About the Implementing a schematic digitizing tool Sample
using System; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic; using ESRI.ArcGIS.SchematicControls; using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem; using System.Windows.Forms; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Display; namespace CurrentDigitTool { internal static class CurrentTool { public static DigitTool.DigitTool currentDigit; public static ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IDockableWindow currentDockableWindow; public static DigitTool.DigitDockableWindow digitDockableWindow; } } namespace DigitTool { public class DigitTool : ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool { ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IApplication m_app; ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IExtension m_schematicExtension; ISchematicLayer m_schematicLayer; ISchematicLayer m_schematicLayerForLink; ISchematicFeature m_schematicFeature1; ISchematicFeature m_schematicFeature2; INewLineFeedback m_linkFbk; private string m_messageFromOK = "\n" + "Complete missing data and click on button ok"; private int m_x; private int m_y; public DigitDockableWindow m_dockableDigit; private ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IDockableWindow m_dockableWindow; private bool m_fromDeactivate = false; private bool m_DeactivatedFromDock = false; public DigitTool() { m_app = ArcMap.Application; } protected override void OnUpdate() { // the tool is enable only if the diagram is in memory try { if (ArcMap.Application == null) { Enabled = false; return; } SetTargetLayer(); if (m_schematicLayer == null) { Enabled = false; return; } if (m_schematicLayer.IsEditingSchematicDiagram() == false) { Enabled = false; return; } ISchematicInMemoryDiagram inMemoryDiagram = m_schematicLayer.SchematicInMemoryDiagram; if (inMemoryDiagram == null) Enabled = false; else Enabled = true; } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } return; } protected override void OnMouseMove(ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs arg) { try { if (m_schematicFeature1 != null) { ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxApplication mxApp = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxApplication)m_app; if (mxApp == null) return; ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IAppDisplay appDisplay = mxApp.Display; if (appDisplay == null) return; IScreenDisplay screenDisplay = appDisplay.FocusScreen; if (screenDisplay == null) return; //Move the Feedback to the current mouse location IPoint pnt = screenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(arg.X, arg.Y); if (pnt != null && m_linkFbk != null) m_linkFbk.MoveTo(pnt); } } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } return; } protected override void OnMouseUp(ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs arg) { bool abortOperation = false; ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicOperation schematicOperation = null; try { if (m_dockableDigit == null) return; if (arg != null) { m_x = arg.X; m_y = arg.Y; } if (m_dockableWindow == null) return; if (m_dockableWindow.IsVisible() == false) { m_dockableWindow.Show(true); } ESRI.ArcGIS.SchematicControls.ISchematicTarget target = (ESRI.ArcGIS.SchematicControls.ISchematicTarget)m_schematicExtension; if (target != null) m_schematicLayer = target.SchematicTarget; if (m_schematicLayer == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No target Layer"); return; } ISchematicInMemoryDiagram inMemoryDiagram; ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClass schematicInMemoryFeatureClass; ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer schematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer; //Get the point ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point point = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point(); ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxApplication mxApp; ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IAppDisplay appDisplay; IScreenDisplay screenDisplay; IDisplay display; IDisplayTransformation transform; ISpatialReference spatialReference; inMemoryDiagram = m_schematicLayer.SchematicInMemoryDiagram; schematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer)inMemoryDiagram; if (schematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer == null) return; mxApp = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxApplication)m_app; if (mxApp == null) return; appDisplay = mxApp.Display; if (appDisplay == null) return; screenDisplay = appDisplay.FocusScreen; display = screenDisplay; if (display == null) return; transform = display.DisplayTransformation; if (transform == null) return; spatialReference = transform.SpatialReference; WKSPoint mapPt = new WKSPoint(); ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.tagPOINT devPoint; devPoint.x = m_x; devPoint.y = m_y; transform.TransformCoords(ref mapPt, ref devPoint, 1, 1); //'esriTransformToMap point.SpatialReference = spatialReference; point.Project(spatialReference); point.X = mapPt.X; point.Y = mapPt.Y; schematicInMemoryFeatureClass = schematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer.GetSchematicInMemoryFeatureClass(m_dockableDigit.FeatureClass()); if (schematicInMemoryFeatureClass == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Invalid Type."); return; } if (m_dockableDigit.CreateNode()) { //TestMandatoryField m_dockableDigit.btnOKPanel1.Visible = false; if (m_dockableDigit.ValidateFields() == false) { m_dockableDigit.x(m_x); m_dockableDigit.y(m_y); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(m_dockableDigit.ErrorProvider1.GetError(m_dockableDigit.btnOKPanel1) + m_messageFromOK); return; } ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeometry geometry; ISchematicInMemoryFeature schematicInMemoryFeatureNode; geometry = point; schematicOperation = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicOperation) new ESRI.ArcGIS.SchematicControls.SchematicOperation(); //digit operation is undo(redo)able we add it in the stack IMxDocument doc = (IMxDocument)m_app.Document; ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.IOperationStack operationStack; operationStack = doc.OperationStack; operationStack.Do(schematicOperation); schematicOperation.StartOperation("Digit", m_app, m_schematicLayer, true); //do abort operation abortOperation = true; schematicInMemoryFeatureNode = schematicInMemoryFeatureClass.CreateSchematicInMemoryFeatureNode(geometry, ""); //schematicInMemoryFeatureNode.UpdateStatus = esriSchematicUpdateStatus.esriSchematicUpdateStatusNew; if we want the node deleted after update schematicInMemoryFeatureNode.UpdateStatus = esriSchematicUpdateStatus.esriSchematicUpdateStatusLocked; abortOperation = false; schematicOperation.StopOperation(); ISchematicFeature schematicFeature = schematicInMemoryFeatureNode; m_dockableDigit.FillValue(ref schematicFeature); if (m_dockableDigit.AutoClear()) m_dockableDigit.SelectionChanged(); } else { m_dockableDigit.btnOKPanel2.Visible = false; //Get the Tolerance of ArcMap Double tolerance; IMxDocument mxDocument = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)m_app.Document; ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.WKSPoint point2 = new WKSPoint(); ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.tagPOINT devPt; tolerance = mxDocument.SearchTolerancePixels; devPt.x = (int)tolerance; devPt.y = (int)tolerance; transform.TransformCoords(ref point2, ref devPt, 1, 2);//2 <-> esriTransformSize 4 <-> esriTransformToMap tolerance = point2.X * 5;//increase the tolerance value IEnumSchematicFeature schematicFeatures = m_schematicLayer.GetSchematicFeaturesAtPoint(point, tolerance, false, true); ISchematicFeature schematicFeatureSelected = null; double distancetmp; double distance = 0; schematicFeatures.Reset(); if (schematicFeatures.Count <= 0) return; //pSchematicFeatures may contain several features, we are choosing the closest node. ISchematicFeature schematicFeature2 = schematicFeatures.Next(); double dX; double dY; ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode schematicInMemoryFeatureNode = null; if (schematicFeature2 != null) { if (schematicFeature2.SchematicElementClass.SchematicElementType == ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.esriSchematicElementType.esriSchematicNodeType) schematicInMemoryFeatureNode = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode)schematicFeature2; } ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry)schematicInMemoryFeatureNode; dX = schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry.Position.X; dY = schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry.Position.Y; schematicFeatureSelected = schematicFeature2; distance = SquareDistance(dX - point.X, dY - point.Y); while (schematicFeature2 != null) { //find the closest featureNode... if (schematicInMemoryFeatureNode != null) { schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry) schematicInMemoryFeatureNode; if (schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry == null) continue; dX = schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry.Position.X; dY = schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry.Position.Y; distancetmp = SquareDistance(dX - point.X, dY - point.Y); if (distancetmp < distance) { distance = distancetmp; schematicFeatureSelected = schematicFeature2; } } schematicFeature2 = schematicFeatures.Next(); if (schematicFeature2 != null) { if (schematicFeature2.SchematicElementClass.SchematicElementType == ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.esriSchematicElementType.esriSchematicNodeType) schematicInMemoryFeatureNode = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode)schematicFeature2; } } if (schematicFeatureSelected == null) return; if (schematicFeatureSelected.SchematicElementClass.SchematicElementType != esriSchematicElementType.esriSchematicNodeType) return; if (m_schematicFeature1 == null) { m_schematicFeature1 = schematicFeatureSelected; m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature1(m_schematicFeature1); if (!m_dockableDigit.CheckValidFeature(true)) { m_schematicFeature1 = null; m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature1(m_schematicFeature1); throw new Exception("Invalid starting node for this link type"); } //Begin Feedback m_linkFbk = new NewLineFeedback(); m_linkFbk.Display = screenDisplay; //symbol ISimpleLineSymbol sLnSym; IRgbColor rGB = new RgbColor(); sLnSym = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ISimpleLineSymbol)m_linkFbk.Symbol; //Make a color rGB.Red = 255; rGB.Green = 0; rGB.Blue = 0; // Setup the symbol with color and style sLnSym.Color = rGB; m_linkFbk.Start(point); //End Feedback //To know if we are in the same diagram. m_schematicLayerForLink = m_schematicLayer; } else { if (m_schematicLayerForLink != m_schematicLayer) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("wrong Target layer"); m_schematicLayerForLink = null; EndFeedBack(); return; } m_schematicFeature2 = schematicFeatureSelected; m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature2(m_schematicFeature2); //TestMandatoryField if (m_dockableDigit.ValidateFields() == false) { m_dockableDigit.x(m_x); m_dockableDigit.y(m_y); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(m_dockableDigit.ErrorProvider1.GetError(m_dockableDigit.btnOKPanel2) + m_messageFromOK); return; } if (!m_dockableDigit.CheckValidFeature(false)) { m_schematicFeature2 = null; m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature2(m_schematicFeature2); throw new Exception("Invalid End node for this link type"); } //CreateLink ISchematicInMemoryFeature schematicInMemoryFeatureLink; schematicOperation = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicOperation) new ESRI.ArcGIS.SchematicControls.SchematicOperation(); //digit operation is undo(redo)able we add it in the stack IMxDocument doc = (IMxDocument)m_app.Document; ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.IOperationStack operationStack; operationStack = doc.OperationStack; operationStack.Do(schematicOperation); schematicOperation.StartOperation("Digit", m_app, m_schematicLayer, true); //do abort operation abortOperation = true; schematicInMemoryFeatureLink = schematicInMemoryFeatureClass.CreateSchematicInMemoryFeatureLink((ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode)m_schematicFeature1, (ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode)m_schematicFeature2, ""); //schematicInMemoryFeatureLink.UpdateStatus = esriSchematicUpdateStatus.esriSchematicUpdateStatusNew; if we want the node deleted after update schematicInMemoryFeatureLink.UpdateStatus = esriSchematicUpdateStatus.esriSchematicUpdateStatusLocked; abortOperation = false; schematicOperation.StopOperation(); ISchematicFeature schematicFeature = schematicInMemoryFeatureLink; m_dockableDigit.FillValue(ref schematicFeature); //End Feedback EndFeedBack(); m_schematicLayerForLink = null; if (m_dockableDigit.AutoClear()) m_dockableDigit.SelectionChanged(); } } //Refresh the view and viewer windows RefreshView(); } catch (System.Exception e) { if (abortOperation && (schematicOperation != null)) schematicOperation.AbortOperation(); EndFeedBack(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } return; } protected override bool OnDeactivate() { try { CurrentDigitTool.CurrentTool.currentDigit = null; if (m_dockableWindow != null && !m_DeactivatedFromDock) { m_fromDeactivate = true; m_dockableWindow.Dock(ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriDockFlags.esriDockUnPinned); m_dockableWindow.Show(false); } else m_DeactivatedFromDock = false; } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } return true; } protected override void OnActivate() { try { this.Cursor = Cursors.Cross; CurrentDigitTool.CurrentTool.currentDigit = this; SetTargetLayer(); ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IDockableWindowManager dockWinMgr = ArcMap.DockableWindowManager; UID u = new UID(); u.Value = "DigitTool_DockableWindowCS"; if (dockWinMgr == null) return; m_dockableWindow = dockWinMgr.GetDockableWindow(u); if (m_dockableDigit == null) m_dockableDigit = CurrentDigitTool.CurrentTool.digitDockableWindow; if (m_dockableDigit != null) m_dockableDigit.Init(m_schematicLayer); m_dockableWindow.Show(true); CurrentDigitTool.CurrentTool.currentDockableWindow = m_dockableWindow; } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } } private void RefreshView() { IMxDocument mxDocument2 = (IMxDocument)m_app.Document; if (mxDocument2 == null) return; IMap map = mxDocument2.FocusMap; IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)map; if (activeView != null) activeView.Refresh(); //refresh viewer window IApplicationWindows applicationWindows = m_app as IApplicationWindows; ISet mySet = applicationWindows.DataWindows; if (mySet != null) { mySet.Reset(); IMapInsetWindow dataWindow = (IMapInsetWindow)mySet.Next(); while (dataWindow != null) { dataWindow.Refresh(); dataWindow = (IMapInsetWindow)mySet.Next(); } } } public void EndFeedBack() { m_schematicFeature1 = null; m_schematicFeature2 = null; if (m_dockableDigit != null) { m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature1(m_schematicFeature1); m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature2(m_schematicFeature2); } if (m_linkFbk != null) { m_linkFbk.Stop(); m_linkFbk = null; } } public void SchematicFeature1(ISchematicFeature value) { m_schematicFeature1 = value; return; } public void SchematicFeature2(ISchematicFeature value) { m_schematicFeature2 = value; return; } public void DeactivatedFromDock(bool value) { m_DeactivatedFromDock = value; } public void FromDeactivate(bool value) { m_fromDeactivate = value; } public bool FromDeactivate() { return m_fromDeactivate; } public void MyMouseUp(int x, int y) { m_x = x; m_y = y; m_messageFromOK = ""; OnMouseUp(null); m_messageFromOK = "\n" + "Complete missing data and click on button ok"; } private double SquareDistance(double dx, double dy) { return (dx * dx + dy * dy); } private void SetTargetLayer() { try { if (m_schematicLayer == null) { IExtension extention = null; IExtensionManager extensionManager; extensionManager = (IExtensionManager)m_app; extention = extensionManager.FindExtension("SchematicUI.SchematicExtension"); if (extention == null) Enabled = false; else { m_schematicExtension = extention; ISchematicTarget target = m_schematicExtension as ISchematicTarget; if (target != null) m_schematicLayer = target.SchematicTarget; } } } catch (System.Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } } } }
[Visual Basic .NET]
Option Strict Off Option Explicit On Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.SchematicControls Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Display Namespace CurrentDigitTool Friend Module CurrentTool Public currentDigit As DigitTool Public currentDockableWindow As ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IDockableWindow Public digitDockableWindow As DigitDockableWindow End Module End Namespace Public Class DigitTool Inherits ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool Private m_app As ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IApplication Public m_dockableDigit As DigitDockableWindow Private m_schematicExtension As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IExtension Private m_schematicLayer As ISchematicLayer Private m_schematicLayerForLink As ISchematicLayer Private m_schematicFeature1 As ISchematicFeature Private m_schematicFeature2 As ISchematicFeature Private m_linkFbk As INewLineFeedback Private m_messageFromOK As String = vbCrLf & "Complete missing data and click on button ok" Private m_x As Integer Private m_y As Integer Private m_dockableWindow As ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IDockableWindow Private m_fromDeactivate As Boolean = False Private m_DeactivatedFromDock As Boolean = False Public Sub New() m_app = My.ArcMap.Application End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnUpdate() 'the tool is enable only if the diagram is in memory SetTargetLayer() If (m_schematicLayer Is Nothing) Then Enabled = False Return End If If (m_schematicLayer.IsEditingSchematicDiagram() = False) Then Enabled = False Return End If Dim inMemoryDiagram As ISchematicInMemoryDiagram = m_schematicLayer.SchematicInMemoryDiagram If (inMemoryDiagram Is Nothing) Then Enabled = False Else Enabled = True End If End Sub Protected Overrides Function OnDeactivate() As Boolean CurrentDigitTool.CurrentTool.currentDigit = Nothing If Not m_dockableWindow Is Nothing And Not m_DeactivatedFromDock Then m_fromDeactivate = True m_dockableWindow.Dock(ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriDockFlags.esriDockUnPinned) m_dockableWindow.Show(False) Else m_DeactivatedFromDock = False End If Return