' Copyright 2012 ESRI ' ' All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States ' and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. ' ' You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or ' without modification, provided you include the original copyright ' notice and use restrictions. ' ' See the use restrictions. ' Imports System.IO Imports ESRI.ArcGIS Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry Imports CustomFunction.CustomFunction ' ' This is an optional test program which allows the user to use the Custom ' Raster Function in a variety of ways: ' 1.) Create a function raster dataset by applying the custom function on top ' of a raster dataset. ' 2.) Add the custom function on top of a mosaic dataset. ' 3.) Create a RasterFunctionTemplate from the function. ' 4.) Serialize the function in the form of a RasterFunctionTemplate object to an xml. ' 5.) Get a RasterFunctionTemplate object back from a serialized xml. ' ' Note: Successsful serialization to xml involves changes to the XmlSupport.dat file in the ' "<Program Files>\ArcGIS\Desktop10.1\bin" folder. ' Namespace SampleTest Public Class TestWatermarkFunction <STAThread()> _ Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String()) '#Region "Initialize License" Dim aoInit As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.AoInitialize Try Console.WriteLine("Obtaining license") ESRI.ArcGIS.RuntimeManager.Bind(ESRI.ArcGIS.ProductCode.Desktop) aoInit = New AoInitializeClass() ' To make changes to a Mosaic Dataset, a Standard or Advanced license is required. Dim licStatus As esriLicenseStatus = aoInit.Initialize(esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeAdvanced) Console.WriteLine("Ready with license.") Catch exc As Exception ' If it fails at this point, shutdown the test and ignore any subsequent errors. Console.WriteLine(exc.Message) Return End Try '#End Region Try ' Flags to specify the operation to perform Dim addToRD As Boolean = True ' Create Watermark Function Raster Dataset Dim addToMD As Boolean = False ' Add Watermark Function to MD Dim writeTemplateToXml As Boolean = False ' Serialize a template form of the NDVI Custom Funtion to Xml. Dim getfromXml As Boolean = False ' Get a template object back from its serialized xml. '#Region "Specify inputs." ' Raster Dataset parameters Dim workspaceFolder As String = "f:\data\RasterDataset\LACounty\" Dim rasterDatasetName As String = "6466_1741c.tif" ' Output parameters for Function Raster Dataset Dim outputFolder As String = "c:\temp\CustomFunction" Dim outputName As String = "WatermarkSample.afr" ' Mosaic Dataset parameters ' GDB containing the Mosaic Dataset Dim mdWorkspaceFolder As String = "c:\temp\CustomFunction\SampleGdb.gdb" ' Name of the Mosaic Dataset Dim mdName As String = "SampleMD" ' Watermark Parameters Dim watermarkImagePath As String = "e:\Dev\SDK\Raster\NET\Samples\CustomRasterFunction\CSharp\TestWatermarkFunction\Sample.png" Dim blendPercentage As Double = 80.0 Dim wmLocation As esriWatermarkLocation = esriWatermarkLocation.esriWatermarkCenter ' Xml file path to save to or read from xml. Dim xmlFilePath As String = "c:\temp\CustomFunction\Xml\Watermark.RFT.xml" '#End Region If addToRD Then ' Open the Raster Dataset Dim factoryType As Type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesRaster.RasterWorkspaceFactory") Dim workspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory = DirectCast(Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType), IWorkspaceFactory) Dim rasterWorkspace As IRasterWorkspace = DirectCast(workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(workspaceFolder, 0), IRasterWorkspace) Dim rasterDataset As IRasterDataset = rasterWorkspace.OpenRasterDataset(rasterDatasetName) AddWatermarkToRD(rasterDataset, outputFolder, outputName, watermarkImagePath, blendPercentage, wmLocation) ' Cleanup workspaceFactory = Nothing rasterWorkspace = Nothing rasterDataset = Nothing End If If addToMD Then AddWatermarkDataToMD(mdWorkspaceFolder, mdName, watermarkImagePath, blendPercentage, wmLocation, True) End If If writeTemplateToXml AndAlso xmlFilePath <> "" Then ' Create a template with the Watermark Function. Dim watermarkFunctionTemplate As IRasterFunctionTemplate = CreateWatermarkTemplate(watermarkImagePath, blendPercentage, wmLocation) ' Serialize the template to an xml file. Dim status As Boolean = WriteToXml(watermarkFunctionTemplate, xmlFilePath) End If If getfromXml AndAlso xmlFilePath <> "" Then ' Create a RasterFunctionTemplate object from the serialized xml. Dim serializedObj As Object = ReadFromXml(xmlFilePath) If TypeOf serializedObj Is IRasterFunctionTemplate Then Console.WriteLine("Success.") Else Console.WriteLine("Failed.") End If End If Console.WriteLine("Press any key...") Console.ReadKey() aoInit.Shutdown() Catch exc As Exception Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught in Main: " & exc.Message) Console.WriteLine("Failed.") Console.WriteLine("Press any key...") Console.ReadKey() aoInit.Shutdown() End Try End Sub Public Shared Function AddWatermarkToRD(ByVal RasterDataset As IRasterDataset, ByVal OutputFolder As String, ByVal OutputName As String, ByVal watermarkImagePath As String, ByVal blendPercentage As Double, ByVal watermarklocation As esriWatermarkLocation) As Boolean Try ' Create Watermark Function Dim rasterFunction As IRasterFunction = New WatermarkFunction() ' Create the Watermark Function Arguments object Dim rasterFunctionArguments As IWatermarkFunctionArguments = New WatermarkFunctionArguments() ' Set the WatermarkImagePath rasterFunctionArguments.WatermarkImagePath = watermarkImagePath ' the blending percentage, rasterFunctionArguments.BlendPercentage = blendPercentage ' and the watermark location. rasterFunctionArguments.WatermarkLocation = watermarklocation ' Set the Raster Dataset as the input raster rasterFunctionArguments.Raster = RasterDataset ' Create Function Dataset Dim functionRasterDataset As IFunctionRasterDataset = New FunctionRasterDataset() ' Create a Function Raster Dataset Name object Dim functionRasterDatasetName As IFunctionRasterDatasetName = DirectCast(New FunctionRasterDatasetName(), IFunctionRasterDatasetName) ' Set the path for the output Function Raster Dataset functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = System.IO.Path.Combine(OutputFolder, OutputName) functionRasterDataset.FullName = DirectCast(functionRasterDatasetName, IName) ' Initialize the Function Raster Dataset with the function and ' its arguments object functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, rasterFunctionArguments) ' Save as Function Raster Dataset as an .afr file Dim myTempDset As ITemporaryDataset = DirectCast(functionRasterDataset, ITemporaryDataset) myTempDset.MakePermanent() Console.WriteLine("Generated " & OutputName & ".") Console.WriteLine("Success.") Return True Catch exc As Exception Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught while adding watermark to Raster Dataset: " & exc.Message) Console.WriteLine("Failed.") Return False End Try End Function Public Shared Function AddWatermarkDataToMD(ByVal MDWorkspaceFolder As String, ByVal MDName As String, ByVal watermarkImagePath As String, ByVal blendPercentage As Double, ByVal watermarklocation As esriWatermarkLocation, ByVal clearFunctions As Boolean) As Boolean Try ' Open MD Dim factoryType As Type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory") Dim mdWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory = DirectCast(Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType), IWorkspaceFactory) Dim mdWorkspace As IWorkspace = mdWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(MDWorkspaceFolder, 0) Dim workspaceEx As IRasterWorkspaceEx = DirectCast(mdWorkspace, IRasterWorkspaceEx) Dim mosaicDataset As IMosaicDataset = DirectCast(workspaceEx.OpenRasterDataset(MDName), IMosaicDataset) If clearFunctions Then ' Clear functions already added to MD. mosaicDataset.ClearFunction() End If ' Create Watermark Function Dim rasterFunction As IRasterFunction = New WatermarkFunction() ' Create the Watermark Function Arguments object Dim rasterFunctionArguments As IWatermarkFunctionArguments = New WatermarkFunctionArguments() ' Set the WatermarkImagePath rasterFunctionArguments.WatermarkImagePath = watermarkImagePath ' the blending percentage, rasterFunctionArguments.BlendPercentage = blendPercentage ' and the watermark location. rasterFunctionArguments.WatermarkLocation = watermarklocation ' Add function to MD. ' This function takes the name of the property corresponding to the Raster ' property of the Arguments object (in this case is it called Raster itself: ' rasterFunctionArguments.Raster) as its third argument. mosaicDataset.ApplyFunction(rasterFunction, rasterFunctionArguments, "Raster") Console.WriteLine("Added Watermark to MD: " & MDName & ".") Console.WriteLine("Success.") Return True Catch exc As Exception Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught while adding watermark to MD: " & exc.Message) Console.WriteLine("Failed.") Return False End Try End Function Public Shared Function CreateWatermarkTemplate(ByVal watermarkImagePath As String, ByVal blendPercentage As Double, ByVal watermarklocation As esriWatermarkLocation) As IRasterFunctionTemplate '#Region "Setup Raster Function Vars" Dim watermarkRasterRFV As IRasterFunctionVariable = New RasterFunctionVariableClass() watermarkRasterRFV.Name = "Raster" watermarkRasterRFV.IsDataset = True Dim watermarkImagePathRFV As IRasterFunctionVariable = New RasterFunctionVariableClass() watermarkImagePathRFV.Name = "WatermarkImagePath" watermarkImagePathRFV.Value = watermarkImagePath watermarkImagePathRFV.IsDataset = False Dim watermarkBlendPercRFV As IRasterFunctionVariable = New RasterFunctionVariableClass() watermarkBlendPercRFV.Name = "BlendPercentage" watermarkBlendPercRFV.Value = blendPercentage Dim watermarkLocationRFV As IRasterFunctionVariable = New RasterFunctionVariableClass() watermarkLocationRFV.Name = "Watermarklocation" watermarkLocationRFV.Value = watermarklocation '#End Region '#Region "Setup Raster Function Template" ' Create the Watermark Function Arguments object Dim rasterFunctionArguments As IRasterFunctionArguments = New WatermarkFunctionArguments() ' Set the WatermarkImagePath rasterFunctionArguments.PutValue("WatermarkImagePath", watermarkImagePathRFV) ' the blending percentage, rasterFunctionArguments.PutValue("BlendPercentage", watermarkBlendPercRFV) ' and the watermark location. rasterFunctionArguments.PutValue("WatermarkLocation", watermarkLocationRFV) ' Set the Raster Dataset as the input raster rasterFunctionArguments.PutValue("Raster", watermarkRasterRFV) Dim watermarkFunction As IRasterFunction = New WatermarkFunction() Dim watermarkFunctionTemplate As IRasterFunctionTemplate = New RasterFunctionTemplateClass() watermarkFunctionTemplate.[Function] = watermarkFunction watermarkFunctionTemplate.Arguments = rasterFunctionArguments '#End Region Return watermarkFunctionTemplate End Function Public Shared Function WriteToXml(ByVal inputDataset As Object, ByVal xmlFilePath As String) As Boolean Try ' Check if file exists If File.Exists(xmlFilePath) Then Console.WriteLine("File already exists.") Return False End If ' Create new file. Dim xmlFile As IFile = New FileStreamClass() xmlFile.Open(xmlFilePath, esriFilePermission.esriReadWrite) ' See if the input dataset can be Xml serialized. Dim mySerializeData As IXMLSerialize = DirectCast(inputDataset, IXMLSerialize) ' Create new XmlWriter object. Dim myXmlWriter As IXMLWriter = New XMLWriterClass() myXmlWriter.WriteTo(DirectCast(xmlFile, IStream)) myXmlWriter.WriteXMLDeclaration() Dim myXmlSerializer As IXMLSerializer = New XMLSerializerClass() ' Write to XML File myXmlSerializer.WriteObject(myXmlWriter, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, mySerializeData) Console.WriteLine("Success.") Return True Catch exc As Exception Console.WriteLine("Exception caught in WriteToXml: " & exc.Message) Console.WriteLine("Failed.") Return False End Try End Function Public Shared Function ReadFromXml(ByVal xmlFilePath As String) As Object Try Dim inputXmlFile As IFile = New FileStreamClass() inputXmlFile.Open(xmlFilePath, esriFilePermission.esriReadWrite) Dim myXmlReader As IXMLReader = New XMLReaderClass() myXmlReader.ReadFrom(DirectCast(inputXmlFile, IStream)) Dim myInputXmlSerializer As IXMLSerializer = New XMLSerializerClass() Dim myFunctionObject As Object = myInputXmlSerializer.ReadObject(myXmlReader, Nothing, Nothing) Return myFunctionObject Catch exc As Exception Console.WriteLine("Exception caught in ReadFromXml: " & exc.Message) Return Nothing End Try End Function End Class End Namespace