ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

IPageLayoutControl3.TrackCancel Property

The object used by the PageLayoutControl to check if drawing has been aborted.

ERROR: Syntax information about IPageLayoutControl3.TrackCancel may not be in D:\ArcGIS\DotNet\ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.dll

HRESULT get_TrackCancel(
  ITrackCancel** ppTrackCancel
HRESULT putref_TrackCancel(
  ITrackCancel* ppTrackCancel


ppTrackCancel [out, retval]

  ppTrackCancel is a parameter of type ITrackCancel

ppTrackCancel [in]

  ppTrackCancel is a parameter of type ITrackCancel

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


Use the TrackCancel object to enable users to stop printing, exporting or drawing processes by using the escape or spacebar keys.

See Also

IPageLayoutControl3 Interface