// Copyright 2012 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Analyst3D; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.BaseClasses; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs; using ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore; using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem; using ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI; namespace GlobeFlyTool { public class Fly : ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool { #region DllImport [DllImport("user32")] public static extern int SetCursor(int hCursor); [DllImport("user32")] public static extern int GetClientRect(int hwnd, ref Rectangle lpRect); [DllImport("user32")] static extern bool GetCursorPos(ref System.Drawing.Point lpPoint); [DllImport("user32")] public static extern int GetWindowRect(int hwnd, ref Rectangle lpRect); #endregion #region Member Variables private IGlobe globe; private IGlobeDisplay globeDisplay; private IGlobeCamera globeCamera; private ICamera camera; private IScene scene; private bool inUse; bool bCancel = false; bool orbitalFly = false; private long mouseX; private long mouseY; private double motion = 2; //speed of the scene fly through in scene units private double distance; //distance between target and observer private double currentElevation; //normal fly angles in radians private double currentAzimut; //normal fly angles in radians private int speed; private System.Windows.Forms.Cursor flyCur; private System.Windows.Forms.Cursor moveFlyCur; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Clock theClock; private long lastClock; GlobeFlyTool.PointZ observer; GlobeFlyTool.PointZ target; GlobeFlyTool.PointZ viewVec; #endregion #region Constructor/Destructor public Fly() { globe = ArcGlobe.Globe; scene = globe as IScene; globeDisplay = globe.GlobeDisplay; camera = globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.Camera; globeCamera = camera as IGlobeCamera; theClock = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Clock(); flyCur = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("GlobeFlyTool.Fly.cur")); moveFlyCur = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("GlobeFlyTool.fly1.cur")); speed = 0; } ~Fly() { flyCur = null; moveFlyCur = null; } #endregion protected override void OnUpdate() { Enabled = ArcGlobe.Application != null; if (inUse) Cursor = moveFlyCur; else Cursor = flyCur; } #region Tool overrides protected override void OnMouseUp(ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs arg) { if (arg.Button == MouseButtons.Left || arg.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { if (!inUse) { mouseX = arg.X; mouseY = arg.Y; if (speed == 0) StartFlight(arg.X, arg.Y); } else { //Set the speed if (arg.Button == MouseButtons.Left) speed = speed + 1; else if (arg.Button == MouseButtons.Right) speed = speed - 1; } } else { //EndFlight(); inUse = false; bCancel = true; } } protected override void OnMouseMove(ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs arg) { if (!inUse) return; mouseX = arg.X; mouseY = arg.Y; } protected override void OnKeyUp(ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.KeyEventArgs arg) { if (inUse == true) { //Slow down the speed of the fly through if (arg.KeyCode == Keys.Down || arg.KeyCode == Keys.Left) motion = motion / 2; //Speed up the speed of the fly through else if (arg.KeyCode == Keys.Up || arg.KeyCode == Keys.Right) motion = motion * 2; else if (arg.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) bCancel = true; } } protected override void OnKeyDown(ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.KeyEventArgs arg) { if (arg.