ArcObjects Library Reference  


About the Reducing schematic nodes and computing a cumulative attribute via a schematic rule Sample



using ESRI.ArcGIS;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CustomRulesCS
    public class NodeReductionRule : ISchematicRule, ISchematicRuleDesign
        public const string GUID = "A6CB9935-AE08-46FB-9850-77C2B4E7C6A9";
        public const string PROGID = "CustomRulesCS.NodeReductionRule";

        // Register/unregister categories for this class
        #region "Component Category Registration"
        public static void Register(string CLSID)

        public static void Unregister(string CLSID)

        private ISchematicDiagramClass m_diagramClass;

        private string m_description = "Reduction Node Rule - Report cumulative value C#";
        private string m_lengthAttributeName;
        private string m_reducedNodeClassName;
        private string m_superspanLinkClassName;
        private string m_linkAttributeName;

        private bool m_keepVertices = true;
        private bool m_linkAttribute = false;

        #region NodeReductionRule interface
        public NodeReductionRule()

            m_diagramClass = null;

        public bool LinkAttribute
                return m_linkAttribute;
                m_linkAttribute = value;

        public string LinkAttributeName
                return m_linkAttributeName;
                m_linkAttributeName = value;

        public bool KeepVertices 
                return m_keepVertices;
                m_keepVertices = value;

        public string LengthAttributeName
                return m_lengthAttributeName;
                m_lengthAttributeName = value;

        public string ReducedNodeClassName
                return m_reducedNodeClassName;
                m_reducedNodeClassName = value;

        public string SuperpanLinkClassName
                return m_superspanLinkClassName;
                m_superspanLinkClassName = value;

        #region ISchematicRule Members

        public void Alter(ISchematicDiagramClass schematicDiagramClass, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet propertySet)
            m_diagramClass = schematicDiagramClass;

                m_description = propertySet.GetProperty("DESCRIPTION").ToString();
            catch { }

                m_reducedNodeClassName = propertySet.GetProperty("REDUCEDNODECLASS").ToString();
            catch { }

                m_superspanLinkClassName = propertySet.GetProperty("SUPERSPANLINKCLASS").ToString();
            catch { }

                m_lengthAttributeName = propertySet.GetProperty("LENGTHATTRIBUTENAME").ToString();
            catch { }

                m_keepVertices = (bool)propertySet.GetProperty("KEEPVERTICES");
            catch { }

                m_linkAttribute = (bool)propertySet.GetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTE");
            catch { }

                m_linkAttributeName = propertySet.GetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTENAME").ToString();
            catch { }

        public void Apply(ISchematicInMemoryDiagram inMemoryDiagram, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel cancelTracker)

            if (m_reducedNodeClassName == "" || inMemoryDiagram == null) return;

            // initialize the schematic rules helper
            ISchematicRulesHelper rulesHelper = new SchematicRulesHelperClass();
            rulesHelper.KeepVertices = m_keepVertices;

            // get the feature classes processed by the rule
            ISchematicDiagramClass diagramClass = null;
                diagramClass = inMemoryDiagram.SchematicDiagramClass;
            catch { }

            if (diagramClass == null) return;
            ISchematicDataset schematicDataset = null;
                schematicDataset = diagramClass.SchematicDataset;
            catch { }

            ISchematicElementClassContainer elementclassContainer = (ISchematicElementClassContainer)schematicDataset;
            if (elementclassContainer == null) return;

            ISchematicElementClass elementClassReducedNode = null;
            elementClassReducedNode = elementclassContainer.GetSchematicElementClass(m_reducedNodeClassName);

            ISchematicElementClass elementClassSuperspan    = null;
            elementClassSuperspan = elementclassContainer.GetSchematicElementClass(m_superspanLinkClassName);

            if (elementClassSuperspan == null || elementClassReducedNode == null) return;

            ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer featureClassContainer = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer)inMemoryDiagram;
            if (featureClassContainer == null) return;

         ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClass superspanLinkClass = featureClassContainer.GetSchematicInMemoryFeatureClass(elementClassSuperspan);

            // fetch the superspan spatial reference
            IGeoDataset geoDataset = (IGeoDataset)superspanLinkClass;

            ISpatialReference    spatialRef = null;
            if (geoDataset != null)    spatialRef = geoDataset.SpatialReference;
            if (spatialRef == null) return;

            // Retrieve the schematic in memory feature nodes to reduce 

            System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, ISchematicInMemoryFeature> colSchfeatureNode = new Dictionary<string, ISchematicInMemoryFeature>();

            // get all feature of parent node class
            IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature enumSchematicInMemoryFeature = inMemoryDiagram.GetSchematicInMemoryFeaturesByClass(elementClassReducedNode);

            // retain only the nodes of degree two
            RetainNodesDegreeTwo(enumSchematicInMemoryFeature, colSchfeatureNode, rulesHelper);    // there would be inserted a SQL query to also filter by attributes 

            IProgressor msgProgressor = null;
            if (cancelTracker != null)
                msgProgressor = cancelTracker.Progressor;
                IStepProgressor stepProgressor = (IStepProgressor)msgProgressor;
                if (stepProgressor != null)
                    stepProgressor.MinRange = 0;
                    stepProgressor.MaxRange = colSchfeatureNode.Count;
                    stepProgressor.StepValue = 1;
                    stepProgressor.Position = 0;
                    stepProgressor.Message = m_description;
                    cancelTracker.Progressor = msgProgressor;

