Flashes a shape on the MapControl, duration is in milliseconds.
ERROR: Syntax information about IMapControl4.FlashShape may not be in D:\ArcGIS\DotNet\ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.dll
HRESULT FlashShape(
IGeometry* pShape,
long nFlashes,
long flashInterval,
VARIANT symbol
pShape [in]pShape is a parameter of type IGeometry
nFlashes [in, optional, defaultvalue(3)] nFlashes is a parameter of type long flashInterval [in, optional, defaultvalue(300)] flashInterval is a parameter of type long symbol [optional] symbol is a parameter of type VARIANTTo indicate this parameter is undefined pass in a VARIANT with type VT_ERROR and scode value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.
Product Availability
Errors Returned
1025 800a0401: The specified symbol does not indicate the correct type of object
1030 800a0406: The supplied geometry does not have a geometry type that is supported for drawing
Geometry objects implementing IEnvelope, IMultiPatch, IMultiPoint, IPoint, IPolygon and IPolyline are supported.
See Also
IMapControl4 Interface | IMapControl4.DrawShape Method | IMapControl2.DrawShape Method | IMapControl3.DrawShape Method | IMapControl2.DrawText Method | IMapControl4.DrawText Method | IMapControl3.DrawText Method