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) //ESC is pressed { bCancel = true; } } #endregion #region Fly Functions public void StartFlight(double x, double y) { inUse = true; globeDisplay.IsNavigating = true; ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode camOrientMode = globeCamera.OrientationMode; orbitalFly = (camOrientMode == ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode.esriGlobeCameraOrientationLocal) ? true : false; IPoint pObs = camera.Observer; IPoint pTar = camera.Target; observer = new GlobeFlyTool.PointZ(pObs.X, pObs.Y, pObs.Z); target = new GlobeFlyTool.PointZ(pTar.X, pTar.Y, pTar.Z); viewVec = target - observer; distance = viewVec.Norm(); //avoid center of globe if (target.Norm() < 0.25) { target = target + viewVec; distance = distance * 2; } currentElevation = Math.Atan(viewVec.z / Math.Sqrt((viewVec.x * viewVec.x) + (viewVec.y + viewVec.y))); currentAzimut = Math.Atan2(viewVec.y, viewVec.x);//2.26892;// //Windows API call to get windows client coordinates System.Drawing.Point pt = new System.Drawing.Point(); bool ans = GetCursorPos(ref pt); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); if (GetWindowRect(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.hWnd, ref rect) == 0) return; mouseX = pt.X - rect.Left; mouseY = pt.Y - rect.Top; if (!orbitalFly) { globeCamera.OrientationMode = esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode.esriGlobeCameraOrientationGlobal; } else { globeCamera.OrientationMode = esriGlobeCameraOrientationMode.esriGlobeCameraOrientationLocal; } globeCamera.NavigationType = esriGlobeNavigationType.esriGlobeNavigationFree; globeCamera.RollFactor = 1.0; globeDisplay.IsNavigating = true; globeDisplay.IsNavigating = false; globeDisplay.IsNavigating = true; lastClock = theClock.TickCount; //Windows API call to set cursor SetCursor(moveFlyCur.Handle.ToInt32()); //Continue the flight Flight(); } public void Flight() { //speed in scene units double motionUnit = (0.000001 + Math.Abs(observer.Norm() - 1.0) / 200.0) * motion; //Get IMessageDispatcher interface IMessageDispatcher pMessageDispatcher; pMessageDispatcher = new MessageDispatcherClass(); //Set the ESC key to be seen as a cancel action pMessageDispatcher.CancelOnClick = false; pMessageDispatcher.CancelOnEscPress = true; bCancel = false; do { //Get the elapsed time long currentClock = theClock.TickCount; double lastFrameDuration = (double)(currentClock - lastClock) / 1000; lastClock = currentClock; if (lastFrameDuration < 0.01) lastFrameDuration = 0.01; if (lastFrameDuration > 1) lastFrameDuration = 0.1; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(lastFrameDuration.ToString()); //Windows API call to get windows client coordinates Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); if (GetClientRect(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.hWnd, ref rect) == 0) return; //Get normal vectors double dXMouseNormal, dYMouseNormal; dXMouseNormal = 2 * ((double)mouseX / (double)(rect.Right - rect.Left)) - 1; dYMouseNormal = 2 * ((double)mouseY / (double)(rect.Bottom - rect.Top)) - 1; PointZ dir = this.RotateNormal(lastFrameDuration, dXMouseNormal, dYMouseNormal); PointZ visTarget = new PointZ(observer.x + distance * dir.x, observer.y + distance * dir.y, observer.z + distance * dir.z); target.x = visTarget.x; target.y = visTarget.y; target.z = visTarget.z; if (speed != 0) { int speedFactor = (speed > 0) ? (1 << speed) : -(1 << (-speed)); //Move the camera in the viewing directions observer.x = observer.x + (lastFrameDuration * (2 ^ speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.x); observer.y = observer.y + (lastFrameDuration * (2 ^ speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.y); observer.z = observer.z + (lastFrameDuration * (2 ^ speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.z); target.x = target.x + (lastFrameDuration * (2 ^ speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.x); target.y = target.y + (lastFrameDuration * (2 ^ speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.y); target.z = target.z + (lastFrameDuration * (2 ^ speedFactor) * motionUnit * dir.z); } ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeViewUtil globeViewUtil = globeCamera as ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeViewUtil; double