            ISchematicInMemoryFeature schFeatureToReduce;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ISchematicInMemoryFeature> kvp in colSchfeatureNode)
                if (cancelTracker != null)
                    if (cancelTracker.Continue() == false)

                schFeatureToReduce = colSchfeatureNode[kvp.Key];
                if (schFeatureToReduce != null) ReduceNode(rulesHelper, superspanLinkClass, spatialRef, schFeatureToReduce);

            // release memory
            colSchfeatureNode = null;
            rulesHelper = null;

        public ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID ClassID
                ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID ruleID = new ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID();
                ruleID.Value = PROGID;
                return ruleID;

        public string Description
                return m_description;
                m_description = value;

        string ISchematicRule.Description
            get { return m_description; }

        public string Name
                return "Node Reduction Rule C#";

        public ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet PropertySet
                ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet propertySet = new ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.PropertySet();
                propertySet.SetProperty("DESCRIPTION", m_description);
                propertySet.SetProperty("REDUCEDNODECLASS", m_reducedNodeClassName);
                propertySet.SetProperty("SUPERSPANLINKCLASS", m_superspanLinkClassName);
                propertySet.SetProperty("KEEPVERTICES", m_keepVertices);
                propertySet.SetProperty("LENGTHATTRIBUTENAME", m_lengthAttributeName);
                propertySet.SetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTE", m_linkAttribute);
                propertySet.SetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTENAME", m_linkAttributeName);

                return propertySet;

        ISchematicDiagramClass ISchematicRule.SchematicDiagramClass
            get { return m_diagramClass; }


        #region ISchematicRuleDesign Members

        public void Detach()
            m_diagramClass = null;

        ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet ISchematicRuleDesign.PropertySet
                m_description = value.GetProperty("DESCRIPTION").ToString();
                m_reducedNodeClassName = value.GetProperty("REDUCEDNODECLASS").ToString();
                m_superspanLinkClassName = value.GetProperty("SUPERSPANLINKCLASS").ToString();
                m_keepVertices = (bool)value.GetProperty("KEEPVERTICES");
                m_lengthAttributeName = value.GetProperty("LENGTHATTRIBUTENAME").ToString();
                m_linkAttribute = (bool)value.GetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTE");
                m_linkAttributeName = value.GetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTENAME").ToString();

        ISchematicDiagramClass ISchematicRuleDesign.SchematicDiagramClass
                return m_diagramClass;
                m_diagramClass = value;
        #endregion ISchematicRuleDesign

        #region private methods

        private void ReduceNode(ISchematicRulesHelper rulesHelper, ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClass superspanLinkClass , ISpatialReference spatialRef, ISchematicInMemoryFeature schFeatureToReduce)
            if (schFeatureToReduce.Displayed == false || rulesHelper == null || spatialRef == null)

            // get the two connected links 
            IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature enumLink = rulesHelper.GetDisplayedIncidentLinks((ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode)schFeatureToReduce, esriSchematicEndPointType.esriSchematicOriginOrExtremityNode);
            if (enumLink == null || enumLink.Count != 2)

            ISchematicInMemoryFeature schFeat1 = enumLink.Next();
            ISchematicInMemoryFeature schFeat2 = enumLink.Next();
            ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink schLink1 = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink)schFeat1;
            ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink schLink2 = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink)schFeat2;
            if (schLink1 == null || schLink2 == null) return;

            ISchematicInMemoryFeature schFeatureSuperspan = null;
            ISchematicInMemoryFeature schFeatureTmp = null;

            ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode schNodeToReduce = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode)schFeatureToReduce;
            ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode schFromNode;
            ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode schToNode;
            int iFromPort;
            int iToPort;

            IGeometry superspanGeometry;
            if (schLink2.FromNode == schNodeToReduce)
                superspanGeometry = BuildLinkGeometry(schLink1, schNodeToReduce, schLink2, rulesHelper);
                if (schLink1.ToNode == schNodeToReduce)
                    schFromNode = schLink1.FromNode;
                    iFromPort = schLink1.FromPort;
                    schFromNode = schLink1.ToNode;
                    iFromPort = schLink1.ToPort;

                schToNode = schLink2.ToNode;
                iToPort = schLink2.ToPort;

                superspanGeometry = BuildLinkGeometry(schLink2, schNodeToReduce, schLink1, rulesHelper);

                schFromNode = schLink2.FromNode;
                iFromPort = schLink2.FromPort;

                if (schLink1.FromNode == schNodeToReduce)
                    schToNode = schLink1.ToNode;
                    iToPort = schLink1.ToPort;
                    schToNode = schLink1.FromNode;
                    iToPort = schLink1.FromPort;

            if (superspanGeometry != null)
                superspanGeometry.SpatialReference = spatialRef;

