' Copyright 2012 ESRI ' ' All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States ' and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. ' ' You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or ' without modification, provided you include the original copyright ' notice and use restrictions. ' ' See the use restrictions. ' Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Text Imports System.IO Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Drawing Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Analyst3D Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.BaseClasses Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI Namespace GlobeFlyTool Public Class Fly Inherits ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool #Region "DllImport" <DllImport("user32")> _ Public Shared Function SetCursor(ByVal hCursor As Integer) As Integer End Function <DllImport("user32")> _ Public Shared Function GetClientRect(ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByRef lpRect As Rectangle) As Integer End Function <DllImport("user32")> _ Shared Function GetCursorPos(ByRef lpPoint As System.Drawing.Point) As Boolean End Function <DllImport("user32")> _ Public Shared Function GetWindowRect(ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByRef lpRect As Rectangle) As Integer End Function #End Region #Region "Member Variables" Private globe As IGlobe Private globeDisplay As IGlobeDisplay Private globeCamera As IGlobeCamera Private camera As ICamera Private scene As IScene Private inUse As Boolean Private bCancel As Boolean = False Private orbitalFly As Boolean = False Private mouseX As Long Private mouseY As Long Private motion As Double = 2 'speed of the scene fly through in scene units Private distance As Double 'distance between target and observer Private currentElevation As Double 'normal fly angles in radians Private currentAzimut As Double 'normal fly angles in radians Private speed As Integer Private flyCur As System.Windows.Forms.Cursor Private moveFlyCur As System.Windows.Forms.Cursor Private theClock As Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Clock Private lastClock As Long Private observer As GlobeFlyTool.PointZ Private target As GlobeFlyTool.PointZ Private viewVec As GlobeFlyTool.PointZ #End Region #Region "Constructor/Destructor" Public Sub New() globe = ArcGlobe.Globe scene = TryCast(globe, IScene) globeDisplay = globe.GlobeDisplay camera = globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera globeCamera = TryCast(camera, IGlobeCamera) theClock = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Clock() flyCur = New System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Fly.cur")) moveFlyCur = New System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("fly1.cur")) speed = 0 End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() flyCur = Nothing moveFlyCur = Nothing End Sub #End Region Protected Overrides Sub OnUpdate() Enabled = ArcGlobe.Application IsNot Nothing If inUse Then Cursor = moveFlyCur Else Cursor = flyCur End If End Sub #Region "Tool overrides" Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal arg As ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs) If arg.Button = MouseButtons.Left OrElse arg.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then If (Not inUse) Then mouseX = arg.X mouseY = arg.Y If speed = 0 Then StartFlight(arg.X, arg.Y) End If Else 'Set the speed If arg.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then speed = speed + 1 ElseIf arg.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then speed = speed - 1 End If End If Else 'EndFlight(); inUse = False bCancel = True End If End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal arg As ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs) If (Not inUse) Then Return End If mouseX = arg.X mouseY = arg.Y End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyUp(ByVal arg As ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.KeyEventArgs) If inUse = True Then 'Slow down the speed of the fly through If arg.KeyCode = Keys.Down OrElse arg.KeyCode = Keys.Left Then motion = motion / 2 'Speed up the speed of the fly through ElseIf arg.KeyCode = Keys.Up OrElse arg.