// Copyright 2012 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.BaseClasses; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs; using ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Analyst3D; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Display; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls; using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB; namespace VisualizeCameraPath { public class VisualizeCameraPath : ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Button { #region Member Variables private ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobe globe; private ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay; private ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IGraphicsContainer graphicsLayer; private ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeCamera globeCamera; private ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation.IAGAnimationTracks animationTracks; private ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation.IAGAnimationTrack animationTrack; private VisualizeCameraPathForm theCamForm; private ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation.IAGAnimationUtils animUtils; private ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation.IAnimationEvents_Event animEvent; private ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation.IAGAnimationEnvironment animEnv; private ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation.IAGAnimationPlayer animPlayer; private ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeDisplayEvents_Event globeDispEvent; private bool toolIsInitialized = false; private double animationDuration = 0; #endregion #region DLLImportFunction [DllImport("gdi32.dll")] static extern bool DeleteObject(IntPtr hObject); [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern int ShowWindow(int hwnd, int nCmdShow); #endregion public VisualizeCameraPath() { globe = ArcGlobe.Globe; globeDisplay = globe.GlobeDisplay; globeCamera = globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera as IGlobeCamera; } ~VisualizeCameraPath() { if (theCamForm != null) { theCamForm.Dispose(); } } protected override void OnClick() { //The first time button is clicked if(toolIsInitialized == false) { theCamForm = new VisualizeCameraPathForm(); //Add event handlers for form's button click events theCamForm.playButton.Click+= new System.EventHandler(formPlayButtonClickEventHandler); theCamForm.stopButton.Click+= new System.EventHandler(formStopButtonClickEventHandler); theCamForm.generatePathButton.Click+= new System.EventHandler(formGeneratePathButtonClickEventHandler); theCamForm.generateCamPathCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(formCheckbox1CheckedChanged); theCamForm.Closing += new CancelEventHandler(theCamForm_Closing); animEnv = new AGAnimationEnvironmentClass(); //True = Button has been already clicked toolIsInitialized = true; } //If the main form is already open - do not open another one else if (toolIsInitialized == true) { //Clear the list of animation tracks theCamForm.animTracksListBox.Items.Clear(); } //Get the list of animation tracks this.getCameraAnimationTracksFromGlobe(); theCamForm.Show(); } protected override void OnUpdate() { Enabled = ArcGlobe.Application != null; } #region Custom Functions and Event Handlers //function for getting camera animation tracks public void getCameraAnimationTracksFromGlobe() { ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation.IAGAnimationType animationType = new AnimationTypeGlobeCameraClass(); animationTracks = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation.IAGAnimationTracks)globe; int animCounter = 0; while (animCounter < animationTracks.AGTracks.Count) { animationTrack = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation.IAGAnimationTrack)animationTracks.AGTracks.get_Element(animCounter); if (animationTrack.AnimationType == animationType) { theCamForm.animTracksListBox.Items.Add(animationTrack.Name); } animCounter = animCounter + 1; } } //function for enabling selected animation track public void enableSelectedTrack() { if (theCamForm.animTracksListBox.SelectedItem != null) { string selectedTrack = theCamForm.animTracksListBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); int animCounter = 0; while (animCounter < animationTracks.AGTracks.Count) { animationTrack = (IAGAnimationTrack)animationTracks.AGTracks.get_Element(animCounter); if (animationTrack.Name != selectedTrack) { IAGAnimationTrack trackToDisable; animationTracks.FindTrack(animationTrack.Name, out trackToDisable); trackToDisable.IsEnabled = false; } else if (animationTrack.Name == selectedTrack) { animationTrack.IsEnabled = true; } animCounter = animCounter + 1; } } else if (theCamForm.animTracksListBox.