            // find a unique name for the superspan
            string strFromName = schFromNode.Name;
            string strtoName = schToNode.Name;
            string strName;
            long lCount = 1;

            while (schFeatureSuperspan == null)
                strName = strFromName + ";" + strtoName + ";" + lCount.ToString();
                if (strName.Length >= 128)
                    break; // too long a name

                    schFeatureTmp = rulesHelper.AlterLink(superspanLinkClass, strName, null, superspanGeometry, -2, -2,
                                                                                                            strFromName, strtoName, esriFlowDirection.esriFDWithFlow, iFromPort, iToPort);
                    schFeatureTmp = null;

                if (schFeatureTmp == null)

                // valid new feature
                schFeatureSuperspan = schFeatureTmp;

            // last chance for a unique name
            lCount = 1;
            while (schFeatureSuperspan == null)
                strName = schNodeToReduce.Name + ";" + lCount.ToString();
                if (strName.Length >= 128)
                    break; // too long a name

                    schFeatureTmp = rulesHelper.AlterLink(superspanLinkClass, strName, null, superspanGeometry, -2, -2,
                                                                                                         strFromName, strtoName, esriFlowDirection.esriFDWithFlow, iFromPort, iToPort);
                    schFeatureTmp = null;

                if (schFeatureTmp == null)

                // valid new feature
                schFeatureSuperspan = schFeatureTmp;

            if (schFeatureSuperspan == null)
                return; // cannot find a unique name

            // otherwise report the cumulated length of the reduced links to the superspan
            ReportCumulativeValues(schFeat1, schFeat2, schFeatureSuperspan);

            //    report the associations on the superspan link
            rulesHelper.ReportAssociations(schFeatureToReduce, schFeatureSuperspan);
            rulesHelper.ReportAssociations(schFeat1, schFeatureSuperspan);
            rulesHelper.ReportAssociations(schFeat2, schFeatureSuperspan);

            // hide the reduced objects

        private void ReportCumulativeValues(ISchematicInMemoryFeature schFeat1, ISchematicInMemoryFeature schFeat2, ISchematicInMemoryFeature schTargetFeat)

            if (schFeat1 == null || schFeat2 == null || schTargetFeat == null)

            // assume the attribute field name is the same on every schematic feature link classes
            IFields linkFields = schFeat1.Fields;
            int iIndex = linkFields.FindField(m_lengthAttributeName);
            if (iIndex < 0) return; // attribute field does not exist
            object value1 = schFeat1.get_Value(iIndex);

            linkFields = schFeat2.Fields;
            iIndex = linkFields.FindField(m_lengthAttributeName);
            if (iIndex < 0) return; // attribute field does not exist
            object value2 = schFeat2.get_Value(iIndex);

            double dValue1 = 0;
            double dValue2 = 0;

            if (!DBNull.Value.Equals(value1))
                    dValue1 = Convert.ToDouble(value1);
                catch { }

            if (!DBNull.Value.Equals(value2))
                    dValue2 = Convert.ToDouble(value2);
                catch{ }

            // assume the values to be numeric
            double dlength    = dValue1 + dValue2;

            linkFields = schTargetFeat.Fields;
            iIndex = linkFields.FindField(m_lengthAttributeName);
            if (iIndex < 0) return; // attribute field does not exist
            schTargetFeat.set_Value(iIndex, dlength);

        private IGeometry BuildLinkGeometry(ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink schLink1, ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode schNodeToReduce, ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink schLink2, ISchematicRulesHelper rulesHelper)

            if (schLink1 == null || schLink2 == null || schNodeToReduce == null || rulesHelper == null)
                return null;

            if (m_keepVertices == false)
                return null; // no geometry

            Polyline newPoly = new Polyline();
            IPolyline polyLink1 = rulesHelper.GetLinkPoints(schLink1, (schLink1.FromNode == schNodeToReduce));
            IPolyline polyLink2 = rulesHelper.GetLinkPoints(schLink2, (schLink2.ToNode == schNodeToReduce));
            IPoint nodePt = rulesHelper.GetNodePoint(schNodeToReduce);
            IPoint Pt;

            IPointCollection newPts = (IPointCollection)newPoly;
            IPointCollection link1Pts = (IPointCollection)polyLink1;
            IPointCollection link2Pts = (IPointCollection)polyLink2;

            int Count = link1Pts.PointCount;
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < Count - 1; i++)
                Pt = link1Pts.get_Point(i);


            Count = link2Pts.PointCount;
            for (i = 1; i < Count; i++)
                Pt = link2Pts.get_Point(i);

            IGeometry buildGeometry = (IGeometry)newPoly;
            return buildGeometry;

        private void RetainNodesDegreeTwo(IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature enumInMemoryFeature,
                Dictionary<string, ISchematicInMemoryFeature> colSchfeatureNode, ISchematicRulesHelper ruleHelper)
            ISchematicInMemoryFeature schInMemoryfeature;

            if (ruleHelper == null) return;

