Rubber-bands a circle on the MapControl.
ERROR: Syntax information about IMapControl4.TrackCircle may not be in D:\ArcGIS\DotNet\ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.dll
HRESULT TrackCircle(
IGeometry** circle
circle [out, retval]circle is a parameter of type IGeometry
Product Availability
TrackCircle returns a geometry object that implements IPolygon.
Use the TrackCircle method within the IMapControlEvents2::OnMouseDown event to rubberband a user defined Circle. The IMapControlEvents2::OnMouseMove event will be triggered during the track, but no IMapControlEvents2::OnMouseUp event will occur. The ESC key on the keyboard can be used during the track to cancel the TrackCircle.
See Also
IMapControl4 Interface | IMapControl4.TrackLine Method | IMapControl2.TrackLine Method | IMapControl3.TrackLine Method | IMapControl2.TrackPolygon Method | IMapControl3.TrackPolygon Method | IMapControl4.TrackPolygon Method | IMapControl3.TrackRectangle Method | IMapControl4.TrackRectangle Method | IMapControl2.TrackRectangle Method