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("No Track Selected - All enabled tracks will be played"); } } //function for playing animation public void playAnimation() { animUtils = new AGAnimationUtilsClass(); //register/unregister events for tracing camera path based on selection animEvent = (IAnimationEvents_Event)animUtils; //set animation duration if (theCamForm.animDurationTextBox.Text != "" & theCamForm.animDurationTextBox.Text != "Optional") { animEnv.AnimationDuration = Convert.ToDouble(theCamForm.animDurationTextBox.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter animation duration", "Error"); return; } //register animation event handler animEvent.StateChanged += new IAnimationEvents_StateChangedEventHandler(myAnimationEventHandler); //enable/disable other buttons theCamForm.stopButton.Enabled = true; theCamForm.generatePathButton.Enabled = false; theCamForm.playButton.Enabled = false; animPlayer = (IAGAnimationPlayer)animUtils; animationDuration = animEnv.AnimationDuration; animPlayer.PlayAnimation(animationTracks, animEnv, null); } //function for creating specified number of graphics per second public void generatePathPerSecond() { //set animation duration if (theCamForm.animDurationTextBox.Text != "" & theCamForm.animDurationTextBox.Text != "Optional") { animEnv.AnimationDuration = Convert.ToDouble(theCamForm.animDurationTextBox.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter animation duration", "Error"); return; } animationDuration = animEnv.AnimationDuration; int numPtsPerSecond = 0; if (theCamForm.numPtsPerSecTextBox.Text != "") { numPtsPerSecond = Convert.ToInt32(theCamForm.numPtsPerSecTextBox.Text); } addGraphicLayer(); string selectedTrack = theCamForm.animTracksListBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); animationTracks.FindTrack(selectedTrack, out animationTrack); IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes kFrames = (IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes)animationTrack; int kFrameCount = kFrames.KeyframeCount; //total number of points to be created int totalPts = (int)(numPtsPerSecond * animationDuration); //this is the from point for the lines connecting the interpolated point graphics IPoint previousPt = new PointClass(); IZAware prevPtZAware = (IZAware)previousPt; prevPtZAware.ZAware = true; previousPt.PutCoords(0, 0); //this is the line connecting the interpolated camera positions IPolyline connectingLine = new PolylineClass(); IZAware lineZAware = (IZAware)connectingLine; lineZAware.ZAware = true; //disable all buttons theCamForm.playButton.Enabled = false; theCamForm.stopButton.Enabled = false; theCamForm.generatePathButton.Enabled = false; //loop over the keyframes in the selected camera track for (int i = 0; i < kFrameCount; i++) { IAGKeyframe currentKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i); IAGKeyframe prevKeyframe; IAGKeyframe nextKeyframe; IAGKeyframe afterNextKeyframe; //if else statements to determine the keyframe arguments to the interpolate method //this is needed because the first, second-last and the last keyframes should be handled differently //than the middle keyframes if (i > 0) { prevKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i - 1); } else { prevKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i); } if (i < kFrameCount - 1) { nextKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i + 1); } else { nextKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i); } if (i < kFrameCount - 2) { afterNextKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i + 2); } else { //this should be equal to the nextKeyFrame for the last keyframe afterNextKeyframe = nextKeyframe;//kFrames.get_Keyframe(i); } double origCamLat, origCamLong, origCamAlt; double interLat, interLong, interAlt; double tarLat, tarLong, tarAlt; double interTarLat, interTarLong, interTarAlt; globeCamera.GetObserverLatLonAlt(out origCamLat, out origCamLong, out origCamAlt); globeCamera.GetTargetLatLonAlt(out tarLat, out tarLong, out tarAlt); IAGAnimationContainer pAnimContainer = animationTracks.AnimationObjectContainer; object objToInterpolate = (object)globeCamera; double timeDiff = nextKeyframe.TimeStamp - currentKeyframe.TimeStamp; int numPtsToInterpolateNow; numPtsToInterpolateNow = Convert.ToInt32((timeDiff * totalPts)); //interpolate positions between keyframes and draw the graphics //for 0 to n-1 keyframes if (i < kFrameCount - 1) { for (int j = 0; j < numPtsToInterpolateNow; j++) { double timeToInterpolate; timeToInterpolate = currentKeyframe.TimeStamp + j * (timeDiff / (numPtsToInterpolateNow)); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 1, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 2, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 3, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 4, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 5, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 6, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); //get observer and target lat, long, alt after interpolation globeCamera.GetObserverLatLonAlt(out interLat, out interLong, out interAlt); globeCamera.GetTargetLatLonAlt(out