            schInMemoryfeature = enumInMemoryFeature.Next();
            while (schInMemoryfeature != null)
                if (schInMemoryfeature.Displayed)
                    IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature enumLinks = ruleHelper.GetDisplayedIncidentLinks((ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode)schInMemoryfeature, esriSchematicEndPointType.esriSchematicOriginOrExtremityNode);
                    if (enumLinks != null && enumLinks.Count == 2)
                        // Valid degree two node
                        if (!colSchfeatureNode.ContainsKey(schInMemoryfeature.Name))
                            if (!LinkAttribute)
                                colSchfeatureNode.Add(schInMemoryfeature.Name, schInMemoryfeature);
                                if(SameIncidentLinkAttributeValue(enumLinks, LinkAttributeName, ruleHelper))
                                    colSchfeatureNode.Add(schInMemoryfeature.Name, schInMemoryfeature);

                schInMemoryfeature = enumInMemoryFeature.Next();

        private bool SameIncidentLinkAttributeValue(IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature enumInMemoryLinks, string attributeName, ISchematicRulesHelper ruleHelper)
            ISchematicInMemoryFeature inMemoryFeature = null;


            bool bFirstVariant = true;
            object vPreviousValue = null;
            object vCurrentValue = null;

            inMemoryFeature = enumInMemoryLinks.Next();

            while (inMemoryFeature != null)
            // Do not take account the link if the link is not displayed
            // Search for an attribute with the given name
                ISchematicElementClass schematicElementClass;
                schematicElementClass = inMemoryFeature.SchematicElementClass;
                ISchematicAttributeContainer attributeContainer = (ISchematicAttributeContainer)schematicElementClass;
                ISchematicAttribute schematicAttribute = null;
                if (attributeContainer != null)
                    schematicAttribute = attributeContainer.GetSchematicAttribute(attributeName, true);

                if (schematicAttribute != null)
                    ISchematicObject schematicObject = (ISchematicObject)inMemoryFeature;
                    vCurrentValue = schematicAttribute.GetValue(schematicObject);
                // If schematic attribute not existing ==> find a field in the associated feature
                    IObject iObject = null;

                    ISchematicInMemoryFeaturePrimaryAssociation primaryAssociation = (ISchematicInMemoryFeaturePrimaryAssociation)inMemoryFeature;
                    if (primaryAssociation != null)
                        iObject = primaryAssociation.AssociatedObject;
                    IRow row = (IRow)iObject;

                    int fieldIndex = 0;
                    if (row != null)
                        IFields fields = row.Fields;

                        if (fields != null)
                            fieldIndex = fields.FindField(attributeName);

                    if (fieldIndex > 0)
                        vCurrentValue = row.get_Value(fieldIndex);
                        if (DBNull.Value.Equals(vCurrentValue))
                            return false;
                        return false;

                if (bFirstVariant)
                    vPreviousValue = vCurrentValue;
                    bFirstVariant = false;
                    // Compare PreviousValue and CurrentValue
                    if (vPreviousValue.GetType() != vCurrentValue.GetType())
                        return false;

                    if (DBNull.Value.Equals(vPreviousValue) || DBNull.Value.Equals(vCurrentValue))
                        return false;
                    if (vPreviousValue.GetType().FullName is System.String)//Speciale Case for string.
                        string str1 = (string)vPreviousValue;
                        string str2 = (string)vCurrentValue;
                        if( string.Compare(str1, str2, true) != 0)
                            return false;
                    else if (vPreviousValue != vCurrentValue)// == or != operator compare for Variant match the right type.
                        return false;

                inMemoryFeature = enumInMemoryLinks.Next();
            return true;

[Visual Basic .NET]


Option Strict On

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports ESRI.ArcGIS
Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic
Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry
Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase
Imports esriSystem = ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem

<System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterface(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType.None)> _
<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid(NodeReductionRule.GUID)> _
<System.Runtime.InteropServices.ProgId(NodeReductionRule.PROGID)> _
Public Class NodeReductionRule
    Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRule
    Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRuleDesign

    Public Const GUID As String = "5CA4A4C9-CBDF-4B4E-8932-53A962C92C22"
    Public Const PROGID As String = "CustomRulesVB.NodeReductionRule"

    ' Register/unregister categories for this class
#Region "Component Category Registration"
    <System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComRegisterFunction()> _
    Shared Sub Register(ByVal CLSID As String)
    End Sub

    <System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComUnregisterFunction()> _
    Shared Sub Unregister(ByVal CLSID As String)
    End Sub
#End Region

    Private m_diagramClass As ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicDiagramClass
    Private m_reducedNodeClassName As String
    Private m_lengthAttributeName As String
    Private m_superspanLinkClassName As String
    Private m_linkAttributeName As String

    Private m_description As String = "Reduction Node Rule - Report cumulative value VBNet"
    Private m_keepVertices As Boolean = True
    Private m_linkAttribute As Boolean = False

#Region "NodeReductionRule Members"

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
        m_diagramClass = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public Property LinkAttribute() As Boolean
            Return m_linkAttribute
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
            m_linkAttribute = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property LinkAttributeName() As String
            Return m_linkAttributeName
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            m_linkAttributeName = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property KeepVertices() As Boolean
            Return m_keepVertices
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
            m_keepVertices = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property ReducedNodeClassName() As String
            Return m_reducedNodeClassName
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            m_reducedNodeClassName = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property LengthAttributeName() As String
            Return m_lengthAttributeName
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            m_lengthAttributeName = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property SuperpanLinkClassName() As String
            Return m_superspanLinkClassName
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            m_superspanLinkClassName = value
        End Set
    End Property

