Custom solver
// Copyright 2012 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions.

// Copyright 2011 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions at <your ArcGIS install location>/DeveloperKit10.1/userestrictions.txt.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "NameConstants.h"
#include "float.h"  // for FLT_MAX, etc.
#include "math.h"   // for HUGE_VAL
#include "ConnectivitySolver.h"
#include "ConnectivitySymbolizer.h"

// ConnectivitySolver

// IConnectivitySolver

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_OutputLines(esriNAOutputLineType* pVal)
  if (!pVal)
    return E_POINTER;

  *pVal = m_outputLineType;

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::put_OutputLines(esriNAOutputLineType newVal)
  m_outputLineType = newVal;

  m_bPersistDirty = true;

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_OutputConnectivity(outputConnectivityType* pVal)
  if (!pVal)
    return E_POINTER;

  *pVal = m_outputConnectivityType;

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::put_OutputConnectivity(outputConnectivityType newVal)
  m_outputConnectivityType = newVal;

  m_bPersistDirty = true;

  return S_OK;

// INASolver

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_Name(BSTR* pName)
  if (!pName)
    return E_POINTER;

  // This name is locale/language independent and should not be translated. 

  *pName = ::SysAllocString(CS_NAME);

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_DisplayName(BSTR* pName)
  if (!pName)
    return E_POINTER;

  // This name should be translated and would typically come from
  // a string resource. 

  *pName = ::SysAllocString(CS_DISPLAY_NAME);

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_ClassDefinitions(INamedSet** ppDefinitions)
  if (!ppDefinitions)
    return E_POINTER;

  *ppDefinitions = 0;

  // get_ClassDefinitions() will return the default NAClasses that this solver uses.
  // We will define a NAClass for "Seed Points", "Barriers", and "Lines".
  // Barriers are just like the other NA Solvers' Barriers.
  // Lines are the sets of connected/disconnected lines that this solver discovers.
  // Lines are akin to the Routes output from a Route Solver.
  // Seed Points are the origins of traversal for this solver.

  ISpatialReferencePtr ipUnkSR(CLSID_UnknownCoordinateSystem);

  if (FAILED(hr = BuildClassDefinitions(ipUnkSR, ppDefinitions, 0)))
    return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), _T("Failed to create class definitions."), IID_INASolver, hr);

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_CanUseHierarchy(VARIANT_BOOL* pCanUseHierarchy)
  if (!pCanUseHierarchy)
    return E_POINTER;

  // This solver does not make use of hierarchies

  *pCanUseHierarchy = VARIANT_FALSE;

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_CanAccumulateAttributes(VARIANT_BOOL* pCanAccumulateAttrs)
  if (!pCanAccumulateAttrs)
    return E_POINTER;

  // This solver does not support attribute accumulation

  *pCanAccumulateAttrs = VARIANT_FALSE;

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_Properties(IPropertySet** ppPropSet)
  if (!ppPropSet)
    return E_POINTER;

  // The use of the property set has been deprecated at 9.2.
  // Clients should use the accessors and mutators on the solver interfaces.

  *ppPropSet = 0;

  return E_NOTIMPL;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::CreateLayer(INAContext* pContext, INALayer** ppLayer)
  if (!ppLayer)
    return E_POINTER;

  *ppLayer = 0;

  // This is an appropriate place to check if the user is licensed to run
  // your solver and fail with "E_NOT_LICENSED" or similar.

  // Create our custom symbolizer and use it to create the NALayer.
  // NOTE: we are assuming here that there is only one symbolizer to
  // consider.  The ArcGIS Network Analyst extension framework and ESRI solvers support the notion
  // that there can be many symbolizers in CATID_NetworkAnalystSymbolizer.
  // One can iterate the objects in this category and call the Applies()
  // method to see if the symbolizer should be used for a particular solver/context.
  // There is also a get_Priority() method that is used to determine which
  // to use if many Apply.

    INASymbolizerPtr ipNASymbolizer(__uuidof(ConnectivitySymbolizer));

  return ipNASymbolizer->CreateLayer(pContext, ppLayer);

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::UpdateLayer(INALayer* pLayer, VARIANT_BOOL* pLayerUpdated)
  if (!pLayer || !pLayerUpdated)
    return E_POINTER;

  // This method is called after Solve() and gives us a chance to react to the results of
  // the Solve and change the layer. For example, the Service Area solver updates
  // its layer renderers after Solve has been called to adjust for unique values.

  // We will not need to update our layer, since our renderers will remain the same throughout

  *pLayerUpdated = VARIANT_FALSE;

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::Solve(INAContext* pNAContext, IGPMessages* pMessages, ITrackCancel* pTrackCancel, VARIANT_BOOL* pIsPartialSolution)
  // Solve is the method that is called to perform the actual network analysis. The solver component
  // should be in a valid state before this method should be called. For example, within the ArcMap
  // application, ArcGIS Network Analyst extension performs certain validation checks on the solver and its associated output
  // before enabling the Solve command (on the Network Analyst toolbar) for any given solver.
  // This validation includes the following status checks:
  // 1) check that the solver has created a valid context
  // 2) check that the solver has created a valid NALayer
  // 3) check that the solver's associated NAClass feature classes currently have valid cardinalities 
  //    (this last concept is discussed in the BuildClassDefinitions method of this custom solver)

  // Once the solver component has produced a valid state for appropriate processing (such as defined above),
  // this method should be available to call
  // NOTE: for consistency within custom applications, similar validation checks should also be implemented
  // before calling the Solve method on any solver  


  // Check for null parameter variables (the track cancel variable is typically considered optional)
  if (!pNAContext || !pMessages)
    return E_POINTER;

  // The partialSolution variable is used to indicate to the caller of this method whether or not we were only able to 
  // find a partial solution to the problem. We initialize this variable to false and set it to true only in certain
  // conditional cases (e.g., some stops/points are unreachable, a seed point is unlocated, etc.)
  *pIsPartialSolution = VARIANT_FALSE;

  // NOTE: this is an appropriate place to check if the user is licensed to run
  // your solver and fail with "E_NOT_LICENSED" or similar.

  // Clear the GP messages
  if (FAILED(hr = pMessages->Clear()))
    return hr;

  // Validate the context (i.e., make sure that it is bound to a network dataset)
  INetworkDatasetPtr ipNetworkDataset;
  if (FAILED(hr = pNAContext->get_NetworkDataset(&ipNetworkDataset)))
    return hr;

  if (!ipNetworkDataset)
    return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), _T("Context does not have a valid network dataset."), IID_INASolver);

  // NOTE: this is also a good place to perform any additional necessary validation, such as
  // synchronizing the attribute names set on your solver with those of the context's network dataset

  // Check for a Step Progressor on the track cancel parameter variable.
  // This can be used to indicate progress and output messages to the client throughout the solve
  CancelTrackerHelper cancelTrackerHelper;
  IStepProgressorPtr ipStepProgressor;
  if (pTrackCancel)
    IProgressorPtr ipProgressor;
    if (FAILED(hr = pTrackCancel->get_Progressor(&ipProgressor)))
      return hr;

    ipStepProgressor = ipProgressor;

