The following tables list the members exposed by AddRuleToTopology.
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | Alias | The alias for this tool's toolbox. |
 | in_featureclass | The input or origin feature class for the topology rule. (In, Required) |
 | in_featureclass2 | The second input or destination feature class for the topology rule. (In, Optional) |
 | in_topology | The topology to which the new rule will be added. (In, Required) |
 | out_topology | Output Topology (out, Optional) |
 | ParameterInfo | The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. |
 | rule_type | The topology rule that will be applied to the input feature class(es). (In, Required) |
 | subtype | The subtype value for the input feature class. If subtypes do not exist on the origin feature class, or you want the rule to be applied to all subtypes, either do not set this parameter, or use a value of -1. (In, Optional) |
 | subtype2 | The subtype value for the second input or destination feature class. If subtypes do not exist on the origin feature class, or you want the rule to be applied to all subtypes, either do not set this parameter, or use a value of -1. (In, Optional) |
 | ToolboxDirectory | The directory of this tool's toolbox. |
 | ToolboxName | The name of this tool's toolbox. |
 | ToolName | The name of this tool. |
See Also