#End Region

#Region "ISchematicRule Members"
    Public Sub Alter(ByVal schematicDiagramClass As ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicDiagramClass, ByVal propertySet As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet) Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRule.Alter
        m_diagramClass = schematicDiagramClass
            m_description = propertySet.GetProperty("DESCRIPTION").ToString()
        End Try

            m_reducedNodeClassName = propertySet.GetProperty("REDUCEDNODECLASS").ToString()
        End Try

            m_superspanLinkClassName = propertySet.GetProperty("SUPERSPANLINKCLASS").ToString()
        End Try

            m_keepVertices = CBool(propertySet.GetProperty("KEEPVERTICES"))
        End Try

            m_lengthAttributeName = propertySet.GetProperty("LENGTHATTRIBUTENAME").ToString()
        End Try

            m_linkAttribute = CBool(propertySet.GetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTE"))
        End Try

            m_linkAttributeName = propertySet.GetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTENAME").ToString()
        End Try

    End Sub

    Public Sub Apply(ByVal inMemoryDiagram As ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicInMemoryDiagram, Optional ByVal cancelTracker As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel = Nothing) Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRule.Apply
        Dim rulesHelper As ISchematicRulesHelper = New SchematicRulesHelper()
        Dim diagramClass As ISchematicDiagramClass = Nothing
        Dim elementClassReducedNode As ISchematicElementClass = Nothing
        Dim elementClassSuperspan As ISchematicElementClass = Nothing
        Dim elementClassContainer As ISchematicElementClassContainer
        Dim superspanLinkClass As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClass
        Dim schematicDataset As ISchematicDataset
        Dim featureClassContainer As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer
        Dim geoDataset As IGeoDataset
        Dim spatialRef As ISpatialReference = Nothing
        Dim colSchfeatureNode As New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, ISchematicInMemoryFeature)
        Dim kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, ISchematicInMemoryFeature)
        Dim enumSchematicInMemoryFeature As IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature = Nothing
        Dim msgProgressor As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IProgressor = Nothing
        Dim stepProgressor As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IStepProgressor
        Dim schFeatureToReduce As ISchematicInMemoryFeature

        If (m_reducedNodeClassName Is Nothing Or inMemoryDiagram Is Nothing) Then Return

        ' initialize the schematic rules helper
        rulesHelper.KeepVertices = m_keepVertices

        'Get the feature classes processed by the rule
            diagramClass = inMemoryDiagram.SchematicDiagramClass
        End Try
        If (diagramClass Is Nothing) Then Return

            schematicDataset = diagramClass.SchematicDataset
            schematicDataset = Nothing
        End Try

        elementClassContainer = CType(schematicDataset, ISchematicElementClassContainer)
        If (elementClassContainer Is Nothing) Then Return

        elementClassReducedNode = elementClassContainer.GetSchematicElementClass(m_reducedNodeClassName)
        elementClassSuperspan = elementClassContainer.GetSchematicElementClass(m_superspanLinkClassName)
        If (elementClassSuperspan Is Nothing Or elementClassReducedNode Is Nothing) Then Return

        featureClassContainer = CType(inMemoryDiagram, ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer)
        If (featureClassContainer Is Nothing) Then Return

        superspanLinkClass = featureClassContainer.GetSchematicInMemoryFeatureClass(elementClassSuperspan)

        ' fetch the superspan spatial reference
        geoDataset = CType(superspanLinkClass, IGeoDataset)
        If (geoDataset IsNot Nothing) Then spatialRef = geoDataset.SpatialReference

        If (spatialRef Is Nothing) Then Return

        ' Retrieve the schematic in memory feature nodes to reduce 
        ' get all feature of parent node class
        enumSchematicInMemoryFeature = inMemoryDiagram.GetSchematicInMemoryFeaturesByClass(elementClassReducedNode)

        ' retain only the nodes of degree two
        RetainNodesDegreeTwo(enumSchematicInMemoryFeature, colSchfeatureNode, rulesHelper) ' there would be inserted a SQL query to also filter by attributes 

        If (cancelTracker IsNot Nothing) Then
            msgProgressor = cancelTracker.Progressor
            stepProgressor = CType(msgProgressor, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IStepProgressor)
            If (stepProgressor IsNot Nothing) Then
                stepProgressor.MinRange = 0
                stepProgressor.MaxRange = colSchfeatureNode.Count
                stepProgressor.StepValue = 1
                stepProgressor.Position = 0
                stepProgressor.Message = m_description
                cancelTracker.Progressor = msgProgressor
            End If
        End If