    // We use the cancel tracker helper object to disassociate and reassociate the cancel tracker from the progressor
    // during and after the Solve, respectively. This prevents calls to ITrackCancel::Continue from stepping our progressor

  // Reset each NAClass to an appropriate state (as necessary) before proceeding
  // This is typically done in order to:
  // 1) remove any features that were previously created in our output NAClasses from previous solves
  // 2) check the input NAClasses for output fields and reset these field values as necessary
  // In our case, we do not have any input NAClasses with output fields, and we only have one output feature class, 
  // so we can simply clear any features currently present in the "LineData" NAClass. 
  // NOTE: if you have multiple input/output NAClasses to clean up, you can simply loop through all NAClasses,
  // get their NAClassDefinition, check whether or not each is an input/output class, and reset it accordingly
  INamedSetPtr ipNAClasses;
  if (FAILED(hr = pNAContext->get_NAClasses(&ipNAClasses)))
    return hr;

  IUnknownPtr ipUnk;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipNAClasses->get_ItemByName(CComBSTR(CS_LINES_NAME), &ipUnk)))
    return hr;

  INAClassPtr ipLinesNAClass(ipUnk);
  if (FAILED(hr = ipLinesNAClass->DeleteAllRows()))   // remove any features that might have been created on previous solves
    return hr;

  // Setup the Network Forward Star for traversal
  // Create a Forward Star object from the INetworkQuery interface of the network dataset
  INetworkQueryPtr ipNetworkQuery(ipNetworkDataset);
  INetworkForwardStarPtr ipNetworkForwardStar;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkQuery->CreateForwardStar(&ipNetworkForwardStar)))
    return hr;

  // QI the Forward Star to INetworkForwardStarEx
  // This interface can be used to setup necessary traversal constraints on the Forward Star before proceeding
  // This typically includes:
  // 1) setting the traversal direction (through INetworkForwardStarSetup::IsForwardTraversal)
  // 2) setting any restrictions on the forward star (e.g., oneway restrictions, restricted turns, etc.)
  // 3) setting the U-turn policy (through INetworkForwardStarSetup::Backtrack)
  // 4) setting the hierarchy (through INetworkForwardStarSetup::HierarchyAttribute)
  // 5) setting up traversable/non-traversable elements (in our case, we will be setting up barriers as non-traversable)
  INetworkForwardStarExPtr ipNetworkForwardStarEx(ipNetworkForwardStar);

  // Get the "Barriers" NAClass table (we need the NALocation objects from this NAClass to push barriers into the Forward Star)
  ITablePtr ipBarriersTable;
  if (FAILED(hr = GetNAClassTable(pNAContext, CComBSTR(CS_BARRIERS_NAME), &ipBarriersTable)))
    return hr;

  // Load the barriers
  if (FAILED(hr = LoadBarriers(ipBarriersTable, ipNetworkQuery, ipNetworkForwardStarEx)))
    return hr;

  // Create a Forward Star Adjacencies object (we need this object to hold traversal queries carried out on the Forward Star)
  INetworkForwardStarAdjacenciesPtr ipNetworkForwardStarAdjacencies;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkQuery->CreateForwardStarAdjacencies(&ipNetworkForwardStarAdjacencies)))
    return hr;

  // Begin traversal
  // Determine the maximum number of edge elements in the network dataset and initialize data structures
  long maxEdgeEID, totalEdgeEIDs, totalConnectedEdgeEIDs, totalDisconnectedEdgeEIDs;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkQuery->get_MaxEID(esriNETEdge, &maxEdgeEID)))
    return hr;

  if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkQuery->get_ElementCount(esriNETEdge, &totalEdgeEIDs)))
    return hr;

  // We must divide this value in half because get_ElementCount returns two counts for each unique edge EID: one for each direction
  // Since this is an undirected search, we are not concerned with edge direction
  totalEdgeEIDs /= 2;

  // Edge connectivity bitmap
  connectivity_bitmap edgeEIDIsConnected;
  edgeEIDIsConnected.resize(maxEdgeEID + 1); // initialize bitmap size (all are automatically set to false)

  // Stack for holding junction EIDs
  junction_stack  junctionStack;

  // Hashtable for holding segmentRecords
  segment_hash  segmentRecordHashTable; 

  // Get the "Seed Points" NAClass table (we need the NALocation objects from this NAClass as the starting points for Forward Star
  // traversals)
  ITablePtr ipSeedPointsTable;
  if (FAILED(hr = GetNAClassTable(pNAContext, CComBSTR(CS_SEED_POINTS_NAME), &ipSeedPointsTable)))
    return hr;

  // Setup our progressor based on the number of seed points
  if (ipStepProgressor)
    long numberOfSeedPoints;
    if (FAILED(hr = ipSeedPointsTable->RowCount(0, &numberOfSeedPoints)))
      return hr;
    // Step progressor range = 0 through numberOfSeedPoints
    if (FAILED(hr = ipStepProgressor->put_MinRange(0)))                       // 0 through...
      return hr;
    if (FAILED(hr = ipStepProgressor->put_MaxRange(numberOfSeedPoints)))      // numberOfSeedPoints...
      return hr;
    if (FAILED(hr = ipStepProgressor->put_StepValue(1)))                      // incremented in step intervals of 1...
      return hr;
    if (FAILED(hr = ipStepProgressor->put_Position(0)))                       // and starting at step 0
      return hr;

    // Show the progressor
    if (FAILED(hr = ipStepProgressor->Show()))
      return hr;

  // Get a cursor on the seed points table to loop through each row
  ICursorPtr ipCursor;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipSeedPointsTable->Search(0, VARIANT_TRUE, &ipCursor)))
    return hr;

  // Create variables for looping through the cursor and traversing the network
  IRowPtr ipRow;
  INALocationObjectPtr ipNALocationObject;
  INALocationPtr ipNALocation(CLSID_NALocation);
  IEnumNetworkElementPtr ipEnumNetworkElement;
  INetworkEdgePtr ipCurrentEdge;
  INetworkJunctionPtr ipCurrentJunction;

  INetworkElementPtr ipElement;
  ipNetworkQuery->CreateNetworkElement(esriNETEdge, &ipElement);
  ipCurrentEdge = ipElement;
  ipNetworkQuery->CreateNetworkElement(esriNETJunction, &ipElement);
  ipCurrentJunction = ipElement;
  long sourceID, sourceOID, currentEdgeEID, currentJunctionEID, adjacentEdgeCount;
  double posAlong, fromPosition, toPosition;
  esriNetworkElementType elementType;

  // Setup a message on our step progressor indicating that we are traversing the network
  if (ipStepProgressor)
    ipStepProgressor->put_Message(CComBSTR(L"Computing connectivity from seed point(s)")); // add more specific information here if appropriate

  // This begins our main network traversal loop
  // Loop through the cursor getting the NALocation of each NALocationObject in the seed points table,  
  // and traverse the network from each seed NALocation, setting flags in our connectivity bitmap as appropriate
  totalConnectedEdgeEIDs = 0;
  VARIANT_BOOL keepGoing, isLocated, isRestricted;
  while (ipCursor->NextRow(&ipRow) == S_OK)
    ipNALocationObject = ipRow;
    if (!ipNALocationObject) // we only want valid NALocationObjects
      // If this seed point is an invalid NALocationObject, we will only be able to find a partial solution
      *pIsPartialSolution = VARIANT_TRUE;

    if (FAILED(hr = ipNALocationObject->QueryNALocation(ipNALocation)))
      return hr;

