ArcObjects Library Reference (TrackingAnalyst)  

ITxObjectContainer Interface

Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage a container of CJMTK Catalog Objects.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Tracking Analyst Extension.


Method AddChild Adds a new child and returns a reference to it. However, if a duplicate already exists, the function returns the existing child instead.
Read-only property AreChildrenViewable Indicates if the objects children are available for viewing in the tree-view.
Read-only property Children An enumeration of the child objects.
Read-only property Count The number of Objects in the container.
Method DeleteChild Deletes the specified child object.
Method Empty Empty the container.
Read-only property HasChildren Indicates if the catalog object have any children.

CoClasses that implement ITxObjectContainer

CoClasses and Classes Description
TxCatalog This class provides a GUI less catalog of structured objects that allow the navigation of a system to discover GIS data sources.
TxCatalogObject This object is a general purpose wrapper object around Esri name objects. This object provides the properties and methods needed to uniformly use the name objects in the CJMTK Catalog.
TxFolderCatalogObject The TxFolderCatalogObject provides a container for CJMTK Catalog Objects much like a directory folder does to a filesystem.
TxGISServerFolder This object contains a set of SDE connections and a command object allowing the user to create an SDE connection.
TxObjectContainer This object serves as a general purpose container of CJMTK Catalog objects.