interTarLat, out interTarLong, out interTarAlt); //set observer and target lat, long, alt to original values before interpolation globeCamera.SetObserverLatLonAlt(origCamLat, origCamLong, origCamAlt); globeCamera.SetTargetLatLonAlt(tarLat, tarLong, tarAlt); IPoint pObs = new PointClass(); IZAware obsZAware = (IZAware)pObs; obsZAware.ZAware = true; pObs.X = interLong; pObs.Y = interLat; pObs.Z = interAlt * 1000; double symbolSize = 10000; //change the symbol size based on distance to ground if (pObs.Z >= 10000) symbolSize = 10000 + pObs.Z / 10; else symbolSize = pObs.Z; //add graphics - keyframes (j=0) are colored differently if (j == 0) addPointGraphicElements(pObs, 2552550, symbolSize); else addPointGraphicElements(pObs, 16732415, symbolSize); connectingLine.FromPoint = previousPt; connectingLine.ToPoint = pObs; //barring the first keyframe, create the line connecting the interpolated points if (i == 0 & j == 0) { } else { addLineGraphicElements(connectingLine, 150150150); } //update the previous point previousPt.PutCoords(pObs.X, pObs.Y); previousPt.Z = pObs.Z; //add camera to target direction if (theCamForm.camToTargetDirectionCheckBox.Checked == true) { cameraToTargetDirection(interLat, interLong, interAlt, interTarLat, interTarLong, interTarAlt); } globeDisplay.RefreshViewers(); } } //for last keyframe if (i == kFrameCount - 1) { currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 4, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 5, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 6, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 1, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 2, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 3, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); globeCamera.GetObserverLatLonAlt(out interLat, out interLong, out interAlt); globeCamera.GetTargetLatLonAlt(out interTarLat, out interTarLong, out interTarAlt); globeCamera.SetObserverLatLonAlt(origCamLat, origCamLong, origCamAlt); globeCamera.SetTargetLatLonAlt(tarLat, tarLong, tarAlt); IPoint pObs = new PointClass(); IZAware obsZAware = (IZAware)pObs; obsZAware.ZAware = true; pObs.X = interLong; pObs.Y = interLat; pObs.Z = interAlt * 1000; double symbolSize = 10000; if (pObs.Z >= 10000) symbolSize = 10000 + pObs.Z / 10; else symbolSize = pObs.Z; connectingLine.FromPoint = previousPt; connectingLine.ToPoint = pObs; addPointGraphicElements(pObs, 2552550, symbolSize); addLineGraphicElements(connectingLine, 150150150); //add camera to target orientation if (theCamForm.camToTargetDirectionCheckBox.Checked == true) { cameraToTargetDirection(interLat, interLong, interAlt, interTarLat, interTarLong, interTarAlt); } globeDisplay.RefreshViewers(); } } //enable buttons theCamForm.playButton.Enabled = true; theCamForm.generatePathButton.Enabled = true; } //function for creating specified number of graphics between keyframe positions public void generatePathBtwnKFrames() { int numPtsBtwnKFrames = 0; //this is the from point for the lines connecting the interpolated point graphics IPoint previousPt = new PointClass(); IZAware prevPtZAware = (IZAware)previousPt; prevPtZAware.ZAware = true; previousPt.PutCoords(0, 0); //this is the line connecting the interpolated camera positions IPolyline connectingLine = new PolylineClass(); IZAware lineZAware = (IZAware)connectingLine; lineZAware.ZAware = true; if (theCamForm.ptsBtwnKframeTextBox.Text != "") { numPtsBtwnKFrames = Convert.ToInt32(theCamForm.ptsBtwnKframeTextBox.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the number of points to be created"); return; } theCamForm.playButton.Enabled = false; theCamForm.stopButton.Enabled = false; theCamForm.generatePathButton.Enabled = false; addGraphicLayer(); string selectedTrack = theCamForm.animTracksListBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); animationTracks.FindTrack(selectedTrack, out animationTrack); IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes kFrames = (IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes)animationTrack; int kFrameCount = kFrames.KeyframeCount; //loop over the keyframes in the selected camera track for (int i = 0; i < kFrameCount; i++) { IAGKeyframe currentKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i); IAGKeyframe prevKeyframe; IAGKeyframe nextKeyframe; IAGKeyframe afterNextKeyframe; //if else statements to determine the keyframe arguments to the interpolate method //this is needed because the first and the last keyframes should be handled differently //than the middle keyframes if (i > 0) { prevKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i - 1); } else { prevKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i); } if (i < kFrameCount - 1) { nextKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i + 1); } else { nextKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i); } if (i < kFrameCount - 2) { afterNextKeyframe = kFrames.get_Keyframe(i + 2); } else { //this should be equal to the