    // Once we have the NALocation, we need to check if it is actually located within the network dataset
    isLocated = VARIANT_FALSE;
    if (ipNALocation)
      if (FAILED(hr = ipNALocation->get_IsLocated(&isLocated)))
        return hr;

    // We are only concerned with located seed point NALocations
    if (!isLocated)
      // If this seed point is unlocated, we will only be able to find a partial solution
      *pIsPartialSolution = VARIANT_TRUE;
      // Get the SourceID for the NALocation
      if (FAILED(hr = ipNALocation->get_SourceID(&sourceID)))
        return hr;

      // Get the SourceOID for the NALocation
      if (FAILED(hr = ipNALocation->get_SourceOID(&sourceOID)))
        return hr;

      // Get the PosAlong for the NALocation
      if (FAILED(hr = ipNALocation->get_SourcePosition(&posAlong)))
        return hr;

      // Once we have a located NALocation, we query the network to obtain its associated network elements
      if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkQuery->get_ElementsByOID(sourceID, sourceOID, &ipEnumNetworkElement)))
        return hr;

      // We must loop through the returned elements, looking for an appropriate starting point
      while (ipEnumNetworkElement->Next(&ipElement) == S_OK)
        // We must first check that the network element is traversable
        // We can only begin a traversal from a traversable element
        if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkForwardStarEx->get_IsRestricted(ipElement, &isRestricted)))
          return hr;

        if (isRestricted)

        // We must then check the returned element type

        // If the element is a junction, then it is the starting point of traversal 
        // We simply add its EID to the stack and break out of the enumerating loop
        if (elementType == esriNETJunction)
          if (FAILED(hr = ipElement->get_EID(&currentJunctionEID)))
            return hr;

          break;  // exit the containing while loop

        // If the element is an edge, then we must check the fromPosition and toPosition to be certain it holds an appropriate starting point 
        if (elementType == esriNETEdge)
          INetworkEdgePtr ipEdge(ipElement);
          if (FAILED(hr = ipEdge->QueryPositions(&fromPosition, &toPosition)))
            return hr;

          if (fromPosition <= posAlong && posAlong <= toPosition)
            // Our NALocation lies along this edge element
            // We will start our traversal from the FromJunction of this edge
            if (FAILED(hr = ipEdge->QueryJunctions(ipCurrentJunction, 0)))
              return hr;

            // We simply add its EID to the stack and break out of the enumerating loop
            if (FAILED(hr = ipCurrentJunction->get_EID(&currentJunctionEID)))
              return hr;

            break;  // exit the containing while loop

      // Continue traversing the network while the stack has remaining junction EIDs in it
      while (junctionStack.size() > 0)
        // Remove the next junction EID from the top of the stack
        currentJunctionEID =;

        // Query for this junction using its EID
        if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkForwardStarEx->QueryJunction(currentJunctionEID, ipCurrentJunction)))
          return hr;

        // Query adjacencies from the current junction
        if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkForwardStarEx->QueryAdjacencies(ipCurrentJunction, 0, 0, ipNetworkForwardStarAdjacencies)))
          return hr;
        // Get the adjacent edge count
        if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkForwardStarAdjacencies->get_Count(&adjacentEdgeCount)))
          return hr;

        // Loop through all adjacent edges setting their connectivity to true (if they haven't already been traversed)
        for (long i = 0; i < adjacentEdgeCount; i++)
          if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkForwardStarAdjacencies->QueryEdge(i, ipCurrentEdge, &fromPosition, &toPosition)))
            return hr;

          if (FAILED(hr = ipCurrentEdge->get_EID(&currentEdgeEID)))
            return hr;

          // Check to see if we have traversed this edge before
          if (!edgeEIDIsConnected[currentEdgeEID])
            // If not, set its connectivity to true
            edgeEIDIsConnected[currentEdgeEID] = true;

            // Add this edge element's ToJunction to the junctionStack for further traversal
            if (FAILED(hr = ipCurrentEdge->QueryJunctions(0, ipCurrentJunction)))
              return hr;  

            if (FAILED(hr = ipCurrentJunction->get_EID(&currentJunctionEID)))
              return hr;


            // Increment the total number of connected edges

    // Step the progressor before continuing to the next seed point
    if (ipStepProgressor)

    // Check to see if the user wishes to continue or cancel the solve (i.e., check whether or not the user has hit the ESC key to stop processing)
    if (pTrackCancel)
      if (FAILED(hr = pTrackCancel->Continue(&keepGoing)))
        return hr;
      if (keepGoing == VARIANT_FALSE)
        // The user wishes to cancel the solve
        // The cancel tracker helper will automatically hide the progressor and reassociate it with the track cancel object
        // (this is done implicitly from its deconstructor)
        return E_ABORT;

  // Write output
  // Now that we have completed our traversal of the network from the seed points, we must output the connected/disconnected edges
  // to the "LineData" NAClass

  // We already know the total number of connected edges, so we must figure out the remaining
  // number of disconnected edges, if any
  totalDisconnectedEdgeEIDs = totalEdgeEIDs - totalConnectedEdgeEIDs;

  // Check to see what kind and how many features we will be outputting to the Lines NAClass
  long numberOfOutputSteps = (m_outputConnectivityType == outputDisconnectedLines) ? totalDisconnectedEdgeEIDs : totalConnectedEdgeEIDs;

  // Check to see if we actually have any features to output
  if(numberOfOutputSteps == 0)
    // Since we have nothing to output, we report the connectivity results to the user and return
    if(m_outputConnectivityType == outputDisconnectedLines)
      pMessages->AddMessage(CComBSTR(L"The network is fully connected to the seed point(s)."));
      pMessages->AddMessage(CComBSTR(L"The network is fully disconnected from the seed point(s)."));

    // The cancel tracker helper will automatically hide the progressor and reassociate it with the track cancel object
    // (this is done implicitly from its deconstructor)

    return S_OK;

  // If we reach this point, we have some connected/disconnected features to output to the Lines NAClass
  // Reset the progressor based on the number of features that we must output
  if (ipStepProgressor)
    // Step progressor range = 0 through numberOfOutputSteps
    if (FAILED(hr = ipStepProgressor->put_MinRange(0)))                       
      return hr;
    if (FAILED(hr = ipStepProgressor->put_MaxRange(numberOfOutputSteps)))     
      return hr;
    if (FAILED(hr = ipStepProgressor->put_StepValue(1)))                      
      return hr;
    if (FAILED(hr = ipStepProgressor->put_Position(0)))                       
      return hr;

  // Create an output type check to determine which edges to output based on their connectivity value within the bitmap
  bool outputTypeCheck = (m_outputConnectivityType == outputDisconnectedLines) ? false : true;

  // Get the "LineData" NAClass feature class
  IFeatureClassPtr ipLinesFC(ipLinesNAClass);

