ArcObjects Library Reference (Geometry)  

IProjectedCoordinateSystem4GEN Interface

Provides access to members that control additional properties and methods for projected coordinate systems. IProjectedCoordinateSystem4GEN is generic version of IProjectedCoordinateSystem4. Note: the IProjectedCoordinateSystem4GEN interface has been superseded byIProjectedCoordinateSystem5. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property Abbreviation The abbreviated name of this spatial reference component.
Read-only property Alias The alias of this spatial reference component.
Read/write property Azimuth The azimuth of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property CentralMeridian The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property CentralParallel The central parallel (Phi 0) of a projected coordinate system.
Method Changed Notify this object that some of its parts have changed (parameter values, z unit, etc.).
Read-only property CoordinateUnit The linear unit of a projected coordinate system.
Read-only property FactoryCode The factory code of the spatial reference.
Read/write property FalseEasting The false easting (X0) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property FalseNorthing The false northing (Y0) of a projected coordinate system.
Method Forward Projects points from geographic to planar coordinates.
Read-only property GeographicCoordinateSystem The geographic coordinate system of a projected coordinate system.
Method GetCentralLongitude Returns CentralLongitude of the projected coordinate system. Always defined, unlike CentralMeridian or LongitudeOfCenter.
Method GetDomain Get the domain extent.
Method GetFalseOriginAndUnits Get the false origin and units.
Method GetGCSParams Returns 180 degrees and horizon delta in proper GCS units.
Method GetHorizon Returns the standard horizon polygon, its envelope, and whether it is inclusive or exclusive; the horizon polygon may be 0.
Method GetMDomain Get the measure domain extent.
Method GetMFalseOriginAndUnits Get the measure false origin and units.
Method GetNorthPole Returns north pole in projected coordinates, or an empty point if north pole is outside the PCS horizon.
Method GetNorthPoleGeometry Returns type of north pole geometry.
Method GetNorthPoleLocation Returns type of location of north pole with respect to PCS horizon.
Method GetParameters Gets the map projection parameters of a projected coordinate system. The array size needs to be esriSR_MaxParameterCountPrivate.
Method GetPCSHorizon Returns PCS horizon polygon, its envelope and whether it is inclusive or exclusive; the horizon polygon may be 0.
Method GetShiftedHorizon Returns the horizon polygon, shifted once or twice, west/east of standard horizon for a negative/positive shift.
Method GetSouthPole Returns south pole in projected coordinates, or an empty point if south pole is outside the PCS horizon.
Method GetSouthPoleGeometry Returns type of south pole geometry.
Method GetSouthPoleLocation Returns type of location of south pole with respect to PCS horizon.
Method GetZDomain Get the Z domain extent.
Method GetZFalseOriginAndUnits Get the Z false origin and units.
Method HasMPrecision Returns true when m-value precision information has been defined.
Method HasXYPrecision Returns true when (x,y) precision information has been defined.
Method HasZPrecision Returns true when z-value precision information has been defined.
Read/write property Height The height above the sphere in projected coordinate system units.
Read-only property Horizon The mathematical limits of a projected coordinate system.
Read-only property HorizonCount The number of shapes that describe the limits of a ProjCS.
Method Inverse Projects points from planar to geographic coordinates.
Method InverseWithShift Projects points from planar to geographic coordinates. Deals with geographic coordinates in ranges other than +-180.
Method IsEqualNoNames Compares two projected coordinate systems for equality but ignores their names.
Method IsHorizonConvexHull Returns true if PCS horizon is convex.
Method IsHorizonEdgeDuplicated Returns true if some edges of PCS horizon project inversely to identical lines.
Method IsHorizonEntireWorld Returns true if PCS horizon contains the entire world.
Method IsPrecisionEqual Returns TRUE when the precision information for the two spatial references is the same.
Read/write property LatitudeOf1st The latitude of the first point (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LatitudeOf2nd The latitude of the second point (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LatitudeOfCenter The latitude of center (Phi C) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LatitudeOfOrigin The latitude of the origin (Phi 0) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LongitudeOf1st The longitude of the first point (Lambda 1) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LongitudeOf2nd The longitude of the second point (Lambda 2) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LongitudeOfCenter The longitude of center (Lam C) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LongitudeOfOrigin The longitude of origin (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system.
Read-only property Name The name of this spatial reference component.
Read-only property Projection The map projection of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property PseudoStandardParallel1 The latitude on an oblique spheroid that defines the oblique cone for a Krovak projected coordinate system.
Method PutLinearAndAngularUnits Modify linear unit of projected coordinates and angular unit of associated geographic coordinates.
Read-only property Remarks The comment string of this spatial reference component.
Read/write property Rotation The rotation value used to change the axis directions in a Krovak projected coordinate system.
Read/write property ScaleFactor The scale factor (K0) of a projected coordinate system.
Method SetDomain Set the xy domain extent.
Method SetFalseOriginAndUnits Set the false origin and units.
Method SetMDomain Set the measure domain extent.
Method SetMFalseOriginAndUnits Set the measure false origin and units.
Method SetZDomain Set the z domain extent.
Method SetZFalseOriginAndUnits Set the Z false origin and units.
Read/write property StandardParallel1 The first parallel (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property StandardParallel2 The second parallel (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system.
Read-only property Usage The usage notes of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property XScaleFactor The X axis scale value used to flip the axis direction in a Krovak projected coordinate system.
Read/write property YScaleFactor The Y axis scale value used to flip the axis direction in a Krovak projected coordinate system.
Read/write property ZCoordinateUnit The unit for the Z coordinate.

CoClasses that implement IProjectedCoordinateSystem4GEN

CoClasses and Classes Description
ProjectedCoordinateSystem Creates a projected coordinate system.

.NET Related Topics

Creating a custom projected coordinate system