nextKeyFrame for the last keyframe afterNextKeyframe = nextKeyframe;//kFrames.get_Keyframe(i); } double origCamLat, origCamLong, origCamAlt; double interLat, interLong, interAlt; double tarLat, tarLong, tarAlt; double interTarLat, interTarLong, interTarAlt; globeCamera.GetObserverLatLonAlt(out origCamLat, out origCamLong, out origCamAlt); globeCamera.GetTargetLatLonAlt(out tarLat, out tarLong, out tarAlt); IAGAnimationContainer pAnimContainer = animationTracks.AnimationObjectContainer; object objToInterpolate = (object)globeCamera; double timeDiff = nextKeyframe.TimeStamp - currentKeyframe.TimeStamp; //interpolate positions between keyframes and draw the graphics for (int j = 0; j < numPtsBtwnKFrames + 1; j++) { double timeToInterpolate = currentKeyframe.TimeStamp + j * (timeDiff / (numPtsBtwnKFrames + 1)); //for 0 to n-1 keyframes if (i >= 0 & i < kFrameCount - 1) { currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 4, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 5, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 6, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 1, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 2, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 3, timeToInterpolate, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); globeCamera.GetObserverLatLonAlt(out interLat, out interLong, out interAlt); globeCamera.GetTargetLatLonAlt(out interTarLat, out interTarLong, out interTarAlt); globeCamera.SetObserverLatLonAlt(origCamLat, origCamLong, origCamAlt); globeCamera.SetTargetLatLonAlt(tarLat, tarLong, tarAlt); IPoint pObs = new PointClass(); IZAware obsZAware = (IZAware)pObs; obsZAware.ZAware = true; pObs.X = interLong; pObs.Y = interLat; pObs.Z = interAlt * 1000; double symbolSize = 10000; if (pObs.Z >= 10000) symbolSize = 10000 + pObs.Z / 10; else symbolSize = pObs.Z; if (j == 0) addPointGraphicElements(pObs, 2552550, symbolSize); else addPointGraphicElements(pObs, 16732415, symbolSize); connectingLine.FromPoint = previousPt; connectingLine.ToPoint = pObs; if (i == 0 & j == 0) { } else { addLineGraphicElements(connectingLine, 150150150); } previousPt.PutCoords(pObs.X, pObs.Y); previousPt.Z = pObs.Z; //add camera to target orientation if (theCamForm.camToTargetDirectionCheckBox.Checked == true) { cameraToTargetDirection(interLat, interLong, interAlt, interTarLat, interTarLong, interTarAlt); } globeDisplay.RefreshViewers(); } //for last keyframe else if (i == kFrameCount - 1) { if (j == 0) { currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 4, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 5, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 6, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 1, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 2, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); currentKeyframe.Interpolate(animationTrack, pAnimContainer, objToInterpolate, 3, 1, nextKeyframe, prevKeyframe, afterNextKeyframe); globeCamera.GetObserverLatLonAlt(out interLat, out interLong, out interAlt); globeCamera.GetTargetLatLonAlt(out interTarLat, out interTarLong, out interTarAlt); globeCamera.SetObserverLatLonAlt(origCamLat, origCamLong, origCamAlt); globeCamera.SetTargetLatLonAlt(tarLat, tarLong, tarAlt); IPoint pObs = new PointClass(); IZAware obsZAware = (IZAware)pObs; obsZAware.ZAware = true; pObs.X = interLong; pObs.Y = interLat; pObs.Z = interAlt * 1000; double symbolSize = 10000; if (pObs.Z >= 10000) symbolSize = 10000 + pObs.Z / 10; else symbolSize = pObs.Z; connectingLine.FromPoint = previousPt; connectingLine.ToPoint = pObs; addPointGraphicElements(pObs, 2552550, symbolSize); addLineGraphicElements(connectingLine, 150150150); //add camera to target orientation if (theCamForm.camToTargetDirectionCheckBox.Checked == true) { cameraToTargetDirection(interLat, interLong, interAlt, interTarLat, interTarLong, interTarAlt); } globeDisplay.RefreshViewers(); } } } } //enable buttons theCamForm.playButton.Enabled = true; theCamForm.generatePathButton.Enabled = true; } //function for generating camera to target direction public void cameraToTargetDirection(double camLat, double camLong, double camAlt, double tarLat, double tarLong, double tarAlt) { IPoint camPosition = new PointClass(); IPoint targetPosition = new PointClass(); ICamera pCamera = (ICamera)globeCamera; IZAware obsZAware = (IZAware)camPosition; obsZAware.ZAware = true; camPosition.PutCoords(camLong, camLat); camPosition.Z = camAlt * 1000; IZAware targetZAware = (IZAware)targetPosition; targetZAware.ZAware = true; targetPosition.PutCoords(tarLong, tarLat); targetPosition.Z = tarAlt; IPolyline directionLine = new PolylineClass(); IZAware zAwareLine = (IZAware)directionLine; zAwareLine.ZAware = true; directionLine.FromPoint = camPosition; directionLine.ToPoint = targetPosition; addLineGraphicElements(directionLine, 255); } //function for adding a graphics layer public void addGraphicLayer() { graphicsLayer = new GlobeGraphicsLayerClass(); ILayer