  // Create an insert cursor and feature buffer from the "LineData" feature class to be used to write connected/disconnected edges
  IFeatureCursorPtr ipFeatureCursor;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipLinesFC->Insert(VARIANT_TRUE, &ipFeatureCursor)))
    return hr;

  IFeatureBufferPtr ipFeatureBuffer;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipLinesFC->CreateFeatureBuffer(&ipFeatureBuffer)))
    return hr;

  // Query for the appropriate field index values in the "LineData" feature class
  long sourceIDFieldIndex, sourceOIDFieldIndex, fromPositionFieldIndex, toPositionFieldIndex;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipLinesFC->FindField(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SOURCE_ID), &sourceIDFieldIndex)))
    return hr;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipLinesFC->FindField(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SOURCE_OID), &sourceOIDFieldIndex)))
    return hr;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipLinesFC->FindField(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_FROM_POS), &fromPositionFieldIndex)))
    return hr;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipLinesFC->FindField(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_TO_POS), &toPositionFieldIndex)))
    return hr;

  // Setup a message on our step progressor indicating that we are outputting connected/disconnected feature information
  if (ipStepProgressor)
    ipStepProgressor->put_Message(CComBSTR(L"Writing output features")); // add more specific information here if appropriate

  long sourceCount;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkDataset->get_SourceCount(&sourceCount)))
    return hr;

  // Loop through each network source checking for edge sources
  INetworkSourcePtr ipNetworkSource;
  IFeatureClassPtr ipNetworkSourceFC;
  IFeatureClassContainerPtr ipFeatureClassContainer(ipNetworkDataset);
  CComBSTR sourceName;
  CComVariant featureID(0);
  long lineFeatureCount = 0;
  for (long i = 0; i < sourceCount; i++)
    // Get the network source at this index
    if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkDataset->get_Source(i, &ipNetworkSource)))
      return hr;

    // Get the element type of this network source
    if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkSource->get_ElementType(&elementType)))
      return hr;

    // If the network source is not an edge source, then continue
    if (elementType != esriNETEdge)

    // Get the SourceID for this source
    if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkSource->get_ID(&sourceID)))
      return hr;

    // Get the source feature class
    if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkSource->get_Name(&sourceName)))
      return hr;

    if (FAILED(hr = ipFeatureClassContainer->get_ClassByName(sourceName, &ipNetworkSourceFC)))
      return hr;
    if (!ipNetworkSourceFC) // Some SDC sources do not represent valid feature classes. We must check for this and continue, as appropriate

    // Query for an enumerator of all edge elements from this source
    if (FAILED(hr = ipNetworkQuery->get_ElementsForSource(sourceID, &ipEnumNetworkElement)))
      return hr;

    // Loop through all returned edge elements, checking whether to use them for connected/disconnected output
    while (ipEnumNetworkElement->Next(&ipElement) == S_OK)
      if (FAILED(hr = ipElement->get_EID(&currentEdgeEID)))
        return hr;

      // Check edge element for output as connected/disconnected
      if (edgeEIDIsConnected[currentEdgeEID] == outputTypeCheck)
        // We will use this edge for feature output to the "LineData" NAClass
        ipCurrentEdge = ipElement;

        // Get the SourceOID of the edge
        if (FAILED(hr = ipCurrentEdge->get_OID(&sourceOID)))
          return hr;

        // Get the from/to positions of the edge
        if (FAILED(hr = ipCurrentEdge->QueryPositions(&fromPosition, &toPosition)))
          return hr;

        // Check for whether or not we are outputting geometry here
        if (m_outputLineType == esriNAOutputLineTrueShape)
          // See if we have already entered this OID in the hash table; if not, increment the line feature count
          if(segmentRecordHashTable.count(sourceOID) == 0)

          // Create a new segment record and store it as an entry in the hash table using the SourceOID as its key value
          segmentRecord currentSegmentRecord(fromPosition, toPosition);
          segmentRecordHashTable.insert(segment_entry(sourceOID, currentSegmentRecord));
          // Check the number of unique OID values in the hash table
          // Every c_featureRetrievalInterval OIDs, we will grab features from the source feature class and create new "LineData" features
          // This is more efficient than sequentially calling GetFeature(...) for each individual feature
          if (lineFeatureCount == c_featureRetrievalInterval)
            if (FAILED(hr = OutputLineFeatures(sourceID, lineFeatureCount, segmentRecordHashTable, ipNetworkSourceFC, ipFeatureCursor, ipFeatureBuffer)))
              return hr;

            // Reset the cumulative line feature count to zero
            lineFeatureCount = 0;
          // Otherwise, we can simply store the values on the feature buffer and insert the feature into the insert cursor
          if (FAILED(hr = ipFeatureBuffer->put_Value(sourceIDFieldIndex, CComVariant(sourceID))))
            return hr;
          if (FAILED(hr = ipFeatureBuffer->put_Value(sourceOIDFieldIndex, CComVariant(sourceOID))))
            return hr;
          if (FAILED(hr = ipFeatureBuffer->put_Value(fromPositionFieldIndex, CComVariant(fromPosition))))
            return hr;
          if (FAILED(hr = ipFeatureBuffer->put_Value(toPositionFieldIndex, CComVariant(toPosition))))
            return hr;

          // Insert the feature buffer in the insert cursor
          if (FAILED(hr = ipFeatureCursor->InsertFeature(ipFeatureBuffer, &featureID)))
            return hr;

        // Step the progressor before continuing
        if (ipStepProgressor)

      // Check to see if the user wishes to continue or cancel the solve (i.e., check whether or not the user has hit the ESC key to stop processing)
      if (pTrackCancel)
        if (FAILED(hr = pTrackCancel->Continue(&keepGoing)))
          return hr;
        if (keepGoing == VARIANT_FALSE)
          // The user wishes to cancel the solve
          // The cancel tracker helper will automatically hide the progressor and reassociate it with the track cancel object
          // (this is done implicitly from its deconstructor)
          return E_ABORT;

    // Make sure there are no remaining features to be output to the NAClass
    if (m_outputLineType == esriNAOutputLineTrueShape && lineFeatureCount > 0)
      if (FAILED(hr = OutputLineFeatures(sourceID, lineFeatureCount, segmentRecordHashTable, ipNetworkSourceFC, ipFeatureCursor, ipFeatureBuffer)))
        return hr;

      // Reset the cumulative line feature count to zero
      lineFeatureCount = 0;

  CString formatString;
  CString msgString;

  // Report the connectivity results to the user and return
  if (m_outputConnectivityType == outputDisconnectedLines)
    formatString = _T("The network has %d edges disconnected from the seed point(s).");
    msgString.Format(formatString, numberOfOutputSteps);
    formatString = _T("The network has %d edges connected to the seed point(s).");
    msgString.Format(formatString, numberOfOutputSteps);

  // The cancel tracker helper will automatically hide the progressor and reassociate it with the track cancel object
  // (this is done implicitly from its deconstructor)

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::CreateContext(IDENetworkDataset* pNetwork, BSTR contextName, INAContext** ppNAContext)
  if (!pNetwork || !ppNAContext)
    return E_POINTER;

  if (!contextName || !::wcslen(contextName))
    return E_INVALIDARG;

  *ppNAContext = 0;


  // CreateContext() is called by the command that creates the solver and
  // initializes it.  Below we'll:
  // - create the class definitions
  // - set up defaults
  // After this method is called, this class should be prepared to have
  // its solve method called.