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then motion = motion * 2 ElseIf arg.KeyCode = Keys.Escape Then bCancel = True End If End If End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyDown(ByVal arg As ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.KeyEventArgs) If arg.KeyCode = Keys.Escape Then 'ESC is pressed bCancel = True End If End Sub #End Region #Region "Fly Functions" Public Sub StartFlight(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double) inUse = True globeDisplay.IsNavigating = True Dim camOrientMode As ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode = globeCamera.OrientationMode orbitalFly = If((camOrientMode = ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode.esriGlobeCameraOrientationLocal), True, False) Dim pObs As IPoint = camera.Observer Dim pTar As IPoint = camera.Target observer = New GlobeFlyTool.PointZ(pObs.X, pObs.Y, pObs.Z) target = New GlobeFlyTool.PointZ(pTar.X, pTar.Y, pTar.Z) viewVec = target - observer distance = viewVec.Norm() 'avoid center of globe If target.Norm() < 0.25 Then target = target + viewVec distance = distance * 2 End If currentElevation = Math.Atan(viewVec.z / Math.Sqrt((viewVec.x * viewVec.x) + (viewVec.y + viewVec.y))) currentAzimut = Math.Atan2(viewVec.y, viewVec.x) '2.26892;// 'Windows API call to get windows client coordinates Dim pt As New System.Drawing.Point() Dim ans As Boolean = GetCursorPos(pt) Dim rect As New Rectangle() If GetWindowRect(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.hWnd, rect) = 0 Then Return End If mouseX = pt.X - rect.Left mouseY = pt.Y - rect.Top If (Not orbitalFly) Then globeCamera.OrientationMode = esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode.esriGlobeCameraOrientationGlobal Else globeCamera.OrientationMode = esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode.esriGlobeCameraOrientationLocal End If globeCamera.NavigationType = esriGlobeNavigationType.esriGlobeNavigationFree globeCamera.RollFactor = 1.0 globeDisplay.IsNavigating = True globeDisplay.IsNavigating = False globeDisplay.IsNavigating = True lastClock = theClock.TickCount 'Windows API call to set cursor SetCursor(moveFlyCur.Handle.ToInt32()) 'Continue the flight Flight() End Sub Public Sub Flight() 'speed in scene units Dim motionUnit As Double = (0.000001 + Math.Abs(observer.Norm() - 1.0) / 200.0) * motion 'Get IMessageDispatcher interface Dim pMessageDispatcher As IMessageDispatcher pMessageDispatcher = New MessageDispatcherClass() 'Set the ESC key to be seen as a cancel action pMessageDispatcher.CancelOnClick = False pMessageDispatcher.CancelOnEscPress = True bCancel = False Do 'Get the elapsed time Dim currentClock As Long = theClock.TickCount Dim lastFrameDuration As Double = CDbl(currentClock - lastClock) / 1000 lastClock = currentClock If lastFrameDuration < 0.01 Then lastFrameDuration = 0.01 End If If lastFrameDuration > 1 Then lastFrameDuration = 0.1 End If System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(lastFrameDuration.ToString()) 'Windows API call to get windows client coordinates Dim rect As New Rectangle() If GetClientRect(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.hWnd, rect) = 0 Then Return End If 'Get normal vectors Dim dXMouseNormal, dYMouseNormal As Double dXMouseNormal = 2 * (CDbl(mouseX) / CDbl(rect.Right - rect.Left)) - 1 dYMouseNormal = 2 * (CDbl(mouseY) / CDbl(rect.Bottom - rect.Top)) - 1 Dim dir As PointZ = Me.RotateNormal(lastFrameDuration, dXMouseNormal, dYMouseNormal) Dim visTarget As New PointZ(observer.x + distance * dir.x, observer.y + distance * dir.y, observer.z + distance * dir.z) target.x = visTarget.x target.y = visTarget.y target.z = visTarget.z If speed <> 0 Then Dim speedFactor As Integer = If((speed > 0), (1 << speed), -(1 << (-speed))) 'Move the camera in the viewing directions observer.x = observer.x + (lastFrameDuration * (2 Xor speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.x) observer.y = observer.y + (lastFrameDuration * (2 Xor speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.y) observer.z = observer.z + (lastFrameDuration * (2 Xor speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.z) target.x = target.x + (lastFrameDuration * (2 Xor speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.x) target.y = target.y + (lastFrameDuration * (2 Xor speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.y) target.z = target.z + (lastFrameDuration * (2 Xor speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.z) End