        For Each kvp In colSchfeatureNode
            If (cancelTracker IsNot Nothing) Then
                If (cancelTracker.Continue() = False) Then Exit For
            End If

            schFeatureToReduce = CType(colSchfeatureNode(kvp.Key), ISchematicInMemoryFeature)
            If (schFeatureToReduce IsNot Nothing) Then ReduceNode(rulesHelper, superspanLinkClass, spatialRef, schFeatureToReduce)

        colSchfeatureNode = Nothing
        rulesHelper = Nothing

    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property ClassID() As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRule.ClassID
            Dim ruleID As esriSystem.UID = New esriSystem.UID()
            ruleID.Value = PROGID
            Return ruleID
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Description1() As String Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRule.Description
            Return m_description
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Property Description() As String
            Return m_description
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            m_description = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRule.Name
            Return "Node Reduction Rule VBNet"
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property PropertySet() As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRule.PropertySet
            Dim propSet As esriSystem.IPropertySet = New esriSystem.PropertySet()

            propSet.SetProperty("DESCRIPTION", m_description)
            propSet.SetProperty("REDUCEDNODECLASS", m_reducedNodeClassName)
            propSet.SetProperty("SUPERSPANLINKCLASS", m_superspanLinkClassName)
            propSet.SetProperty("KEEPVERTICES", m_keepVertices)
            propSet.SetProperty("LENGTHATTRIBUTENAME", m_lengthAttributeName)
            propSet.SetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTENAME", m_linkAttributeName)
            propSet.SetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTE", m_linkAttribute)

            Return propSet
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property SchematicDiagramClass() As ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicDiagramClass Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRule.SchematicDiagramClass
            Return m_diagramClass
        End Get
    End Property
#End Region

#Region "ISchematicRuleDesign Members"

    Public Sub Detach() Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRuleDesign.Detach
        m_diagramClass = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public WriteOnly Property PropertySet1() As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRuleDesign.PropertySet
        Set(ByVal value As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet)
            m_description = value.GetProperty("DESCRIPTION").ToString()
            m_reducedNodeClassName = value.GetProperty("REDUCEDNODECLASS").ToString()
            m_superspanLinkClassName = value.GetProperty("SUPERSPANLINKCLASS").ToString()
            m_keepVertices = CBool(value.GetProperty("KEEPVERTICES"))
            m_lengthAttributeName = value.GetProperty("LENGTHATTRIBUTENAME").ToString()
            m_linkAttribute = CBool(value.GetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTE"))
            m_linkAttributeName = value.GetProperty("LINKATTRIBUTENAME").ToString()
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property SchematicDiagramClass1() As ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicDiagramClass Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicRuleDesign.SchematicDiagramClass
            Return m_diagramClass
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicDiagramClass)
            m_diagramClass = value
        End Set
    End Property
#End Region

#Region "Node Reduction Rule private Members"

    Private Sub ReduceNode(ByVal rulesHelper As ISchematicRulesHelper, ByVal superspanLinkClass As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClass, ByVal spatialRef As ISpatialReference, ByVal schFeatureToReduce As ISchematicInMemoryFeature)

        Dim enumLink As IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature
        Dim schFeatureSuperspan As ISchematicInMemoryFeature = Nothing
        Dim schFeatureTmp As ISchematicInMemoryFeature = Nothing
        Dim schFeat1 As ISchematicInMemoryFeature = Nothing
        Dim schFeat2 As ISchematicInMemoryFeature = Nothing
        Dim schLink1 As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink = Nothing
        Dim schLink2 As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink = Nothing
        Dim schNodeToReduce As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode = Nothing
        Dim schFromNode As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode = Nothing
        Dim schToNode As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode = Nothing
        Dim superspanGeometry As IGeometry = Nothing

        Dim iFromPort As Integer
        Dim iToPort As Integer
        Dim lCount As Long = 1

        Dim strFromName As String
        Dim strtoName As String
        Dim strName As String

        If (schFeatureToReduce.Displayed = False Or rulesHelper Is Nothing Or spatialRef Is Nothing) Then Exit Sub

        ' get the two connected links 
        enumLink = rulesHelper.GetDisplayedIncidentLinks(CType(schFeatureToReduce, ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode), esriSchematicEndPointType.esriSchematicOriginOrExtremityNode)
        If (enumLink Is Nothing Or enumLink.Count <> 2) Then Exit Sub

        schFeat1 = enumLink.Next()
        schFeat2 = enumLink.Next()
        schLink1 = CType(schFeat1, ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink)
        schLink2 = CType(schFeat2, ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink)
        If (schLink1 Is Nothing Or schLink2 Is Nothing) Then Exit Sub

        schNodeToReduce = CType(schFeatureToReduce, ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode)

        If (schLink2.FromNode Is schNodeToReduce) Then
            superspanGeometry = BuildLinkGeometry(schLink1, schNodeToReduce, schLink2, rulesHelper)

            If (schLink1.ToNode Is schNodeToReduce) Then
                schFromNode = schLink1.FromNode
                iFromPort = schLink1.FromPort
                schFromNode = schLink1.ToNode
                iFromPort = schLink1.ToPort
            End If

            schToNode = schLink2.ToNode
            iToPort = schLink2.ToPort
            superspanGeometry = BuildLinkGeometry(schLink2, schNodeToReduce, schLink1, rulesHelper)

            schFromNode = schLink2.FromNode
            iFromPort = schLink2.FromPort

            If (schLink1.FromNode Is schNodeToReduce) Then
                schToNode = schLink1.ToNode
                iToPort = schLink1.ToPort
                schToNode = schLink1.FromNode
                iToPort = schLink1.FromPort
            End If
        End If