  // This is an appropriate place to check if the user is licensed to run
  // your solver and fail with "E_NOT_LICENSED" or similar.

  // Get the NDS SpatialRef, that will be the same for the context as well as all spatial NAClasses
  IDEGeoDatasetPtr ipDEGeoDataset(pNetwork);
  if (!ipDEGeoDataset)
    return E_INVALIDARG;

  ISpatialReferencePtr ipNAContextSR;

  if (FAILED(hr = ipDEGeoDataset->get_SpatialReference(&ipNAContextSR)))
    return hr;

  IUnknownPtr           ipUnknown;
  INamedSetPtr          ipNAClassDefinitions;
  INAClassDefinitionPtr ipSeedPointsClassDef;
  INAClassDefinitionPtr ipBarriersClassDef;
  INAClassDefinitionPtr ipLinesClassDef;

  // Build the class definitions
  if (FAILED(hr = BuildClassDefinitions(ipNAContextSR, &ipNAClassDefinitions, pNetwork)))
    return hr;

  ipNAClassDefinitions->get_ItemByName(CComBSTR(CS_SEED_POINTS_NAME), &ipUnknown);
  ipSeedPointsClassDef = ipUnknown;

  ipNAClassDefinitions->get_ItemByName(CComBSTR(CS_BARRIERS_NAME), &ipUnknown);
  ipBarriersClassDef = ipUnknown;

  ipNAClassDefinitions->get_ItemByName(CComBSTR(CS_LINES_NAME), &ipUnknown);
  ipLinesClassDef = ipUnknown;

  // Create a context and initialize it
  INAContextPtr     ipNAContext(CLSID_NAContext);
  INAContextEditPtr ipNAContextEdit(ipNAContext);

  if (FAILED(hr = ipNAContextEdit->Initialize(contextName, pNetwork)))
    return hr;

  // Create NAClasses for each of our class definitions
  INamedSetPtr ipNAClasses;
  INAClassPtr  ipNAClass;


  if (FAILED(hr = ipNAContextEdit->CreateAnalysisClass(ipSeedPointsClassDef, &ipNAClass)))
    return hr;

  ipNAClasses->Add(CComBSTR(CS_SEED_POINTS_NAME), (IUnknownPtr)ipNAClass);

  if (FAILED(hr = ipNAContextEdit->CreateAnalysisClass(ipBarriersClassDef, &ipNAClass)))
    return hr;

  ipNAClasses->Add(CComBSTR(CS_BARRIERS_NAME), (IUnknownPtr)ipNAClass);

  if (FAILED(hr = ipNAContextEdit->CreateAnalysisClass(ipLinesClassDef, &ipNAClass)))
    return hr;

  ipNAClasses->Add(CComBSTR(CS_LINES_NAME), (IUnknownPtr)ipNAClass);

  // NOTE: this is an appropriate place to set up any hierarchy defaults if your
  // solver supports using a hierarchy attribute (this solver does not). This is
  // also an appropriate place to set the default impedance attribute if you
  // had one.

  // Set up our solver defaults
  m_outputConnectivityType = outputDisconnectedLines;
  m_outputLineType = esriNAOutputLineTrueShape;

  // Agents setup
  // NOTE: this is an appropriate place to find and attach any agents used by this solver.
  // For example, the route solver would attach the directions agent.

  // Initialize the default field mappings
  // NOTE: this is an appropriate place to set up any default field mappings to be used

  // Return the context once it has been fully created and initialized
  *ppNAContext = ipNAContext;

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::UpdateContext(INAContext* pNAContext, IDENetworkDataset* pNetwork, IGPMessages* pMessages)
  // UpdateContext() is a method used to update the context based on any changes that may have been made to the
  // solver settings. This typically includes changes to the set of accumulation attribute names, etc., which can
  // be set as fields in the context's NAClass schemas

  // We will not need to update our context, since we do not support any changes necessary to use this method

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::Bind(INAContext* pContext, IDENetworkDataset* pNetwork, IGPMessages* pMessages)
  // Bind() is a method used to re-associate the solver with a given network dataset and its schema. Calling Bind()
  // on the solver re-attaches the solver to the NAContext based on the current network dataset settings.
  // This is typically used to update the solver and its context based on changes in the network dataset's available
  // restrictions, hierarchy attributes, cost attributes, etc.

  // We will not need to bind our solver, since we do not support any changes necessary to use this method

  return S_OK;  

// INASolverSettings

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_AccumulateAttributeNames(IStringArray** ppAttributeNames)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support attribute accumulation

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::putref_AccumulateAttributeNames(IStringArray* pAttributeNames)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support attribute accumulation

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::put_ImpedanceAttributeName(BSTR attributeName)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support impedance attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_ImpedanceAttributeName(BSTR* pAttributeName)
  return E_NOTIMPL;  // This solver does not support impedance attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::put_IgnoreInvalidLocations(VARIANT_BOOL ignoreInvalidLocations)
  return E_NOTIMPL;
STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_IgnoreInvalidLocations(VARIANT_BOOL* pIgnoreInvalidLocations)
  return E_NOTIMPL;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_RestrictionAttributeNames(IStringArray** ppAttributeName)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support restriction attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::putref_RestrictionAttributeNames(IStringArray* pAttributeName)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support restriction attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::put_RestrictUTurns(esriNetworkForwardStarBacktrack backtrack)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support U-turn policies

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_RestrictUTurns(esriNetworkForwardStarBacktrack* pBacktrack)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support U-turn policies

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::put_UseHierarchy(VARIANT_BOOL useHierarchy)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support hierarchy attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_UseHierarchy(VARIANT_BOOL* pUseHierarchy)
  if (!pUseHierarchy)
    return E_POINTER;

  // This solver does not support hierarchy attributes

  *pUseHierarchy = VARIANT_FALSE;

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::put_HierarchyAttributeName(BSTR attributeName)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support hierarchy attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_HierarchyAttributeName(BSTR* pattributeName)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support hierarchy attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::put_HierarchyLevelCount(long Count)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support hierarchy attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_HierarchyLevelCount(long* pCount)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support hierarchy attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::put_MaxValueForHierarchy(long level, long value)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support hierarchy attributes
STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_MaxValueForHierarchy(long level, long* pValue)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support hierarchy attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::put_NumTransitionToHierarchy(long toLevel, long value)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support hierarchy attributes

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::get_NumTransitionToHierarchy(long toLevel, long* pValue)
  return E_NOTIMPL; // This solver does not support hierarchy attributes

// IPersistStream

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::IsDirty()
  return (m_bPersistDirty ? S_OK : S_FALSE);

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::Load(IStream* pStm)
  if (!pStm)
    return E_POINTER;
  ULONG     numBytes;
  HRESULT   hr;

  // We need to check the saved version number
  long savedVersion;
  if (FAILED(hr = pStm->Read(&savedVersion, sizeof(savedVersion), &numBytes)))
    return hr;

