The spatial reference of the LAS file.
[Visual Basic .NET] Public ReadOnly Property SpatialReference As ISpatialReference
[C#] public ISpatialReference SpatialReference {get;}
HRESULT get_SpatialReference(
ISpatialReference** ppSpatialReference
ppSpatialReference [out, retval]ppSpatialReference is a parameter of type ISpatialReference
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.
The spatial reference used by ArcGIS for the LAS file. This may come from the LAS file itself, or, if present, a prj file that sits next to the LAS file. A NULL pointer is return if no spatial reference information exists. See also ILasFile.NativeSpatialReference and ILasFile.HasPrjFile.