
The Snapping tab is used to specify which layers will be used to snap to when creating or editing features and which part of the layer’s features will be snapped to. You can also specify whether or not the snapping buffer will be displayed and the snapping tolerance for individual layers.

Snapping is also used by tools such as Identify, Hyperlink, Label, GoTo, Select, and the measure tools. However, to use snapping for these tools, you need to hold down the Ctrl key on PCs or the center button on Windows Mobile devices at the same time as tapping on the map. Holding down the Ctrl key or the center button also displays the snapping buffer—but only while the key or button is held down.

The snapping tolerance can also be set on the Snapping tab of the Map Properties dialog box. The snapping tolerance set on the Map Properties dialog box is used for all layers in the map that do not have a snapping tolerance set on the Snapping tab of the Table of Contents.

Visibility of snapping buffer

When checked, the snapping buffer for the layer is drawn on the ArcPad map. The snapping tolerance is used for the radius of the snapping buffer.

When unchecked, the snapping buffer for the layer is not drawn.

The default is unchecked.


Displays the name of each layer, as defined on the Information tab of the Layer Properties dialog box. Only shapefile and ArcPad AXF layers are supported and listed for snapping.

This is a display-only field.


Snapping tolerance (ft or m)

Enter the snapping tolerance to be used for the layer. The snapping tolerance units are the display units specified on the Display tab of the ArcPad Options dialog box.

The default is the snapping tolerance specified on the Snapping tab of the Map Proeprties dialog box.


When checked, points of the corresponding point shapefile or ArcPad AXF layer and vertexes of the corresponding line or polygon shapefile or ArcPad AXF layer are set to snap to, using the snapping tolerance. Tapping the Vertex column title toggles vertex (or point) snapping on or off for all layers.

The default is unchecked for all layers.


When checked, edges of the corresponding line or polygon shapefile or ArcPad AXF layer are set to snap to, using the snapping tolerance. An edge is the extrapolated line joining two vertexes in a line or polygon shapefile or ArcPad AXF layer.

Tapping the Edge column title toggles edge snapping on or off for all line and polygon shapefile or ArcPad AXF layers.

The default is unchecked for all line and polygon shapefile and ArcPad AXF layers.


When checked, end vertexes of the corresponding line shapefile or ArcPad AXF layer are set to snap to, using the snapping tolerance.

Tapping the End column title toggles end snapping on or off for all line shapefile or ArcPad AXF layers.

The default is unchecked for all line shapefile or ArcPad AXF layers.