  // We only support versions less than or equal to the current c_version
  if (savedVersion > c_version || savedVersion <= 0)
    return E_FAIL;

  // We need to read our persisted solver settings
  if (FAILED(hr = pStm->Read(&m_outputConnectivityType, sizeof(m_outputConnectivityType), &numBytes)))
    return hr;

  if (FAILED(hr = pStm->Read(&m_outputLineType, sizeof(m_outputLineType), &numBytes)))
    return hr;

  m_bPersistDirty = false;

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::Save(IStream* pStm, BOOL fClearDirty)
  if (fClearDirty)
    m_bPersistDirty = false;

  ULONG     numBytes;
  HRESULT   hr;

  // We need to persist the c_version number
  if (FAILED(hr = pStm->Write(&c_version, sizeof(c_version), &numBytes)))
    return hr;

  // We need to persist our solver settings
  if (FAILED(hr = pStm->Write(&m_outputConnectivityType, sizeof(m_outputConnectivityType), &numBytes)))
    return hr;

  if (FAILED(hr = pStm->Write(&m_outputLineType, sizeof(m_outputLineType), &numBytes)))
    return hr;

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::GetSizeMax(_ULARGE_INTEGER* pCbSize)
  if (!pCbSize)
    return E_POINTER;

  pCbSize->HighPart = 0;
  pCbSize->LowPart = sizeof(short);

  return S_OK;

STDMETHODIMP ConnectivitySolver::GetClassID(CLSID *pClassID)
  if (!pClassID)
    return E_POINTER;

  *pClassID = __uuidof(ConnectivitySolver); 

  return S_OK;

// private methods

HRESULT ConnectivitySolver::BuildClassDefinitions(ISpatialReference* pSpatialRef, INamedSet** ppDefinitions, IDENetworkDataset* pDENDS)
  if (!pSpatialRef || !ppDefinitions)
    return E_POINTER;

  // This function creates the class definitions for the connectivity solver.
  // Recall, class definitions are in-memory feature classes that store the
  // inputs and outputs for a solver.  This solver's class definitions are:

  // Seed Points (input)            Seed points determine the start locations
  // - OID                          of the search
  // - Shape
  // - Name 
  // - (NALocation fields)

  // Barriers (input)               Barriers restrict network edges from being
  // - OID                          traversable
  // - Shape
  // - Name
  // - (NALocation fields)

  // Lines (output)                 Connected or Disconnected lines depending
  // - OID                          on the OutputConnectivity solver option
  // - Shape                        
  // - SourceID
  // - SourceOID
  // - FromPos
  // - ToPos


  // Create the class definitions named set and the variables needed to properly instantiate them
  INamedSetPtr              ipClassDefinitions(CLSID_NamedSet);
  INAClassDefinitionPtr     ipClassDef;
  INAClassDefinitionEditPtr ipClassDefEdit;
  IUIDPtr                   ipIUID;
  IFieldsPtr                ipFields;
  IFieldsEditPtr            ipFieldsEdit;
  IFieldPtr                 ipField;
  IFieldEditPtr             ipFieldEdit;

  // Seed Points class definition

  ipClassDefEdit = ipClassDef;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipIUID->put_Value(CComVariant(L"esriNetworkAnalyst.NALocationFeature"))))
    return hr;

  // Create the fields for the class definition
  ipFieldsEdit = ipFields;

  // Create and add an OID field
  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  // Create and add a Shape field
  ipFieldEdit = ipField;
    IGeometryDefEditPtr  ipGeoDef(CLSID_GeometryDef);


  // Create and add a Name field
  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  // Add the NALocation fields
  AddLocationFields(ipFieldsEdit, pDENDS);

  // Add the new fields to the class definition (these must be set before setting field types)

  // Setup the field types (i.e., input/output fields, editable/non-editable fields, visible/non-visible fields, or a combination of these)
  AddLocationFieldTypes(ipFields, ipClassDefEdit);

  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_OID), esriNAFieldTypeInput | esriNAFieldTypeNotEditable);
  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SHAPE), esriNAFieldTypeInput | esriNAFieldTypeNotEditable | esriNAFieldTypeNotVisible);
  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_NAME), esriNAFieldTypeInput);

  // Setup whether the NAClass is considered as input/output

  // Setup necessary cardinality for allowing a Solve to be run 
  // NOTE: the LowerBound property is used to define the minimum number of required NALocationObjects that are required by the solver
  // to perform analysis. The UpperBound property is used to define the maximum number of NALocationObjects that are allowed by the solver
  // to perform analysis.
  // In our case, we must have at least one seed point stored in the class before allowing Solve to enabled in ArcMap, and we have no UpperBound

  // Give the class definition a name...

  // ...and add it to the named set
  ipClassDefinitions->Add(CComBSTR(CS_SEED_POINTS_NAME), (IUnknownPtr)ipClassDef);

  // Barriers class definition

  ipClassDefEdit = ipClassDef;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipIUID->put_Value(CComVariant(L"esriNetworkAnalyst.NALocationFeature"))))
    return hr;

  ipFieldsEdit = ipFields;

  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  ipFieldEdit = ipField;
    IGeometryDefEditPtr  ipGeoDef(CLSID_GeometryDef);


  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  AddLocationFields(ipFieldsEdit, pDENDS);


  AddLocationFieldTypes(ipFields, ipClassDefEdit);

  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_OID), esriNAFieldTypeInput | esriNAFieldTypeNotEditable);
  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SHAPE), esriNAFieldTypeInput | esriNAFieldTypeNotEditable | esriNAFieldTypeNotVisible);
  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_NAME), esriNAFieldTypeInput);



  ipClassDefinitions->Add(CComBSTR(CS_BARRIERS_NAME), (IUnknownPtr)ipClassDef);

  // Lines class definition 

  ipClassDefEdit = ipClassDef;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipIUID->put_Value(CComVariant(L"esriGeoDatabase.Feature"))))
    return hr;

  ipFieldsEdit = ipFields;

  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  ipFieldEdit = ipField;
    IGeometryDefEditPtr  ipGeoDef(CLSID_GeometryDef);


  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  ipFieldEdit = ipField;


  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_OID), esriNAFieldTypeOutput | esriNAFieldTypeNotEditable);
  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SHAPE), esriNAFieldTypeOutput | esriNAFieldTypeNotEditable | esriNAFieldTypeNotVisible);
  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SOURCE_ID), esriNAFieldTypeOutput);
  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SOURCE_OID), esriNAFieldTypeOutput);
  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_FROM_POS), esriNAFieldTypeOutput);
  ipClassDefEdit->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_TO_POS), esriNAFieldTypeOutput);



  ipClassDefinitions->Add(CComBSTR(CS_LINES_NAME), (IUnknownPtr)ipClassDef);

  // Return the class definitions once we have finished
  *ppDefinitions = ipClassDefinitions;

  return S_OK;

HRESULT ConnectivitySolver::GetNAClassTable(INAContext* pContext, BSTR className, ITable** ppTable)
  if (!pContext || !ppTable)
    return E_POINTER;

  INamedSetPtr ipNamedSet;

  if (FAILED(hr = pContext->get_NAClasses(&ipNamedSet)))
    return hr;

