// Copyright 2012 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.BaseClasses; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework; using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto; using ESRI.ArcGIS.NetworkAnalyst; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI; using ESRI.ArcGIS.NetworkAnalystUI; using SubsetNetworkEvaluators; namespace SubsetNetworkEvaluatorsUI { /// <summary> /// The SubsetHelperUI is a utility class to aid in determining the relevant set of parameters /// to auto-update when set to listen to the events and other shared utilities. /// </summary> class SubsetHelperUI { public static void PushParameterValuesToNetwork(INetworkAnalystExtension nax) { try { if (nax == null) return; bool naxEnabled = false; IExtensionConfig naxConfig = nax as IExtensionConfig; naxEnabled = naxConfig.State == esriExtensionState.esriESEnabled; if (!naxEnabled) return; INAWindow naWindow = nax.NAWindow; INALayer naLayer = null; INAContext naContext = null; INetworkDataset nds = null; naLayer = naWindow.ActiveAnalysis; if (naLayer != null) naContext = naLayer.Context; if (naContext != null) nds = naContext.NetworkDataset; if (nds == null) return; IDatasetComponent dsComponent = nds as IDatasetComponent; IDENetworkDataset deNet = dsComponent.DataElement as IDENetworkDataset; INASolver naSolver = naContext.Solver; INASolverSettings2 naSolverSettings2 = naSolver as INASolverSettings2; if (naSolverSettings2 == null) return; INetworkAttribute2 netAttribute; string attributeName; IArray netParameters; INetworkAttributeParameter netParameter; string paramName; int cParameters; object paramValue; int cAttributes = nds.AttributeCount; for (int a = 0; a < cAttributes; ++a) { netAttribute = nds.get_Attribute(a) as INetworkAttribute2; attributeName = netAttribute.Name; netParameters = netAttribute.Parameters; cParameters = netParameters.Count; for (int p = 0; p < cParameters; ++p) { netParameter = netParameters.get_Element(p) as INetworkAttributeParameter; paramName = netParameter.Name; paramValue = naSolverSettings2.get_AttributeParameterValue(attributeName, paramName); netParameter.Value = paramValue; } netAttribute.Refresh(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Push Parameter Values To Network"); } } public static bool ParameterExists(INetworkDataset nds, string searchName, VarType vt) { bool found = false; INetworkAttribute2 netAttribute; IArray netParams; INetworkAttributeParameter netParam; int cAttributes = nds.AttributeCount; for (int a = 0; a < cAttributes; ++a) { netAttribute = nds.get_Attribute(a) as INetworkAttribute2; netParams = null; int cParams = 0; if (netAttribute != null) netParams = netAttribute.Parameters; if (netParams != null) cParams = netParams.Count; string compareName; for (int p = 0; p < cParams; ++p) { netParam = netParams.get_Element(p) as INetworkAttributeParameter; compareName = netParam.Name; if (String.Compare(searchName, compareName, true) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } return found; } public static void ClearEIDArrayParameterValues(INetworkAnalystExtension nax, string baseName) { try { INAWindow naWindow = nax.NAWindow; INALayer naLayer = null; INAContext naContext = null; INetworkDataset nds = null; naLayer = naWindow.ActiveAnalysis; if (naLayer != null) naContext = naLayer.Context; if (naContext != null) nds = naContext.NetworkDataset; if (nds == null) return; VarType vt = SubsetHelperUI.GetEIDArrayParameterType(); List<string> sourceNames = SubsetHelperUI.FindParameterizedSourceNames(nds, baseName, vt); SubsetHelperUI.ClearEIDArrayParameterValues(nax, sourceNames, baseName); SubsetHelperUI.PushParameterValuesToNetwork(nax); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = SubsetHelperUI.GetFullExceptionMessage(ex); MessageBox.Show(msg, "Clear