How to create an image server layer

The following code example shows how to create an image server layer from a uniform resource locator (URL), clip a portion of the image, and save it to a file.

To save out a raster from an image service, follow these steps:
  1. Initialize image server layer;
  2. Get the raster from the image server layer and set the desired export extent;
  3. Save the clipped raster to geodatabase or other formats.
public static void AccessImageServerLayer()
    //Create an image server layer by passing a URL.
    IImageServerLayer imageserverlayer = new ImageServerLayerClass();
    string URL = "http://server/arcgis/services/serviceName/imageserver";

    //For services that require https/authentication, use the following
    //IImageServerLayer imageserverlayer = CreateSecuredISLayer(@"http://server:6080/arcgis/services", "serviceName");

    //Get the raster from the image server layer.
    IRaster raster = imageserverlayer.Raster;

    //The raster from an image server is normally large; 
    //define the size of the raster.
    IRasterProps rasterProps = (IRasterProps)raster;
    IEnvelope clipEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
    clipEnvelope.PutCoords(779000, 9628000, 786000, 9634000);
    rasterProps.Extent = clipEnvelope;
    rasterProps.Width = 256;
    rasterProps.Height = 256;

    //Save the clipped raster to the file geodatabase.
    ISaveAs saveas = (ISaveAs)raster;
    Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(
    IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFact = (IWorkspaceFactory)Activator.CreateInstance
    IWorkspace workspace = workspaceFact.OpenFromFile(@"c:\temp\fgdb.gdb", 0);
    saveas.SaveAs("clipfromimageserverlayer", workspace, "gdb");

private static IImageServerLayer CreateSecuredISLayer(string agsUrl, string
    IName soname = GetImageServerName(agsUrl, serviceName);
    IImageServerLayer isLayer = new ImageServerLayerClass();
    IDataLayer data_islayer = (IDataLayer)isLayer;
    data_islayer.DataSourceName = soname;
    return isLayer;

private static IName GetImageServerName(string hostOrUrl, string serviceName)
    IPropertySet propSet = new PropertySetClass();
    propSet.SetProperty("url", hostOrUrl);
    propSet.SetProperty("ANONYMOUS", false);
    //don't hardcode user/password
    //propertySet.SetProperty("user", userName);
    //propertySet.SetProperty("password", password);
    IAGSServerConnectionName agsServerConnectName = new AGSServerConnectionNameClass
    agsServerConnectName.ConnectionProperties = propSet;
    IAGSServerObjectName agsSOName = new AGSServerObjectNameClass();
    agsSOName.AGSServerConnectionName = agsServerConnectName;
    agsSOName.Name = serviceName;
    agsSOName.Type = "ImageServer";
    return (IName)agsSOName;
Public Shared Sub AccessImageServerLayer()
'Create an image server layer by passing a URL.
Dim isLayer As IImageServerLayer = New ImageServerLayerClass()
Dim URL As String = "http://server/arcgis/services/serviceName/imageserver"

'For services that require https/authentication, use the following
'Dim isLayer As IImageServerLayer = CreateSecuredISLayer("http://server:6080/arcgis/services", "serviceName")

'Get the raster from the image server layer.
Dim raster As IRaster = isLayer.Raster

'The raster from an image server is normally large;
'define the size of the raster.
Dim rasterProps As IRasterProps = DirectCast(raster, IRasterProps)
Dim clipEnvelope As IEnvelope = New EnvelopeClass()
clipEnvelope.PutCoords(779000, 9628000, 786000, 9634000)
rasterProps.Extent = clipEnvelope
rasterProps.Width = 256
rasterProps.Height = 256

'Save the clipped raster to the file geodatabase.
Dim saveas As ISaveAs = DirectCast(raster, ISaveAs)
Dim factoryType As Type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory")
Dim workspaceFact As IWorkspaceFactory = DirectCast(Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType), IWorkspaceFactory)
Dim workspace As IWorkspace = workspaceFact.OpenFromFile("c:\temp\fgdb.gdb", 0)
saveas.SaveAs("clipfromimageserverlayer", workspace, "gdb")
End Sub

Private Shared Function CreateSecuredISLayer(agsUrl As String, serviceName As String) As IImageServerLayer
Dim soname As IName = GetImageServerName(agsUrl, serviceName)
Dim isLayer As IImageServerLayer = New ImageServerLayerClass()
Dim data_islayer As IDataLayer = DirectCast(isLayer, IDataLayer)
data_islayer.DataSourceName = soname
Return isLayer
End Function

Private Shared Function GetImageServerName(hostOrUrl As String, serviceName As String) As IName
Dim propSet As IPropertySet = New PropertySetClass()
propSet.SetProperty("url", hostOrUrl)
propSet.SetProperty("ANONYMOUS", False)
'don't hardcode user/password
'propertySet.SetProperty("user", userName);
'propertySet.SetProperty("password", password);
Dim agsServerConnectName As IAGSServerConnectionName = New AGSServerConnectionNameClass()
agsServerConnectName.ConnectionProperties = propSet
Dim agsSOName As IAGSServerObjectName = New AGSServerObjectNameClass()
agsSOName.AGSServerConnectionName = agsServerConnectName
agsSOName.Name = serviceName
agsSOName.Type = "ImageServer"
Return DirectCast(agsSOName, IName)
End Function

To use the code in this topic, reference the following assemblies in your Visual Studio project. In the code files, you will need using (C#) or Imports (VB .NET) directives for the corresponding namespaces (given in parenthesis below if different from the assembly name):
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