  IUnknownPtr ipUnk;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipNamedSet->get_ItemByName(className, &ipUnk)))
    return hr;

  ITablePtr ipTable(ipUnk);

  if (!ipTable)
    return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), _T("Context has an invalid NAClass."), IID_INASolver);

  *ppTable = ipTable;

  return S_OK;

HRESULT ConnectivitySolver::LoadBarriers(ITable* pTable, INetworkQuery* pNetworkQuery, INetworkForwardStarEx* pNetworkForwardStarEx)
  if (!pTable || !pNetworkForwardStarEx)
    return E_POINTER;


  // Initialize all network elements as traversable
  if (FAILED(hr = pNetworkForwardStarEx->RemoveElementRestrictions()))
    return hr;

  // Get a cursor on the table to loop through each row
  ICursorPtr ipCursor;
  if (FAILED(hr = pTable->Search(0, VARIANT_TRUE, &ipCursor)))
    return hr;

  // Create variables for looping through the cursor and setting up barriers
  IRowPtr ipRow;
  INALocationObjectPtr ipNALocationObject;
  INALocationPtr ipNALocation(CLSID_NALocation);
  IEnumNetworkElementPtr ipEnumNetworkElement;
  long sourceID = -1, sourceOID = -1;
  double posAlong, fromPosition, toPosition;
  INetworkEdgePtr ipReverseEdge;  // we need one edge element for querying the opposing direction
  INetworkElementPtr ipElement;
  pNetworkQuery->CreateNetworkElement(esriNETEdge, &ipElement);
  ipReverseEdge = ipElement;
  esriNetworkElementType elementType;

  // Loop through the cursor getting the NALocation of each NALocationObject,  
  // then query the network elements associated with each NALocation,
  // and set their traversability to false
  while (ipCursor->NextRow(&ipRow) == S_OK)
    ipNALocationObject = ipRow;
    if (!ipNALocationObject) // we only want valid NALocationObjects

    if (FAILED(hr = ipNALocationObject->QueryNALocation(ipNALocation)))
      return hr;

    // Once we have the NALocation, we need to check if it is actually located within the network dataset
    if (ipNALocation)
      if (FAILED(hr = ipNALocation->get_IsLocated(&isLocated)))
        return hr;
    // We are only concerned with located NALocations
    if (isLocated)
      // Get the SourceID for the NALocation
      if (FAILED(hr = ipNALocation->get_SourceID(&sourceID)))
        return hr;

      // Get the SourceOID for the NALocation
      if (FAILED(hr = ipNALocation->get_SourceOID(&sourceOID)))
        return hr;

      // Get the PosAlong for the NALocation
      if (FAILED(hr = ipNALocation->get_SourcePosition(&posAlong)))
        return hr;

      // Once we have a located NALocation, we query the network to obtain its associated network elements
      if (FAILED(hr = pNetworkQuery->get_ElementsByOID(sourceID, sourceOID, &ipEnumNetworkElement)))
        return hr;

      // Set the traversability for all appropriate network elements to false
      while (ipEnumNetworkElement->Next(&ipElement) == S_OK)
        if (FAILED(hr = ipElement->get_ElementType(&elementType)))
          return hr;

        switch (elementType)
          case esriNETJunction:
        INetworkJunctionPtr ipJunction(ipElement);
            // If it is a junction, we can just set the element to non-traversable
            if (FAILED(hr = pNetworkForwardStarEx->AddJunctionRestriction(ipJunction)))
              return hr;
          case esriNETEdge:
            // If it is an edge, we must make sure it is an appropriate edge to set as non-traversable (by checking its fromPosition and toPosition)
            INetworkEdgePtr ipEdge(ipElement);
            if (FAILED(hr = ipEdge->QueryPositions(&fromPosition, &toPosition)))
              return hr;

            if (fromPosition <= posAlong && posAlong <= toPosition)
              // Our NALocation lies along this edge element
              // Set it as non-traversable in both directions  

              // First, set this edge element as non-traversable in the AlongDigitized direction (this is the default direction of edge elements returned from the get_ElementsByOID method above)
          INetworkEdgePtr ipEdge(ipElement);
              if (FAILED(hr = pNetworkForwardStarEx->AddEdgeRestriction(ipEdge, 0.0, 1.0)))
                return hr;
              // Then, query the edge element to get its opposite direction
              if (FAILED(hr = ipEdge->QueryEdgeInOtherDirection(ipReverseEdge)))
                return hr;

              // Finally, set this edge as non-traversable in the AgainstDigitized direction
              if (FAILED(hr = pNetworkForwardStarEx->AddEdgeRestriction(ipReverseEdge, 0.0, 1.0)))
                return hr;


  return S_OK;

HRESULT ConnectivitySolver::AddLocationFields(IFieldsEdit* pFieldsEdit, IDENetworkDataset* pDENDS)
  if (!pFieldsEdit)
    return E_POINTER;

  HRESULT                   hr;
  IFieldPtr                 ipField;
  IFieldEditPtr             ipFieldEdit;
  IRangeDomainPtr           ipRangeDomain;
  CComVariant                longDefaultValue(static_cast<long>(-1));
  CComVariant                doubleDefaultValue(static_cast<double>(-1));

  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  // if we can get source names, then add them to a coded value domain
  if (pDENDS)
    IArrayPtr               ipSourceArray;
    if (FAILED(hr = pDENDS->get_Sources(&ipSourceArray)))
      return hr;

    ICodedValueDomainPtr    ipCodedValueDomain(CLSID_CodedValueDomain);

    IUnknownPtr             ipUnk;
    INetworkSourcePtr       ipSource;
    long                    sourceCount;
    for (long i = 0; i < sourceCount; i++)
      ipSourceArray->get_Element(i, &ipUnk);
      ipSource = ipUnk;

      long        sourceID;
      CComBSTR     name;
      CComVariant     value(sourceID);

      ipCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, name);


  // Add the source OID field

  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  // Add the position field
  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  // Add the side of Edge domain
  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  IDomainPtr    ipSideDomain;

  // Add the curb approach domain
  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  IDomainPtr    ipCurbDomain;

  // Add the status field
  ipFieldEdit = ipField;

  // set up coded value domains for the the status values
  ICodedValueDomainPtr    ipCodedValueDomain(CLSID_CodedValueDomain);

  return S_OK;

HRESULT ConnectivitySolver::CreateSideOfEdgeDomain(IDomain** ppDomain)
  if (!ppDomain)
    return E_POINTER;

  ICodedValueDomainPtr ipCodedValueDomain(CLSID_CodedValueDomain);

  // Domains need names in order to serialize them

  CComVariant value(static_cast<long>(esriNAEdgeSideLeft));
  if (FAILED(hr = ipCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Left Side"))))
    return hr;

  value.lVal = esriNAEdgeSideRight;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Right Side"))))
    return hr;

  *ppDomain = (IDomainPtr)ipCodedValueDomain;
  return S_OK;

HRESULT ConnectivitySolver::CreateCurbApproachDomain(IDomain** ppDomain)
  if (!ppDomain)
    return E_POINTER;

