Tap the Text Symbol button to open the Text Symbol Properties dialog box to change the text symbol properties: color, font, and scale.

No Text Symbol

When unchecked, labels are displayed for the graphics feature. When checked, labels are not displayed.

The defaults are unchecked for text features and checked for point, line, and polygon features.

Feature Symbol

for the point, line, or polygon graphics feature. Tap the Feature Symbol button to open the Point, Line, or Polygon Symbol Properties dialog box to change the feature symbol style and scale properties.

No Feature Symbol

When unchecked, the symbology for the graphics feature is displayed on the map. When checked, the symbology for the graphics feature is not displayed.

The defaults are unchecked for point, line, and polygon features and checked for text features.