obsLat; double obsLon; double obsAlt; double tarLat; double tarLon; double tarAlt; globeViewUtil.GeocentricToGeographic(observer.x, observer.y, observer.z, out obsLon, out obsLat, out obsAlt); globeViewUtil.GeocentricToGeographic(target.x, target.y, target.z, out tarLon, out tarLat, out tarAlt); globeCamera.SetObserverLatLonAlt(obsLat, obsLon, obsAlt / 1000); globeCamera.SetTargetLatLonAlt(tarLat, tarLon, tarAlt / 1000); globeCamera.SetAccurateViewDirection(target.x - observer.x, target.y - observer.y, target.z - observer.z); double rollAngle = 0; if (speed > 0) { rollAngle = 10 * dXMouseNormal * Math.Abs(dXMouseNormal); } camera.RollAngle = rollAngle; //Redraw the scene viewer globeDisplay.RefreshViewers(); //Dispatch any waiting messages: OnMouseMove / OnMouseUp / OnKeyUp events object objCancel = bCancel as object; pMessageDispatcher.Dispatch(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer.hWnd, false, out objCancel); //End flight if ESC key pressed if (bCancel == true) EndFlight(); } while (inUse == true && bCancel == false); bCancel = false; } public void EndFlight() { inUse = false; bCancel = true; speed = 0; globeDisplay.IsNavigating = false; // reposition target PointZ currentObs = new PointZ(); IPoint newTarget = new PointClass(); currentObs.x = camera.Observer.X; currentObs.y = camera.Observer.Y; currentObs.z = camera.Observer.Z; int orX = 0; int orY = 0; int width = 0; int height = 0; camera.GetViewport(ref orX, ref orY, ref width, ref height); object obj1; object obj2; try { globeDisplay.Locate(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer, width / 2, height / 2, true, true, out newTarget, out obj1, out obj2); } catch (System.Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); MessageBox.Show(e.StackTrace.ToString()); } if (newTarget == null) // no intersection with globe, but don't let the target to be too far { newTarget = camera.Target; PointZ tar = new PointZ(currentObs.x, currentObs.y, currentObs.z); double elevObs = tar.Norm() - 1.0; if (elevObs <= 0.0001) elevObs = 0.0001; PointZ oldTarget = new PointZ(newTarget.X, newTarget.Y, newTarget.Z); PointZ dir = (oldTarget - tar); double val = dir.Norm(); if (val > 0.0) { dir.x = dir.x * elevObs * 10 / val; dir.y = dir.y * elevObs * 10 / val; dir.z = dir.z * elevObs * 10 / val; } tar = tar + dir; newTarget.X = tar.x; newTarget.Y = tar.y; newTarget.Z = tar.z; } ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeViewUtil globeViewUtil = globeCamera as ESRI.ArcGIS.GlobeCore.IGlobeViewUtil; double obsLat; double obsLon; double obsAlt; double tarLat; double tarLon; double tarAlt; globeViewUtil.GeocentricToGeographic(currentObs.x, currentObs.y, currentObs.z, out obsLon, out obsLat, out obsAlt); globeViewUtil.GeocentricToGeographic(newTarget.X, newTarget.Y, newTarget.Z, out tarLon, out tarLat, out tarAlt); globeCamera.SetObserverLatLonAlt(obsLat, obsLon, obsAlt / 1000); globeCamera.SetTargetLatLonAlt(tarLat, tarLon, tarAlt / 1000); camera.RollAngle = 0; camera.PropertiesChanged(); globeDisplay.RefreshViewers(); //Windows API call to set cursor SetCursor(moveFlyCur.Handle.ToInt32()); } public PointZ RotateNormal(double lastFrameDuration, double mouseXNorm, double mouseYNorm) { currentElevation = currentElevation - (lastFrameDuration * mouseYNorm * (Math.Abs(mouseYNorm))); currentAzimut = currentAzimut - (lastFrameDuration * mouseXNorm * (Math.Abs(mouseXNorm))); if (currentElevation > 0.45 * 3.141592) { currentElevation = 0.45 * 3.141592; } if (currentElevation < -0.45 * 3.141592) { currentElevation = -0.45 * 3.141592; } while (currentAzimut < 0) { currentAzimut = currentAzimut + (2 * 3.141592); } while (currentAzimut > 2 * 3.141592) { currentAzimut = currentAzimut - (2 * 3.141592); } double x = Math.Cos(currentElevation) * Math.Cos(currentAzimut); double y = Math.Cos(currentElevation) * Math.Sin(currentAzimut); double z = Math.Sin(currentElevation); GlobeFlyTool.PointZ p = new PointZ(x, y, z); return p; } #endregion } }