  HRESULT       hr;
  ICodedValueDomainPtr    ipCodedValueDomain(CLSID_CodedValueDomain);


  CComVariant value(static_cast<long>(esriNAEitherSideOfVehicle));
  if (FAILED(hr = ipCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Either side of vehicle"))))
    return hr;

  value.lVal = esriNARightSideOfVehicle;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Right side of vehicle"))))
    return hr;

  value.lVal = esriNALeftSideOfVehicle;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Left side of vehicle"))))
    return hr;

  *ppDomain = (IDomainPtr)ipCodedValueDomain;
  return S_OK;

HRESULT ConnectivitySolver::CreateStatusCodedValueDomain(ICodedValueDomain* pCodedValueDomain)
  if (!pCodedValueDomain)
    return E_POINTER;


  CComVariant value(static_cast<long>(esriNAObjectStatusOK)); // this code is exclusive with the other codes
  pCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"OK"));

  value.lVal = esriNAObjectStatusNotLocated;
  pCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Not located"));

  value.lVal = esriNAObjectStatusElementNotLocated;
  pCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Network element not located"));

  value.lVal = esriNAObjectStatusElementNotTraversable;
  pCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Element not traversible"));

  value.lVal = esriNAObjectStatusInvalidFieldValues;
  pCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Invalid field values"));

  value.lVal = esriNAObjectStatusNotReached;
  pCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Not reached"));

  value.lVal = esriNAObjectStatusTimeWindowViolation;
  pCodedValueDomain->AddCode(value, CComBSTR(L"Time window violation"));

  return S_OK;

HRESULT ConnectivitySolver::AddLocationFieldTypes(IFields* pFields, INAClassDefinitionEdit* pClassDef)
  if (!pClassDef)
    return E_INVALIDARG;

  pClassDef->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SOURCE_ID), esriNAFieldTypeInput);
  pClassDef->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SOURCE_OID), esriNAFieldTypeInput);
  pClassDef->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_POSITION), esriNAFieldTypeInput);
  pClassDef->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SIDE_OF_EDGE), esriNAFieldTypeInput);
  pClassDef->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_CURBAPPROACH), esriNAFieldTypeInput);
  pClassDef->put_FieldType(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_STATUS), esriNAFieldTypeInput | esriNAFieldTypeNotEditable);

  return S_OK;

HRESULT ConnectivitySolver::OutputLineFeatures(long sourceID, long featureCount, segment_hash& segmentRecordHashTable, IFeatureClass* pSourceFC, IFeatureCursor* pInsertFeatureCursor, IFeatureBuffer* pFeatureBuffer)
  if (!pSourceFC || !pInsertFeatureCursor || !pFeatureBuffer)
    return E_POINTER;

  if(sourceID < 0 || featureCount <= 0)
    return E_INVALIDARG;


  // Query for the appropriate field index values in the "LineData" feature class
  IFieldsPtr ipFields;
  if (FAILED(hr = pFeatureBuffer->get_Fields(&ipFields)))
    return hr;

  long sourceIDFieldIndex, sourceOIDFieldIndex, fromPositionFieldIndex, toPositionFieldIndex;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipFields->FindField(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SOURCE_ID), &sourceIDFieldIndex)))
    return hr;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipFields->FindField(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_SOURCE_OID), &sourceOIDFieldIndex)))
    return hr;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipFields->FindField(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_FROM_POS), &fromPositionFieldIndex)))
    return hr;
  if (FAILED(hr = ipFields->FindField(CComBSTR(CS_FIELD_TO_POS), &toPositionFieldIndex)))
    return hr;

  long* oidArray = new long[featureCount];
  segment_hash::const_iterator segmentIterator;
  long i = 0;
  for (segmentIterator = segmentRecordHashTable.begin(); segmentIterator != segmentRecordHashTable.end(); segmentIterator = segmentRecordHashTable.upper_bound(segmentIterator->first))
    oidArray[i++] = segmentIterator->first; // pass all unique OID keys into the oidArray

  // Create a VARIANT array of the OID values
  CComVariant oids;
  oids.vt = VT_I4 | VT_ARRAY;
  oids.parray = ::SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_I4, 0, featureCount);
  void* p;
  ::SafeArrayAccessData(oids.parray, &p);
  ::CopyMemory(p, (void*)oidArray, oids.parray->cbElements * featureCount);

  // Get the features from the network source feature class that correspond to this list of OIDs
  IFeatureCursorPtr ipSourceFeatureCursor;
  if (FAILED(hr = pSourceFC->GetFeatures(oids, VARIANT_TRUE, &ipSourceFeatureCursor)))
    return hr;
  // Clean up dynamic memory allocation
  delete[] oidArray;

  // Loop through the source feature cursor, get the oid_bucket for each feature, and insert new features into the insert cursor
  IFeaturePtr ipSourceFeature;
  IGeometryPtr ipGeometry;
  oid_bucket edgeSegments;
  double fromPosition, toPosition;
  long sourceOID;
  CComVariant featureID(0);
  while (ipSourceFeatureCursor->NextFeature(&ipSourceFeature) == S_OK)
    // Get the OID for this source
    if(FAILED(hr = ipSourceFeature->get_OID(&sourceOID)))
      return hr;

    // Get an iterator over all segmentRecords associated with this OID key
    edgeSegments = segmentRecordHashTable.equal_range(sourceOID);
    segmentIterator = edgeSegments.first;
    while (segmentIterator != edgeSegments.second)
      // Get the segment record associated with this particular edge element
      segmentRecord currentSegmentRecord = segmentIterator->second;
      fromPosition = currentSegmentRecord.fromPosition;
      toPosition = currentSegmentRecord.toPosition;

      if (FAILED(hr = ipSourceFeature->get_Shape(&ipGeometry)))
        return hr;

      // Check to see how much of the line geometry we can copy over
      if (fromPosition != 0.0 || toPosition != 1.0)
        // We must use only a subcurve of the line geometry
        ICurve3Ptr ipCurve(ipGeometry);
        ICurvePtr  ipSubCurve;

        if (FAILED(hr = ipCurve->GetSubcurve(fromPosition, toPosition, VARIANT_TRUE, &ipSubCurve)))
          return hr;

        ipGeometry = ipSubCurve;
      // Store the feature values on the feature buffer
      if (FAILED(hr = pFeatureBuffer->putref_Shape(ipGeometry)))
        return hr;
      if (FAILED(hr = pFeatureBuffer->put_Value(sourceIDFieldIndex, CComVariant(sourceID))))
        return hr;
      if (FAILED(hr = pFeatureBuffer->put_Value(sourceOIDFieldIndex, CComVariant(sourceOID))))
        return hr;
      if (FAILED(hr = pFeatureBuffer->put_Value(fromPositionFieldIndex, CComVariant(fromPosition))))
        return hr;
      if (FAILED(hr = pFeatureBuffer->put_Value(toPositionFieldIndex, CComVariant(toPosition))))
        return hr;

      // Insert the feature buffer in the insert cursor
      if (FAILED(hr = pInsertFeatureCursor->InsertFeature(pFeatureBuffer, &featureID)))
        return hr;


  // Empty segmentRecordHashTable

  return S_OK;