ArcObjects Library Reference (Controls)  

IEngineNetworkAnalystEnvironment.ShowAnalysisMessagesAfterSolve Property

The types of messages that are displayed after solving.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property ShowAnalysisMessagesAfterSolve As Integer
public int ShowAnalysisMessagesAfterSolve {get; set;}
HRESULT get_ShowAnalysisMessagesAfterSolve(
  long* messageTypes
HRESULT put_ShowAnalysisMessagesAfterSolve(
  long messageTypes


messageTypes [out, retval]   messageTypes is a parameter of type long messageTypes [in]   messageTypes is a parameter of type long

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine.


The type of messages displayed when a solve completes.

For example, esriEngineNAMessageTypeNone (0) means you do not want to see any messages after solve and esriEngineNAMessageTypeError + esriEngineNAMessageTypeWarning (6) means you just want to see errors and warnings.

Errors Returned

1005 800a03ed:The value of a parameter which is an enumerated constant is out of the range of required values

See Also

IEngineNetworkAnalystEnvironment Interface

.NET Samples

Network Analyst Engine application (Code Files: frmMain frmNAProperties)