        If (superspanGeometry IsNot Nothing) Then superspanGeometry.SpatialReference = spatialRef

        ' find a unique name for the superspan
        strFromName = schFromNode.Name
        strtoName = schToNode.Name
        lCount = 1
        While (schFeatureSuperspan Is Nothing)
            strName = strFromName + ";" + strtoName + ";" + lCount.ToString()
            If (strName.Length >= 128) Then Exit While ' too long a name

                schFeatureTmp = rulesHelper.AlterLink(superspanLinkClass, strName, Nothing, superspanGeometry, -2, -2,
                                                      strFromName, strtoName, esriFlowDirection.esriFDWithFlow, iFromPort, iToPort)
                schFeatureTmp = Nothing
            End Try

            If (schFeatureTmp IsNot Nothing) Then
                ' valid new feature
                schFeatureSuperspan = schFeatureTmp
                Exit While
            End If
        End While

        ' last chance for a unique name
        lCount = 1
        While (schFeatureSuperspan Is Nothing)

            strName = schNodeToReduce.Name + ";" + lCount.ToString()
            If (strName.Length >= 128) Then Exit While ' too long a name
                schFeatureTmp = rulesHelper.AlterLink(superspanLinkClass, strName, Nothing, superspanGeometry, -2, -2,
                                                      strFromName, strtoName, esriFlowDirection.esriFDWithFlow, iFromPort, iToPort)
                schFeatureTmp = Nothing
            End Try

            If (schFeatureTmp IsNot Nothing) Then
                ' valid new feature
                schFeatureSuperspan = schFeatureTmp
                Exit While
            End If
        End While

        If (schFeatureSuperspan Is Nothing) Then Exit Sub ' cannot find a unique name

        ' otherwise report the cumulated length of the reduced links to the superspan
        ReportCumulativeValues(schFeat1, schFeat2, schFeatureSuperspan)

        '  report the associations on the superspan link
        rulesHelper.ReportAssociations(schFeatureToReduce, schFeatureSuperspan)
        rulesHelper.ReportAssociations(schFeat1, schFeatureSuperspan)
        rulesHelper.ReportAssociations(schFeat2, schFeatureSuperspan)

        ' hide the reduced objects
    End Sub

    Private Sub ReportCumulativeValues(ByVal schFeat1 As ISchematicInMemoryFeature, ByVal schFeat2 As ISchematicInMemoryFeature, ByVal schTargetFeat As ISchematicInMemoryFeature)

        Dim linkFields As IFields = Nothing
        Dim value1 As Object
        Dim value2 As Object
        Dim iIndex As Integer
        Dim dLength As Double
        Dim dValue1 As Double = 0
        Dim dValue2 As Double = 0

        If (schFeat1 Is Nothing Or schFeat2 Is Nothing Or schTargetFeat Is Nothing) Then Exit Sub

        ' assume the attribute field name is the same on every schematic feature link classes
        linkFields = schFeat1.Fields
        iIndex = linkFields.FindField(m_lengthAttributeName)
        If (iIndex < 0) Then Exit Sub ' attribute field does not exist
        value1 = schFeat1.Value(iIndex)

        linkFields = schFeat2.Fields
        iIndex = linkFields.FindField(m_lengthAttributeName)
        If (iIndex < 0) Then Exit Sub ' attribute field does not exist
        value2 = schFeat2.Value(iIndex)

        If (Not DBNull.Value.Equals(value1)) Then
            dValue1 = CDbl(value1)
        End If

        If (Not DBNull.Value.Equals(value2)) Then
            dValue2 = CDbl(value2)
        End If

        ' assume the values to be numeric
        dLength = dValue1 + dValue2

        linkFields = schTargetFeat.Fields
        iIndex = linkFields.FindField(m_lengthAttributeName)
        If (iIndex < 0) Then Exit Sub ' attribute field does not exist
        schTargetFeat.Value(iIndex) = dLength
    End Sub

    Private Function BuildLinkGeometry(ByVal schLink1 As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink, ByVal schNodeToReduce As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode, ByVal schLink2 As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink, ByVal rulesHelper As ISchematicRulesHelper) As IGeometry
        If (schLink1 Is Nothing Or schLink2 Is Nothing Or schNodeToReduce Is Nothing Or rulesHelper Is Nothing) Then Return Nothing
        If (m_keepVertices = False) Then Return Nothing 'no geometry

        Dim polyLink1 As IPolyline = Nothing
        Dim polyLink2 As IPolyline = Nothing
        Dim nodePt As IPoint = Nothing
        Dim Pt As IPoint = Nothing
        Dim newPts As IPointCollection = Nothing
        Dim link1Pts As IPointCollection = Nothing
        Dim link2Pts As IPointCollection = Nothing
        Dim buildGeometry As IGeometry = New Polyline()
        Dim iCount As Integer
        Dim i As Integer

        polyLink1 = rulesHelper.GetLinkPoints(schLink1, (schLink1.FromNode Is schNodeToReduce))
        polyLink2 = rulesHelper.GetLinkPoints(schLink2, (schLink2.ToNode Is schNodeToReduce))
        nodePt = rulesHelper.GetNodePoint(schNodeToReduce)

        newPts = CType(buildGeometry, IPointCollection)
        link1Pts = CType(polyLink1, IPointCollection)
        link2Pts = CType(polyLink2, IPointCollection)

        iCount = link1Pts.PointCount
        For i = 0 To iCount - 2 Step 1
            Pt = link1Pts.Point(i)

        iCount = link2Pts.PointCount
        For i = 1 To iCount - 1 Step 1
            Pt = link2Pts.Point(i)
        Return buildGeometry
    End Function