True End Function Protected Overrides Sub OnActivate() Me.Cursor = Cursors.Cross CurrentDigitTool.CurrentTool.currentDigit = Me SetTargetLayer() Dim windowID As UID = New UIDClass windowID.Value = "DigitTool_DockableWindowVB" m_dockableWindow = My.ArcMap.DockableWindowManager.GetDockableWindow(windowID) If (m_dockableDigit Is Nothing) Then m_dockableDigit = CurrentDigitTool.digitDockableWindow End If If m_dockableDigit IsNot Nothing Then m_dockableDigit.Init(m_schematicLayer) End If m_dockableWindow.Show(True) CurrentDigitTool.CurrentTool.currentDockableWindow = m_dockableWindow End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal arg As ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs) Try If Not m_schematicFeature1 Is Nothing Then Dim mxApp As ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxApplication = m_app If mxApp Is Nothing Then Return End If Dim appDisplay As ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IAppDisplay = mxApp.Display If appDisplay Is Nothing Then Return End If Dim screenDisplay As IScreenDisplay = appDisplay.FocusScreen If screenDisplay Is Nothing Then Return End If 'Move the Feedback to the current mouse location Dim pnt As IPoint = screenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(arg.X, arg.Y) If (m_linkFbk IsNot Nothing And pnt IsNot Nothing) Then m_linkFbk.MoveTo(pnt) End If End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal arg As ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs) Dim abortOperation As Boolean = False Dim schematicOperation As ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicOperation = Nothing Try If m_dockableDigit Is Nothing Then Return End If If Not arg Is Nothing Then m_x = arg.X m_y = arg.Y End If If m_dockableWindow Is Nothing Then Return End If If Not m_dockableWindow.IsVisible() Then m_dockableWindow.Show(True) End If Dim target As ESRI.ArcGIS.SchematicControls.ISchematicTarget target = m_schematicExtension If Not target Is Nothing Then m_schematicLayer = target.SchematicTarget End If If m_schematicLayer Is Nothing Then MsgBox("No target Layer") Return End If Dim inMemoryDiagram As ISchematicInMemoryDiagram Dim schematicInMemoryFeatureClass As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClass Dim schematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer 'Get the point Dim point As New ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point Dim mxApp As ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxApplication Dim appDisplay As ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IAppDisplay Dim screenDisplay As IScreenDisplay Dim display As IDisplay Dim transform As IDisplayTransformation Dim spatialReference As ISpatialReference inMemoryDiagram = m_schematicLayer.SchematicInMemoryDiagram schematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer = inMemoryDiagram If (schematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer Is Nothing) Then Return End If mxApp = m_app If mxApp Is Nothing Then Return End If appDisplay = mxApp.Display If appDisplay Is Nothing Then Return End If screenDisplay = appDisplay.FocusScreen display = screenDisplay If display Is Nothing Then Return End If transform = display.DisplayTransformation If transform Is Nothing Then Return End If spatialReference = transform.SpatialReference Dim mapPt As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.WKSPoint Dim devPoint As ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.tagPOINT devPoint.x = m_x devPoint.y = m_y transform.TransformCoords(mapPt, devPoint, 1, 1) 'esriTransformToMap point.SpatialReference = spatialReference point.Project(spatialReference) point.X = mapPt.X point.Y = mapPt.Y schematicInMemoryFeatureClass = schematicInMemoryFeatureClassContainer.GetSchematicInMemoryFeatureClass(m_dockableDigit.FeatureClass) If schematicInMemoryFeatureClass Is Nothing Then System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Invalid Type.") Return End If If (m_dockableDigit.CreateNode = True) Then 'TestMandatoryField m_dockableDigit.btnOKPanel1.Visible = False If m_dockableDigit.ValidateFields() = False Then m_dockableDigit.x() = m_x m_dockableDigit.y() = m_y MsgBox(m_dockableDigit.ErrorProvider1.GetError(m_dockableDigit.btnOKPanel1) & m_messageFromOK) Exit Sub End If Dim geometry As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeometry Dim schematicInMemoryFeatureNode As ISchematicInMemoryFeature geometry = point schematicOperation = New ESRI.ArcGIS.SchematicControls.SchematicOperation 'digit operation is undo(redo)able we add it in the stack Dim doc As IMxDocument = m_app.Document Dim operationStack As ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.IOperationStack operationStack = doc.OperationStack() operationStack.Do(schematicOperation) schematicOperation.StartOperation("Digit", m_app, m_schematicLayer, True) 'do abort operation abortOperation = True schematicInMemoryFeatureNode = schematicInMemoryFeatureClass.CreateSchematicInMemoryFeatureNode(geometry, "") 'schematicInMemoryFeatureNode.UpdateStatus = esriSchematicUpdateStatus.esriSchematicUpdateStatusNew if we want the node deleted after update schematicInMemoryFeatureNode.UpdateStatus = esriSchematicUpdateStatus.esriSchematicUpdateStatusLocked abortOperation = False schematicOperation.StopOperation() m_dockableDigit.FillValue(schematicInMemoryFeatureNode) If (m_dockableDigit.AutoClear()) Then m_dockableDigit.SelectionChanged() End If Else m_dockableDigit.btnOKPanel2.Visible = False 'Get the Tolerance of ArcMap Dim tolerance As Double Dim mxDocument As IMxDocument = m_app.Document Dim point2 As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.WKSPoint Dim devPt As ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.tagPOINT tolerance = mxDocument.SearchTolerancePixels devPt.x = tolerance devPt.y = tolerance transform.TransformCoords(point2, devPt, 1, 2) '2 <-> esriTransformSize 4 <-> esriTransformToMap tolerance = point2.X * 5 'increase the tolerance value Dim schematicFeatures As IEnumSchematicFeature schematicFeatures = m_schematicLayer.GetSchematicFeaturesAtPoint(point, tolerance, False, True) If Not schematicFeatures.Count > 0 Then Return End If Dim schematicFeatureSelected As ISchematicFeature Dim distancetmp As Double Dim distance As Double = 0 schematicFeatures.Reset() ''schematicFeatureSelected = schematicFeatures.Next ''pSchematicFeatures may contain several features , we are choosing the closest node. Dim schematicFeature2 As ISchematicFeature = schematicFeatures.Next() Dim dX As Double Dim dY As Double Dim schematicInMemoryFeatureNode As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode = Nothing If schematicFeature2 IsNot Nothing Then If schematicFeature2.SchematicElementClass.SchematicElementType = esriSchematicElementType.esriSchematicNodeType Then schematicInMemoryFeatureNode = schematicFeature2 End If End If Dim schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry As ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry = schematicInMemoryFeatureNode dX = schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry.Position.X dY = schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry.Position.Y schematicFeatureSelected = schematicFeature2 distance = SquareDistance(dX - point.X, dY - point.Y) While (schematicFeature2 IsNot Nothing) ''find the closest featureNode... If schematicInMemoryFeatureNode IsNot Nothing Then schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry = schematicInMemoryFeatureNode If schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry Is Nothing Then Continue While End If dX = schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry.Position.X dY = schematicInMemoryFeatureNodeGeometry.Position.Y distancetmp = SquareDistance(dX - point.X, dY - point.Y) If (distancetmp < distance) Then distance = distancetmp schematicFeatureSelected = schematicFeature2 End If End If schematicFeature2 = schematicFeatures.Next() If schematicFeature2 IsNot Nothing Then If schematicFeature2.SchematicElementClass.SchematicElementType = ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.esriSchematicElementType.esriSchematicNodeType Then schematicInMemoryFeatureNode = schematicFeature2 End If End If End While If (schematicFeatureSelected Is Nothing) Then Exit Sub End If If (schematicFeatureSelected.SchematicElementClass.SchematicElementType <> esriSchematicElementType.esriSchematicNodeType) Then Exit Sub End If If m_schematicFeature1 Is Nothing Then m_schematicFeature1 = schematicFeatureSelected m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature1() = m_schematicFeature1 If m_dockableDigit.CheckValidFeature(True) <> True Then m_schematicFeature1 = Nothing m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature1() = m_schematicFeature1 Err.Raise(513, "CheckValidFeature", "Invalid starting node for this link type") End If ''Begin Feedback m_linkFbk = New NewLineFeedback m_linkFbk.Display() = screenDisplay ''symbol Dim sLnSym As ISimpleLineSymbol Dim rGB As IRgbColor sLnSym = m_linkFbk.Symbol rGB = New RgbColor ' Make a color With rGB .Red = 255 .Green = 0 .Blue = 0 End With ' Setup the symbol with color and style sLnSym.Color = rGB m_linkFbk.Start(point) ''End Feedback 'To know if we are in the same diagram. m_schematicLayerForLink = m_schematicLayer Else If (Not m_schematicLayerForLink Is m_schematicLayer) Then MsgBox("wrong Target layer") m_schematicLayerForLink = Nothing EndFeedBack() Exit Sub End