pLayer; pLayer = (ILayer)graphicsLayer; pLayer.Name = "CameraPathGraphicsLayer"; globe.AddLayerType(pLayer, esriGlobeLayerType.esriGlobeLayerTypeDraped, true); } //function for adding point markers public void addPointGraphicElements(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint inPoint, int symbolColor, double symbolSize) { IElement pElement = new MarkerElementClass(); ISimpleMarker3DSymbol symbol3d = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass(); string markerStyle = ""; if (theCamForm.symbolTypeListBox.SelectedItem != null) { markerStyle = theCamForm.symbolTypeListBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); } if (markerStyle == "Cone") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCone; else if (markerStyle == "Sphere") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere; else if (markerStyle == "Cylinder") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCylinder; else if (markerStyle == "Cube") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCube; else if (markerStyle == "Diamond") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSDiamond; else if (markerStyle == "Tetrahedron") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSTetra; else symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCone; symbol3d.ResolutionQuality = 1; IColor pColor = new RgbColorClass(); pColor.RGB = symbolColor; //16732415; IMarkerSymbol pMarkerSymbol; pMarkerSymbol = (IMarkerSymbol)symbol3d; pMarkerSymbol.Color = pColor; if (symbolSize < 0) symbolSize = Math.Abs(symbolSize); if (symbolSize == 0) symbolSize = 5000; pMarkerSymbol.Size = symbolSize; pElement.Geometry = inPoint; IMarkerElement pMarkerElement; pMarkerElement = (IMarkerElement)pElement; pMarkerElement.Symbol = pMarkerSymbol; graphicsLayer.AddElement(pElement, 1); } //function for adding line graphics elements public void addLineGraphicElements(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPolyline inLine, int symbolColor) { IElement pElement = new LineElementClass();// MarkerElementClass(); ISimpleLine3DSymbol symbol3d = new SimpleLine3DSymbolClass(); string markerStyle = ""; if (theCamForm.symbolTypeListBox.SelectedItem != null) { markerStyle = theCamForm.symbolTypeListBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); } if (markerStyle == "Strip") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DLineStyle.esriS3DLSStrip; else if (markerStyle == "Wall") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DLineStyle.esriS3DLSWall; else symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DLineStyle.esriS3DLSTube; symbol3d.ResolutionQuality = 1; IColor pColor = new RgbColorClass(); pColor.RGB = symbolColor; ILineSymbol pLineSymbol; pLineSymbol = (ILineSymbol)symbol3d; pLineSymbol.Color = pColor; pLineSymbol.Width = 1; pElement.Geometry = inLine; ILineElement pLineElement; pLineElement = (ILineElement)pElement; pLineElement.Symbol = pLineSymbol; graphicsLayer.AddElement(pElement, 1); } //event handlers public void formPlayButtonClickEventHandler(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (theCamForm.animTracksListBox.SelectedItem != null) { enableSelectedTrack(); //play the animation this.playAnimation(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a camera track", "Error"); } } public void formStopButtonClickEventHandler(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { animPlayer.StopAnimation(); theCamForm.stopButton.Enabled = false; if (theCamForm.generateCamPathCheckBox.Checked == true) theCamForm.generatePathButton.Enabled = true; } public void formGeneratePathButtonClickEventHandler(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (theCamForm.animTracksListBox.SelectedItem != null) { if (theCamForm.ptsPerSecRadioButton.Checked == true) { if (theCamForm.numPtsPerSecTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter number of points to be created per second", "Error"); return; } generatePathPerSecond(); } else if (theCamForm.ptsBtwnKframeRadioButton.Checked == true) { if (theCamForm.ptsBtwnKframeTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter number of points to be created between keyframes", "Error"); return; } generatePathBtwnKFrames(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a camera track"); } } public void formCheckbox1CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (theCamForm.generateCamPathCheckBox.Checked == true) theCamForm.generatePathButton.Enabled = true; else theCamForm.generatePathButton.Enabled = false; } private void theCamForm_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { theCamForm.animTracksListBox.Items.Clear(); toolIsInitialized = false; } public void myAnimationEventHandler(esriAnimationState animState) { globeDispEvent = (IGlobeDisplayEvents_Event)globeDisplay; if (animState == esriAnimationState.esriAnimationStopped) { theCamForm.playButton.Enabled = true; theCamForm.generatePathButton.Enabled = true; theCamForm.stopButton.Enabled = false; } } #endregion } }