// Copyright 2012 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls; using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem; using ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI; namespace AnimationDeveloperSamples { public partial class frmCreateGraphicTrackOptions : Form { public ICreateGraphicTrackOptions createTrackOptions; public IAnimationExtension AnimationExtension; public IGeometry lineFeature; public ILineElement lineGraphic; public IElement pointGraphic; public frmCreateGraphicTrackOptions() { InitializeComponent(); createTrackOptions = new CreateGraphicTrackOptions(); lineFeature = null; lineGraphic = null; pointGraphic = null; } private void buttonCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } private void buttonImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { createTrackOptions.OverwriteTrack = this.checkBoxOverwriteTrack.Checked; createTrackOptions.ReverseOrder = this.checkBoxReverseOrder.Checked; createTrackOptions.TrackName = this.textBoxTrackName.Text; createTrackOptions.SimplificationFactor = (double)this.trackBar1.Value / 100.0; createTrackOptions.PointElement = pointGraphic; createTrackOptions.LineElement = lineGraphic; createTrackOptions.AnimatePath = this.checkBoxTracePath.Checked; if (this.radioButtonLineFeature.Checked) { createTrackOptions.PathGeometry = lineFeature; } else if (this.radioButtonLineGraphic.Checked) { IElement temp = (IElement)lineGraphic; createTrackOptions.PathGeometry = temp.Geometry; } IAGAnimationTracks tracks = AnimationExtension.AnimationTracks; IAGAnimationContainer pContainer = tracks.AnimationObjectContainer; AnimationUtils.CreateMapGraphicTrack(createTrackOptions, tracks, pContainer); AnimationExtension.AnimationContentsModified(); this.Close(); } private void frmCreateGraphicTrackOptions_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { IAGAnimationTracks tracks = AnimationExtension.AnimationTracks; int i = 1; string recommendedTrackName = "Map Graphic track " + i; while (CheckTrackName(tracks, recommendedTrackName)) { i++; recommendedTrackName = "Map Graphic track " + i; } this.textBoxTrackName.Text = recommendedTrackName; this.checkBoxOverwriteTrack.Checked = false; this.checkBoxReverseOrder.Checked = false; this.checkBoxTracePath.Checked = false; this.trackBar1.Minimum = 0; this.trackBar1.Maximum = 100; RefreshPathSourceOptions(); helpProvider1.SetHelpString(this.radioButtonLineFeature,"Use a selected line feature as the path source."); helpProvider1.SetHelpString(this.radioButtonLineGraphic, "Use a selected line graphic as the path source."); helpProvider1.SetHelpString(this.checkBoxOverwriteTrack, "Check to overwrite existing tracks that have the same name as specified."); helpProvider1.SetHelpString(this.checkBoxReverseOrder, "Check to create a track that moves the graphic in a reversed direction."); helpProvider1.SetHelpString(this.checkBoxTracePath, "Check to show the trace of the moving point graphic in the animation. By default, the trace will be shown as a red dashed line following the path of the point graphic. The symbology of the trace can be changed in the display window after you play or preview the animation once."); helpProvider1.SetHelpString(this.trackBar1, "With a non-zero simplification factor, the line will be simplified and smoother."); helpProvider1.SetHelpString(this.textBoxTrackName, "Type a name for the track."); } //The following function check if a track name exists private bool CheckTrackName(IAGAnimationTracks pTracks, string name) { IArray trackArray = pTracks.AGTracks; IAGAnimationTrack pTrack; int count = pTracks.TrackCount; bool trackExist = false; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pTrack = (IAGAnimationTrack)trackArray.get_Element(i); if (name == pTrack.Name) { trackExist = true; break; } } return trackExist; } public void RefreshPathSourceOptions() { if (lineFeature != null) this.radioButtonLineFeature.Enabled = true; else this.radioButtonLineFeature.Enabled = false; if (lineGraphic != null) { this.radioButtonLineGraphic.Enabled = true; } else { this.radioButtonLineGraphic.Enabled = false; } if (this.radioButtonLineFeature.Enabled) this.radioButtonLineFeature.Checked = true; else this.radioButtonLineGraphic.Checked = true; } } public interface ICreateGraphicTrackOptions { double SimplificationFactor { get; set; } string TrackName { get; set; } bool OverwriteTrack { get; set; } IGeometry PathGeometry { get; set; } bool ReverseOrder { get; set; } IElement PointElement { get; set; } ILineElement LineElement { get; set; } bool AnimatePath { get; set; } } public class CreateGraphicTrackOptions : ICreateGraphicTrackOptions { private double simpFactor; private bool showTrace; private string importTrackName; private bool overwriteTrack; private IGeometry pathGeo; private bool reverseOrder; private IElement element; private ILineElement lineElement; public double SimplificationFactor { get { return simpFactor; } set { simpFactor = value; } } public string TrackName { get { return importTrackName; } set { importTrackName = value; } } public bool OverwriteTrack { get { return overwriteTrack; } set { overwriteTrack = value; } } public IGeometry PathGeometry { get { return pathGeo; } set { pathGeo = value; } } public bool ReverseOrder { get { return reverseOrder; } set { reverseOrder = value; } } public IElement PointElement { get { return element; } set { element = value; } } public ILineElement LineElement { get { return lineElement; } set { lineElement = value; } } public bool AnimatePath { get { return showTrace; } set { showTrace = value; } } } }