Converts a point on the Map (in map units) to device co-ordinates (typically pixels).
ERROR: Syntax information about IMapControlDefault.FromMapPoint may not be in D:\ArcGIS\DotNet\ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.dll
HRESULT FromMapPoint(
IPoint* pt,
long* X,
long* Y
pt [in]pt is a parameter of type IPoint
X [in, out] X is a parameter of type long Y [in, out] Y is a parameter of type long
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine.
The FromMapPoint method takes an input point in MapUnits, and populates two variables with the equivalent control coordinates in pixels.
See Also
IMapControlDefault Interface | IMapControlDefault.ToMapPoint Method | IMapControl3.ToMapPoint Method | IMapControl4.ToMapPoint Method