ArcObjects Library Reference (Geometry)  

IGeographicCoordinateSystemEdit.Define Method

Defines the properties for a geographic coordinate system.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub Define ( _
    [ByRef Name As Object], _
    [ByRef Alias As Object], _
    [ByRef Abbreviation As Object], _
    [ByRef Remarks As Object], _
    [ByRef useage As Object], _
    [ByRef Datum As Object], _
    [ByRef PrimeMeridian As Object], _
    [ByRef geographicUnit As Object] _
public void Define (
    ref object Name,
    ref object Alias,
    ref object Abbreviation,
    ref object Remarks,
    ref object useage,
    ref object Datum,
    ref object PrimeMeridian,
    ref object geographicUnit

Optional Values

Name   To indicate that this parameter is undefined, first define a variable object Missing = Type.Missing; then pass this in as ref Missing.
Alias   To indicate that this parameter is undefined, first define a variable object Missing = Type.Missing; then pass this in as ref Missing.
Abbreviation   To indicate that this parameter is undefined, first define a variable object Missing = Type.Missing; then pass this in as ref Missing.
Remarks   To indicate that this parameter is undefined, first define a variable object Missing = Type.Missing; then pass this in as ref Missing.
useage   To indicate that this parameter is undefined, first define a variable object Missing = Type.Missing; then pass this in as ref Missing.
Datum   To indicate that this parameter is undefined, first define a variable object Missing = Type.Missing; then pass this in as ref Missing.
PrimeMeridian   To indicate that this parameter is undefined, first define a variable object Missing = Type.Missing; then pass this in as ref Missing.
geographicUnit   To indicate that this parameter is undefined, first define a variable object Missing = Type.Missing; then pass this in as ref Missing.
  VARIANT* Name,
  VARIANT* Alias,
  VARIANT* Abbreviation,
  VARIANT* Remarks,
  VARIANT* useage,
  VARIANT* Datum,
  VARIANT* PrimeMeridian,
  VARIANT* geographicUnit


Name [optional]   Name is a parameter of type VARIANT

  To indicate this parameter is undefined pass a reference to a VARIANT with type VT_ERROR and scode value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.

Alias [optional]   Alias is a parameter of type VARIANT

  To indicate this parameter is undefined pass a reference to a VARIANT with type VT_ERROR and scode value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.

Abbreviation [optional]   Abbreviation is a parameter of type VARIANT

  To indicate this parameter is undefined pass a reference to a VARIANT with type VT_ERROR and scode value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.

Remarks [optional]   Remarks is a parameter of type VARIANT

  To indicate this parameter is undefined pass a reference to a VARIANT with type VT_ERROR and scode value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.

useage [optional]   useage is a parameter of type VARIANT

  To indicate this parameter is undefined pass a reference to a VARIANT with type VT_ERROR and scode value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.

Datum [optional]   Datum is a parameter of type VARIANT

  To indicate this parameter is undefined pass a reference to a VARIANT with type VT_ERROR and scode value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.

PrimeMeridian [optional]   PrimeMeridian is a parameter of type VARIANT

  To indicate this parameter is undefined pass a reference to a VARIANT with type VT_ERROR and scode value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.

geographicUnit [optional]   geographicUnit is a parameter of type VARIANT

  To indicate this parameter is undefined pass a reference to a VARIANT with type VT_ERROR and scode value of DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Use the Define method of IGeographicCoordinateSystemEdit to set the properties of a geographic coordinate system. A geographic coordinate system is defined (at minimum) by a name, an angular unit of measure, a horizontal datum, and a prime meridian.


    private void DefineCoordinateSystem()
        // use activator class with SpatialReferenceEnvironment singleton
        Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriGeometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironment");
        System.Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);
        ISpatialReferenceFactory spatialReferenceFactory = obj as ISpatialReferenceFactory;

        IDatum datum = spatialReferenceFactory.CreateDatum((int)esriSRDatumType.esriSRDatum_OSGB1936);
        IPrimeMeridian primeMeridian = spatialReferenceFactory.CreatePrimeMeridian((int)esriSRPrimeMType.esriSRPrimeM_Greenwich);
        IUnit unit = spatialReferenceFactory.CreateUnit((int)esriSRUnitType.esriSRUnit_Degree);

        IGeographicCoordinateSystemEdit geographicCoordinateSystemEdit = new GeographicCoordinateSystemClass();
        object name = "UserDefined Geographic Coordinate System";
        object alias = "UserDefined GCS";
        object abbreviation = "UserDefined";
        object remarks = "User Defined Geographic Coordinate System based on OSGB1936";
        object usage = "Suitable for the UK";
        object datumObject = datum as object;
        object primeMeridianObject = primeMeridian as object;
        object unitObject = unit as object;
        geographicCoordinateSystemEdit.Define(ref name,
                                              ref alias,
                                              ref abbreviation,
                                              ref remarks,
                                              ref usage,
                                              ref datumObject,
                                              ref primeMeridianObject,
                                              ref unitObject);

        IGeographicCoordinateSystem userDefinedGGeographicCoordinateSystem = geographicCoordinateSystemEdit as IGeographicCoordinateSystem;

See Also

IGeographicCoordinateSystemEdit Interface

.NET Related Topics

Creating a custom geographic coordinate system