If Dim globeViewUtil As ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeViewUtil = TryCast(globeCamera, ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeViewUtil) Dim obsLat As Double Dim obsLon As Double Dim obsAlt As Double Dim tarLat As Double Dim tarLon As Double Dim tarAlt As Double globeViewUtil.GeocentricToGeographic(observer.x, observer.y, observer.z, obsLon, obsLat, obsAlt) globeViewUtil.GeocentricToGeographic(target.x, target.y, target.z, tarLon, tarLat, tarAlt) globeCamera.SetObserverLatLonAlt(obsLat, obsLon, obsAlt / 1000) globeCamera.SetTargetLatLonAlt(tarLat, tarLon, tarAlt / 1000) globeCamera.SetAccurateViewDirection(target.x - observer.x, target.y - observer.y, target.z - observer.z) Dim rollAngle As Double = 0 If speed > 0 Then rollAngle = 10 * dXMouseNormal * Math.Abs(dXMouseNormal) End If camera.RollAngle = rollAngle 'Redraw the scene viewer globeDisplay.RefreshViewers() 'Dispatch any waiting messages: OnMouseMove / OnMouseUp / OnKeyUp events Dim objCancel As Object = TryCast(bCancel, Object) pMessageDispatcher.Dispatch(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.hWnd, False, objCancel) 'End flight if ESC key pressed If bCancel = True Then EndFlight() End If Loop While inUse = True AndAlso bCancel = False bCancel = False End Sub Public Sub EndFlight() inUse = False bCancel = True speed = 0 globeDisplay.IsNavigating = False ' reposition target Dim currentObs As New PointZ() Dim newTarget As IPoint = New PointClass() currentObs.x = camera.Observer.X currentObs.y = camera.Observer.Y currentObs.z = camera.Observer.Z Dim orX As Integer = 0 Dim orY As Integer = 0 Dim width As Integer = 0 Dim height As Integer = 0 camera.GetViewport(orX, orY, width, height) Dim obj1 As Object Dim obj2 As Object Try globeDisplay.Locate(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer, width \ 2, height \ 2, True, True, newTarget, obj1, obj2) Catch e As System.Exception MessageBox.Show(e.Message) MessageBox.Show(e.StackTrace.ToString()) End Try If newTarget Is Nothing Then ' no intersection with globe, but don't let the target to be too far newTarget = camera.Target Dim tar As New PointZ(currentObs.x, currentObs.y, currentObs.z) Dim elevObs As Double = tar.Norm() - 1.0 If elevObs <= 0.0001 Then elevObs = 0.0001 End If Dim oldTarget As New PointZ(newTarget.X, newTarget.Y, newTarget.Z) Dim dir As PointZ = (oldTarget - tar) Dim val As Double = dir.Norm() If val > 0.0 Then dir.x = dir.x * elevObs * 10 / val dir.y = dir.y * elevObs * 10 / val dir.z = dir.z * elevObs * 10 / val End If tar = tar + dir newTarget.X = tar.x newTarget.Y = tar.y newTarget.Z = tar.z End If Dim globeViewUtil As ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeViewUtil = TryCast(globeCamera, ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeViewUtil) Dim obsLat As Double Dim obsLon As Double Dim obsAlt As Double Dim tarLat As Double Dim tarLon As Double Dim tarAlt As Double globeViewUtil.GeocentricToGeographic(currentObs.x, currentObs.y, currentObs.z, obsLon, obsLat, obsAlt) globeViewUtil.GeocentricToGeographic(newTarget.X, newTarget.Y, newTarget.Z, tarLon, tarLat, tarAlt) globeCamera.SetObserverLatLonAlt(obsLat, obsLon, obsAlt / 1000) globeCamera.SetTargetLatLonAlt(tarLat, tarLon, tarAlt / 1000) camera.RollAngle = 0 camera.PropertiesChanged() globeDisplay.RefreshViewers() 'Windows API call to set cursor SetCursor(moveFlyCur.Handle.ToInt32()) End Sub Public Function RotateNormal(ByVal lastFrameDuration As Double, ByVal mouseXNorm As Double, ByVal mouseYNorm As Double) As PointZ currentElevation = currentElevation - (lastFrameDuration * mouseYNorm * (Math.Abs(mouseYNorm))) currentAzimut = currentAzimut - (lastFrameDuration * mouseXNorm * (Math.Abs(mouseXNorm))) If currentElevation > 0.45 * 3.141592 Then currentElevation = 0.45 * 3.141592 End If If currentElevation < -0.45 * 3.141592 Then currentElevation = -0.45 * 3.141592 End If Do While currentAzimut < 0 currentAzimut = currentAzimut + (2 * 3.141592) Loop Do While currentAzimut > 2 * 3.141592 currentAzimut = currentAzimut - (2 * 3.141592) Loop Dim x As Double = Math.Cos(currentElevation) * Math.Cos(currentAzimut) Dim y As Double = Math.Cos(currentElevation) * Math.Sin(currentAzimut) Dim z As Double = Math.Sin(currentElevation) Dim p As GlobeFlyTool.PointZ = New PointZ(x, y, z) Return p End Function #End Region End Class End Namespace