Indicates whether the specified action can be performed on the array of objects.
ERROR: Syntax information about IHookActions.ActionSupportedOnMultiple may not be in D:\ArcGIS\DotNet\ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.dll
HRESULT get_ActionSupportedOnMultiple(
IArray* pArray,
esriHookActions Action,
pArray [in]pArray is a parameter of type IArray
Action [in]Action is a parameter of type esriHookActions
pIsEnable [out, retval] pIsEnable is a parameter of type VARIANT_BOOL
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine.
Indicates whether the specified Action is supported on the objects in the specified array. Use ActionSupportedOnMultiple before using the DoActionOnMultiple and DoActionWithNameOnMultiple methods.
pArray must contain objects implementing IEnvelope, IPoint, IPolygon or IPolyline and the geometry of each object in the array should not be empty.
In C# use the get_ActionSupportedOnMultiple method, as indexed property accessors are not supported.