// Copyright 2012 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // // Copyright 2011 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions at <your ArcGIS install location>/DeveloperKit10.1/userestrictions.txt. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "ConnSolverPropPage.h" // ConnSolverPropPage ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IPropertyPage STDMETHODIMP ConnSolverPropPage::Show(UINT nCmdShow) { // If we are showing the property page, propulate it // from the connectivity solver object. if ((nCmdShow & (SW_SHOW|SW_SHOWDEFAULT))) { // Set dialog radio button states based on the current solver state outputConnectivityType connectivityOutput = outputDisconnectedLines; m_ipConnectivitySolver->get_OutputConnectivity(&connectivityOutput); // Set "Disconnected Lines" radio button WPARAM checkState = (WPARAM)(connectivityOutput == outputDisconnectedLines ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); ::SendMessage(m_hDisconnected, BM_SETCHECK, checkState, 0); // Set "Connected Lines" radio button checkState = (WPARAM)(connectivityOutput == outputConnectedLines ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); ::SendMessage(m_hConnected, BM_SETCHECK, checkState, 0); // Set output shape type combo based on the current solver state esriNAOutputLineType outputType; m_ipConnectivitySolver->get_OutputLines(&outputType); // Set "Output Shape" combo box WPARAM selectedIndex; switch(outputType) { case esriNAOutputLineNone: { selectedIndex = 0; break; } case esriNAOutputLineTrueShape: { selectedIndex = 1; break; } } ::SendMessage(m_hOutputShape, CB_SETCURSEL, selectedIndex, 0); } // Let the IPropertyPageImpl deal with displaying the page return IPropertyPageImpl<ConnSolverPropPage>::Show(nCmdShow); } STDMETHODIMP ConnSolverPropPage::SetObjects(ULONG nObjects, IUnknown** ppUnk) { m_ipNALayer = 0; m_ipConnectivitySolver = 0; m_ipDENet = 0; // Loop through the objects to find one that supports // the INALayer interface. for (ULONG i=0; i < nObjects; i ++) { INALayerPtr ipNALayer(ppUnk[i]); if (!ipNALayer) continue; VARIANT_BOOL isValid; INetworkDatasetPtr ipNetworkDataset; IDEDatasetPtr ipDEDataset; IDENetworkDatasetPtr ipDENet; INASolverPtr ipSolver; INAContextPtr ipNAContext; ipNALayer->get_Context(&ipNAContext); if (!ipNAContext) continue; ipNAContext->get_Solver(&ipSolver); if (!(IConnectivitySolverPtr)ipSolver) continue; ((ILayerPtr)ipNALayer)->get_Valid(&isValid); if (isValid == VARIANT_FALSE) continue; ipNAContext->get_NetworkDataset(&ipNetworkDataset); if (!ipNetworkDataset) continue; ((IDatasetComponentPtr)ipNetworkDataset)->get_DataElement(&ipDEDataset); ipDENet = ipDEDataset; if (!ipDENet) continue; m_ipNALayer = ipNALayer; m_ipConnectivitySolver = ipSolver; m_ipDENet = ipDENet; } // Let the IPropertyPageImpl know what objects we have return IPropertyPageImpl<ConnSolverPropPage>::SetObjects(nObjects, ppUnk); } STDMETHODIMP ConnSolverPropPage::Apply(void) { // Pass the m_ipConnectivitySolver member variable to the QueryObject method HRESULT hr = QueryObject(CComVariant((IUnknown*) m_ipConnectivitySolver)); // Set the page to not dirty SetDirty(FALSE); return S_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IPropertyPageContext STDMETHODIMP ConnSolverPropPage::get_Priority(LONG* pPriority) { if (pPriority == NULL) return E_POINTER; (*pPriority) = 152; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ConnSolverPropPage::Applies(VARIANT unkArray, VARIANT_BOOL* pApplies) { if (pApplies == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; (*pApplies) = VARIANT_FALSE; if (V_VT(&unkArray) != (VT_ARRAY|VT_UNKNOWN)) return E_INVALIDARG; // Retrieve the safe array and retrieve the data SAFEARRAY *saArray = unkArray.parray; HRESULT hr = ::SafeArrayLock(saArray); IUnknownPtr *pUnk; hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData(saArray,reinterpret_cast<void**> (&pUnk)); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Loop through the elements and see if an NALayer with a valid IConnectivitySolver is present long lNumElements = saArray->rgsabound->cElements; for (long i = 0; i < lNumElements; i++) { INALayerPtr ipNALayer(pUnk[i]); if (!ipNALayer) continue; VARIANT_BOOL isValid; INetworkDatasetPtr ipNetworkDataset; IDEDatasetPtr ipDEDataset; IDENetworkDatasetPtr ipDENet; INASolverPtr ipSolver; INAContextPtr ipNAContext; ipNALayer->get_Context(&ipNAContext); if (!ipNAContext) continue; ipNAContext->get_Solver(&ipSolver); if (!