Network Element Array Parameters"); } } private static void ClearEIDArrayParameterValues(INetworkAnalystExtension nax, List<string> sourceNames, string baseName) { if (nax == null) return; bool naxEnabled = false; IExtensionConfig naxConfig = nax as IExtensionConfig; naxEnabled = naxConfig.State == esriExtensionState.esriESEnabled; if (!naxEnabled) return; Dictionary<string, List<int>> eidsBySourceName = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(); foreach (string sourceName in sourceNames) { List<int> eids = null; if (!eidsBySourceName.TryGetValue(sourceName, out eids)) eidsBySourceName.Add(sourceName, null); } UpdateEIDArrayParameterValuesFromEIDLists(nax, eidsBySourceName, baseName); } public static void UpdateEIDArrayParameterValuesFromEIDLists(INetworkAnalystExtension nax, Dictionary<string, List<int>> eidsBySourceName, string baseName) { if (nax == null) return; bool naxEnabled = false; IExtensionConfig naxConfig = nax as IExtensionConfig; naxEnabled = naxConfig.State == esriExtensionState.esriESEnabled; if (!naxEnabled) return; INAWindow naWindow = nax.NAWindow; INALayer naLayer = null; INAContext naContext = null; INetworkDataset nds = null; naLayer = naWindow.ActiveAnalysis; if (naLayer != null) naContext = naLayer.Context; if (naContext != null) nds = naContext.NetworkDataset; if (nds == null) return; IDatasetComponent dsComponent = nds as IDatasetComponent; IDENetworkDataset deNet = dsComponent.DataElement as IDENetworkDataset; INASolver naSolver = naContext.Solver; INASolverSettings2 naSolverSettings2 = naSolver as INASolverSettings2; if (naSolverSettings2 == null) return; string prefix = GetEIDArrayPrefixFromBaseName(baseName); VarType vt = GetEIDArrayParameterType(); int cAttributes = nds.AttributeCount; for (int a = 0; a < cAttributes; ++a) { INetworkAttribute2 netAttribute = nds.get_Attribute(a) as INetworkAttribute2; IArray netParams = netAttribute.Parameters; int cParams = netParams.Count; object paramValue; for (int p = 0; p < cParams; ++p) { INetworkAttributeParameter param = netParams.get_Element(p) as INetworkAttributeParameter; if (param.VarType != (int)vt) continue; string paramName = param.Name; string sourceName = GetSourceNameFromParameterName(prefix, paramName); if (sourceName.Length == 0) continue; List<int> eids = null; if (eidsBySourceName.TryGetValue(sourceName, out eids)) { if (eids != null) { if (eids.Count == 0) eids = null; } } paramValue = (eids != null) ? eids.ToArray() : null; naSolverSettings2.set_AttributeParameterValue(netAttribute.Name, param.Name, paramValue); } } } public static void UpdateEIDArrayParameterValuesFromOIDArrays(INetworkAnalystExtension nax, Dictionary<string, ILongArray> oidArraysBySourceName, string baseName) { Dictionary<string, List<int>> eidsBySourceName = GetEIDListsBySourceName(nax, oidArraysBySourceName, baseName); UpdateEIDArrayParameterValuesFromEIDLists(nax, eidsBySourceName, baseName); } public static void UpdateEIDArrayParameterValuesFromGeometry(INetworkAnalystExtension nax, IGeometry searchGeometry, string baseName) { Dictionary<string, List<int>> eidsBySourceName = GetEIDListsBySourceName(nax, searchGeometry, baseName); UpdateEIDArrayParameterValuesFromEIDLists(nax, eidsBySourceName, baseName); } private static Dictionary<string, List<int>> GetEIDListsBySourceName(INetworkAnalystExtension nax, object searchObject, string baseName) { if (nax == null) return null; bool naxEnabled = false; IExtensionConfig naxConfig = nax as IExtensionConfig; naxEnabled = naxConfig.State == esriExtensionState.esriESEnabled; if (!naxEnabled) return null; INAWindow naWindow = nax.NAWindow; INALayer naLayer = null; INAContext naContext = null; INetworkDataset nds = null; naLayer = naWindow.ActiveAnalysis; if (naLayer != null) naContext = naLayer.Context; if (naContext != null) nds = naContext.NetworkDataset; INetworkQuery netQuery = nds as INetworkQuery; if (netQuery == null) return null; bool oidSearch = false; bool geometrySearch = false; if (searchObject == null) return null; else if (searchObject is Dictionary<string, ILongArray>) oidSearch = true; else if (searchObject is IGeometry) geometrySearch = true; else return null; VarType vt = GetEIDArrayParameterType(); List<string> sourceNames = FindParameterizedSourceNames(nds, baseName, vt); Dictionary<string, List<int>> eidsBySourceName = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(); foreach (string sourceName in sourceNames) { INetworkSource netSource = nds.get_SourceByName(sourceName); int sourceID = netSource.ID; List<int> eids = new List<int>(); if (oidSearch) { Dictionary<string, ILongArray> oidArraysBySourceName = (Dictionary<string, ILongArray>)searchObject; ILongArray oids = null; IEnumNetworkElement enumNetElement; INetworkElement netElement; if (oidArraysBySourceName.TryGetValue(sourceName, out oids)) { enumNetElement = netQuery.get_ElementsByOIDs(sourceID, oids); enumNetElement.Reset(); netElement = enumNetElement.Next(); while (netElement != null) { eids.Add(netElement.EID); netElement = enumNetElement.Next(); } } } else if (geometrySearch) { IGeometry searchGeometry = (IGeometry)searchObject; if (searchGeometry != null && !searchGeometry.IsEmpty) { IGeometry elementGeometry = null; esriNetworkElementType elementType = esriNetworkElementType.esriNETEdge; int eid = -1; // Search for the network dataset layer associated with the active analysis layer or create one using the // network dataset if matching one not found. // If, for example, multiple network dataset layers are added to the map, the active analysis layer // might not reference the current network dataset layer (nax.CurrentNetworkLayer). INetworkLayer ndsLayer = new NetworkLayerClass(); ndsLayer.NetworkDataset = nds; int count = nax.NetworkLayerCount; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ndsLayer = nax.get_NetworkLayer(i); if (ndsLayer.NetworkDataset == nds) break; else ndsLayer = null; } if (ndsLayer == null) { ndsLayer = new NetworkLayerClass(); ndsLayer.NetworkDataset = nds; } IEnumLocatedNetworkElement enumLocatedNetElement = null; if (ndsLayer != null) { enumLocatedNetElement = ndsLayer.SearchLocatedNetworkElements(sourceName, searchGeometry); enumLocatedNetElement.Reset(); eid = enumLocatedNetElement.Next(ref elementGeometry, ref elementType); while (eid != -1) { eids.Add(eid); eid = enumLocatedNetElement.Next(ref elementGeometry, ref elementType); } } } } eidsBySourceName.Add(sourceName, eids); } return eidsBySourceName; } public static Dictionary<string, ILongArray> GetOIDArraysBySourceNameFromMapSelection(IMap map, List<string> sourceNames) { UIDClass uid = new UIDClass(); uid.Value = "{E156D7E5-22AF-11D3-9F99-00C04F6BC78E}"; //IGeoFeatureLayer IEnumLayer searchEnumLayer = map.get_Layers(uid, true); searchEnumLayer.Reset(); //create result dictionary from source names with empty oidArrays Dictionary<string, ILongArray> oidArraysBySourceName = new Dictionary<string, ILongArray>(); ILongArray oidArray = null; foreach (string sourceName in sourceNames) { if (!oidArraysBySourceName.TryGetValue(sourceName, out oidArray)) { oidArray = new LongArrayClass(); oidArraysBySourceName.Add(sourceName, oidArray); } } ILayer layer = searchEnumLayer.Next(); while (layer != null) { IDisplayTable displayTable = layer as IDisplayTable; string sourceName = ""; if (layer.Valid && layer.Visible && displayTable != null) { IDataset ds = displayTable.DisplayTable as IDataset; if (ds != null) sourceName = ds.Name; } if (sourceName.Length > 0) { if (oidArraysBySourceName.TryGetValue(sourceName, out oidArray)) { ISelectionSet selSet = displayTable.DisplaySelectionSet; IEnumIDs enumOIDs = null; if (selSet != null) enumOIDs = selSet.IDs; if (enumOIDs != null) { enumOIDs.Reset(); int oid = enumOIDs.Next(); while (oid != -1) { oidArray.Add(oid); oid = enumOIDs.Next(); } } } } layer = searchEnumLayer.Next(); } return oidArraysBySourceName; } public static IGeometry GetSearchGeometryFromGraphics(IGraphicsContainer graphics) { IGeometryCollection geometryBag = new GeometryBagClass(); IElement element; IGeometry geometry; graphics.Reset(); element = graphics.Next(); object before = Type.Missing; object after = Type.Missing; while (element != null) { geometry = element.Geometry; if (geometry is IPolygon) geometryBag.AddGeometry(geometry, ref before, ref after); element = graphics.Next(); } IGeometry searchGeometry = geometryBag as IGeometry; return searchGeometry; } public static List<string> FindParameterizedSourceNames(INetworkDataset nds, string baseName, VarType vt) { List<string> sourceNamesList = new List<string>(); Dictionary<string, int?> sourceNamesDictionary = new Dictionary<string, int?>(); int? dummyValue = null; int? foundDummyValue = null; string prefix = GetEIDArrayPrefixFromBaseName(baseName); INetworkSource netSource; string sourceName; string searchParamName; int count = nds.SourceCount; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { netSource = nds.get_Source(i); sourceName = netSource.Name; if (sourceNamesDictionary.TryGetValue(sourceName, out foundDummyValue)) continue; searchParamName = GetSourceParameterName(prefix, sourceName); if (ParameterExists(nds, searchParamName, vt)) { sourceNamesList.Add(sourceName); sourceNamesDictionary.Add(sourceName, dummyValue); } } return sourceNamesList; } public static VarType GetEIDArrayParameterType() { VarType vt = VarType.Array | VarType.Integer; return vt; } public static string SelectionEIDArrayBaseName { get { return FilterSubsetEvaluator.BaseParameterName; } } public static string GraphicsEIDArrayBaseName { get { return ScaleSubsetEvaluator.BaseParameterName; } } private static string GetEIDArrayPrefixFromBaseName(string baseName) { string baseNameEIDArrayModifer = "_eids"; string prefix = baseName; prefix += baseNameEIDArrayModifer; return prefix; } private static string GetSourceNameFromParameterName(string prefix, string paramName) { string searchSubName = prefix + "_"; int searchSubNameLen = searchSubName.Length; int paramNameLen = paramName.Length; if (searchSubNameLen <= 0 || searchSubNameLen >= paramNameLen) return ""; string compareSubName = paramName.Substring(0, searchSubNameLen); if (String.Compare(compareSubName, searchSubName, true) != 0) return ""; string sourceName = paramName.Substring(searchSubNameLen); return sourceName; } private static string GetSourceParameterName(string prefix, string sourceName) { string paramName = prefix; paramName += "_"; paramName += sourceName; return paramName; } public static IExtensionConfig GetNAXConfiguration(IApplication app) { IExtensionConfig extConfig = null; try { if (app != null) { UID extCLSID = new UIDClass(); extCLSID.Value = "{C967BD39-1118-42EE-AAAB-B31642C89C3E}"; // Network Analyst extConfig = app.FindExtensionByCLSID(extCLSID) as IExtensionConfig; } } catch { extConfig = null; } return extConfig; } public static string GetFullExceptionMessage(Exception ex) { string msg = ""; string subMsg = ""; while (ex != null) { subMsg = ex.Message; if (subMsg.Length > 0 && msg.Length > 0) msg += "\n"; msg += subMsg; ex = ex.InnerException; } return msg; } } }