SimplePoint Plug-in Data Source
// Copyright 2012 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions.


const CComBSTR g_sExt(L".spt");
const CComBSTR g_sExtUpper(L".SPT");
const CComBSTR g_sShapeFieldName(L"Shape");

// Function name  : isDirectory
// Description      : determine if the specified path is a directory or not
// Return type    : bool (return true if the specified path is a directoy false if not)
bool IsDirectory(LPCTSTR path);

// Function name  : returnFileExtension
// void returnFileExtension(LPCTSTR path, _TCHAR * extension);
void ReturnFileExtension(LPCTSTR path, BSTR * extension);

// Function name  : fileTypeExists
// Return type    : bool (true if file exists / false if not)
// Argument         : LPCTSTR dirpath (in format c:\temp)
// Argument         : LPCTSTR filter  (filter *.abc )
bool FileTypeExists(LPCTSTR dirpath, LPCTSTR filter);

// Function name  : fileExists
// Description      : Return the existance of a file
// Return type    : bool (TRUE if exists FALSE if not)
bool FileExists(LPCTSTR filePath);

// Function name  : returnFilesystemPath
// Description      : return the path part of a file name including the trailing slash
void ReturnFilesystemPath(BSTR fileLoc, BSTR * path);

// Function name  : returnFile
// Description      : return the file from a provide path 'c:\temp\file.ext becomes' 'file.ext'
void ReturnFile(BSTR loc, BSTR * fileName);