(IConnectivitySolverPtr)ipSolver) continue; ((ILayerPtr)ipNALayer)->get_Valid(&isValid); if (isValid == VARIANT_FALSE) continue; ipNAContext->get_NetworkDataset(&ipNetworkDataset); if (!ipNetworkDataset) continue; ((IDatasetComponentPtr)ipNetworkDataset)->get_DataElement(&ipDEDataset); ipDENet = ipDEDataset; if (!ipDENet) continue; (*pApplies) = VARIANT_TRUE; break; } // Cleanup hr = ::SafeArrayUnaccessData(saArray); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = ::SafeArrayUnlock(saArray); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ConnSolverPropPage::CreateCompatibleObject(VARIANT kind, VARIANT* pNewObject) { if (pNewObject == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP ConnSolverPropPage::QueryObject(VARIANT theObject) { // Check if we have a marker symbol // If we do, apply the setting from the page. CComVariant vObject(theObject); if (vObject.vt != VT_UNKNOWN) return E_UNEXPECTED; // Try and QI to IConnectivitySolver IConnectivitySolverPtr ipSolver(vObject.punkVal); if (ipSolver != 0) { // Set properties of the solver object LRESULT checkState = ::SendMessage(m_hDisconnected, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); outputConnectivityType connectivityOutput = (checkState == BST_CHECKED) ? outputDisconnectedLines : outputConnectedLines; ipSolver->put_OutputConnectivity(connectivityOutput); LRESULT selectedIndex = ::SendMessage(m_hOutputShape, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); switch(selectedIndex) { case 0: { ipSolver->put_OutputLines(esriNAOutputLineNone); break; } case 1: { ipSolver->put_OutputLines(esriNAOutputLineTrueShape); break; } } } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ConnSolverPropPage::GetHelpFile(LONG controlID, BSTR* pHelpFile) { if (pHelpFile == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP ConnSolverPropPage::GetHelpId(LONG controlID, LONG* pHelpID) { if (pHelpID == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP ConnSolverPropPage::Cancel() { // In this case do nothing return S_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dialog LRESULT ConnSolverPropPage::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { m_hConnected = GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO_CONNECTED); m_hDisconnected = GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO_DISCONNECTED); m_hOutputShape = GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO_SHAPE); LPARAM noShape = (LPARAM)_T("None"); LPARAM trueShape = (LPARAM)_T("True Shape"); ::SendMessage(m_hOutputShape, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, noShape); ::SendMessage(m_hOutputShape, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, trueShape); return 0; } LRESULT ConnSolverPropPage::OnBnClickedRadioConnected(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { SetDirty(TRUE); //refresh property sheet m_pPageSite->OnStatusChange(PROPPAGESTATUS_DIRTY); return 0; } LRESULT ConnSolverPropPage::OnBnClickedRadioDisconnected(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { SetDirty(TRUE); //refresh property sheet m_pPageSite->OnStatusChange(PROPPAGESTATUS_DIRTY); return 0; } LRESULT ConnSolverPropPage::OnCbnSelchangeComboShape(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { SetDirty(TRUE); //refresh property sheet m_pPageSite->OnStatusChange(PROPPAGESTATUS_DIRTY); return 0; }