If m_schematicFeature2 = schematicFeatureSelected m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature2() = m_schematicFeature2 'TestMandatoryField If m_dockableDigit.ValidateFields() = False Then m_dockableDigit.x() = m_x m_dockableDigit.y() = m_y MsgBox(m_dockableDigit.ErrorProvider1.GetError(m_dockableDigit.btnOKPanel2) & m_messageFromOK) Exit Sub End If If m_dockableDigit.CheckValidFeature(False) <> True Then m_schematicFeature2 = Nothing m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature2() = m_schematicFeature2 Err.Raise(513, "CheckValidFeature", "Invalid End node for this link type") End If 'CreateLink Dim schematicInMemoryFeatureLink As ISchematicInMemoryFeature schematicOperation = New ESRI.ArcGIS.SchematicControls.SchematicOperation 'digit operation is undo(redo)able we add it in the stack Dim doc As IMxDocument = m_app.Document Dim operationStack As ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.IOperationStack operationStack = doc.OperationStack() operationStack.Do(schematicOperation) schematicOperation.StartOperation("Digit", m_app, m_schematicLayer, True) abortOperation = True schematicInMemoryFeatureLink = schematicInMemoryFeatureClass.CreateSchematicInMemoryFeatureLink(m_schematicFeature1, m_schematicFeature2, "") 'schematicInMemoryFeatureLink.UpdateStatus = esriSchematicUpdateStatus.esriSchematicUpdateStatusNew if we want the link deleted after update schematicInMemoryFeatureLink.UpdateStatus = esriSchematicUpdateStatus.esriSchematicUpdateStatusLocked abortOperation = False schematicOperation.StopOperation() m_dockableDigit.FillValue(schematicInMemoryFeatureLink) 'End Feedback EndFeedBack() m_schematicLayerForLink = Nothing If (m_dockableDigit.AutoClear()) Then m_dockableDigit.SelectionChanged() End If End If End If 'Refresh the view and viewer windows RefreshView() Return Catch ex As Exception If abortOperation = True And schematicOperation IsNot Nothing Then schematicOperation.AbortOperation() End If EndFeedBack() MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try End Sub Private Sub RefreshView() Dim map As IMap Dim mxDocument2 As IMxDocument = m_app.Document map = mxDocument2.FocusMap Dim activeView As IActiveView activeView = map activeView.Refresh() 'refresh viewer window Dim applicationWindows As IApplicationWindows = m_app Dim mySet As ISet = applicationWindows.DataWindows If mySet IsNot Nothing Then mySet.Reset() Dim dataWindow As IMapInsetWindow = mySet.Next() While dataWindow IsNot Nothing dataWindow.Refresh() dataWindow = mySet.Next() End While End If End Sub Public Sub MyMouseUp(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) m_x = x m_y = y m_messageFromOK = "" OnMouseUp(Nothing) m_messageFromOK = vbCrLf & "Complete missing data and click on button ok" End Sub Public Sub EndFeedBack() m_schematicFeature1 = Nothing m_schematicFeature2 = Nothing If m_dockableDigit IsNot Nothing Then m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature1() = m_schematicFeature1 m_dockableDigit.SchematicFeature2() = m_schematicFeature2 End If If Not m_linkFbk Is Nothing Then m_linkFbk.Stop() m_linkFbk = Nothing End If End Sub Public WriteOnly Property SchematicFeature1() As ISchematicFeature Set(ByVal Value As ISchematicFeature) m_schematicFeature1 = Value End Set End Property Public WriteOnly Property SchematicFeature2() As ISchematicFeature Set(ByVal Value As ISchematicFeature) m_schematicFeature2 = Value End Set End Property Public Property DeactivatedFromDock() As Boolean Get Return m_DeactivatedFromDock End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) m_DeactivatedFromDock = value End Set End Property Public Property FromDeactivate() As Boolean Get Return m_fromDeactivate End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) m_fromDeactivate = value End Set End Property Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() m_linkFbk = Nothing 'If (m_dockableWindow IsNot Nothing) Then ' m_dockableWindow.Show(False) 'End If MyBase.Finalize() End Sub Private Function SquareDistance(ByVal dx As Double, ByVal dy As Double) As Double Return (dx * dx + dy * dy) End Function Private Sub SetTargetLayer() If m_schematicLayer Is Nothing Then Dim extention As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IExtension = Nothing Dim extensionManager As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IExtensionManager extensionManager = m_app extention = extensionManager.FindExtension("esriSchematicUI.SchematicExtension") If extention IsNot Nothing Then m_schematicExtension = extention Dim target As ISchematicTarget = TryCast(extention, ISchematicTarget) If Not target Is Nothing Then m_schematicLayer = target.SchematicTarget End If End If End If End Sub End Class