    Private Sub RetainNodesDegreeTwo(ByRef enumInMemoryFeature As IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature, ByRef colSchfeatureNode As System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, ISchematicInMemoryFeature), ByVal ruleHelper As ISchematicRulesHelper)

        Dim schInMemoryfeature As ISchematicInMemoryFeature = Nothing

        schInMemoryfeature = enumInMemoryFeature.Next()
        While (schInMemoryfeature IsNot Nothing)
            If (schInMemoryfeature.Displayed) Then
                Dim schInMemoryNode As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode = Nothing
                schInMemoryNode = CType(schInMemoryfeature, ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode)
                Dim enumLinks As IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature = Nothing
                enumLinks = ruleHelper.GetDisplayedIncidentLinks(schInMemoryNode, esriSchematicEndPointType.esriSchematicOriginOrExtremityNode)
                If (enumLinks IsNot Nothing And enumLinks.Count = 2) Then
                    ' Valid degree two node
                    If (Not colSchfeatureNode.ContainsKey(schInMemoryfeature.Name)) Then
                        If (Not LinkAttribute) Then
                            colSchfeatureNode.Add(schInMemoryfeature.Name, schInMemoryfeature)
                        ElseIf (SameIncidentLinkAttributeValue(enumLinks, LinkAttributeName, ruleHelper)) Then
                            colSchfeatureNode.Add(schInMemoryfeature.Name, schInMemoryfeature)
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If

            schInMemoryfeature = enumInMemoryFeature.Next()

        End While
    End Sub

    Private Function SameIncidentLinkAttributeValue(ByVal enumInMemoryLinks As IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature, ByVal attributeName As String, ByVal ruleHelper As ISchematicRulesHelper) As Boolean

        Dim inMemoryFeature As ISchematicInMemoryFeature = Nothing
        Dim bFirstVariant As Boolean = True
        Dim vPreviousValue As Object = Nothing
        Dim vCurrentValue As Object = Nothing

        inMemoryFeature = enumInMemoryLinks.Next()

        While (inMemoryFeature IsNot Nothing)
            ' Do not take account the link if the link is not displayed
            ' Search for an attribute with the given name
            Dim schematicElementClass As ISchematicElementClass
            schematicElementClass = inMemoryFeature.SchematicElementClass
            Dim attributeContainer As ISchematicAttributeContainer = CType(schematicElementClass, ISchematicAttributeContainer)
            Dim schematicAttribute As ISchematicAttribute = Nothing

            If (attributeContainer IsNot Nothing) Then
                schematicAttribute = attributeContainer.GetSchematicAttribute(attributeName, True)
            End If

            If (schematicAttribute IsNot Nothing) Then
                Dim schematicObject As ISchematicObject = CType(inMemoryFeature, ISchematicObject)
                vCurrentValue = schematicAttribute.GetValue(schematicObject)
                'If schematic attribute not existing ==> find a field in the associated feature
                Dim iObject As IObject = Nothing
                Dim primaryAssociation As ISchematicInMemoryFeaturePrimaryAssociation = CType(inMemoryFeature, ISchematicInMemoryFeaturePrimaryAssociation)
                If (primaryAssociation IsNot Nothing) Then
                    iObject = primaryAssociation.AssociatedObject
                End If

                Dim row As IRow = CType(iObject, IRow)
                Dim fieldIndex As Integer = 0

                If (row IsNot Nothing) Then
                    Dim fields As IFields = row.Fields
                    If (fields IsNot Nothing) Then fieldIndex = fields.FindField(attributeName)
                End If

                If (fieldIndex > 0) Then
                    vCurrentValue = row.Value(fieldIndex)
                    If (DBNull.Value.Equals(vCurrentValue)) Then Return False
                    Return False
                End If

            End If

            If (bFirstVariant) Then
                vPreviousValue = vCurrentValue
                bFirstVariant = False
                ' Compare PreviousValue and CurrentValue
                If (vPreviousValue.GetType() IsNot vCurrentValue.GetType()) Then Return False

                If (DBNull.Value.Equals(vPreviousValue) Or DBNull.Value.Equals(vCurrentValue)) Then Return False

                If (TypeOf (vPreviousValue.GetType().FullName) Is System.String) Then 'Speciale Case for string.
                    Dim str1 As String = vPreviousValue.ToString()
                    Dim str2 As String = vCurrentValue.ToString()

                    If (String.Compare(str1, str2, True) <> 0) Then Return False

                ElseIf (Not vPreviousValue.Equals(vCurrentValue)) Then
                    Return False ' == or != operator compare for Variant match the right type.
                End If
            End If

            inMemoryFeature = enumInMemoryLinks.Next()

        End While

        Return True
    End Function
#End Region
End Class