ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabaseDistributedUI)  

GeoDatabaseDistributedUI Library Contents

The GeoDatabaseDistributedUI library provides user interfaces including property pages to support objects contained in the GeoDatabaseDistributed library.


Interface Description
ICheckInUIProperties Provides access to members that return the check-in wizard properties.
ICheckInUIPropertiesEdit Provides access to members that set the check-in wizard properties.
ICheckOutUI Provides access to members that reset the check-out wizard properties.
ICheckOutUI2 Provides access to members that reset the check-out wizard properties.
ICheckOutUIProperties Provides access to members that return the check-out wizard properties.
ICheckOutUIPropertiesEdit Provides access to members that set the check-out wizard properties.
ICheckOutUIPropertiesEdit2 Provides access to members that return the check-out wizard properties.
ICommonWizardUI Provides access to members that control the display of wizard UI.
ICustomCheckOutUI Provides access to members for extending the check-out UI.
IDataChangesUI Provides access to members that return the data changes wizard properties.
IDataChangesUI2 Provides access to members that return the data changes wizard properties.
IDataExtractionUI Provides access to members that return the data extraction wizard properties.
IDataExtractionUIEdit Provides access to members that set the data extraction wizard properties.
IDisconnectedEditingUI Provides access to members that control the display of the check-out and data extraction wizards.
IEnumReplicaServer Provides access to the list of the GeoDataServer in the map.
IEnumReplicaWorkspace Provides access to the list of the workspaces in the map.
IEnumStandaloneTable Provides access to the StandaloneTables of the replication extension.
IProtectNameGeoDatabaseDistributedUI Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness.
IReExportDataChangesUI Provides access to members that re-export the data changes wizard properties.
IReplicaManager Provides access to members that control the replica management dialog for master geodatabase.
IReplicaSchemaImportUI Provides access to members that return the import schema changes wizard properties.
IXMLExportUI Provides access to members that control the display of XML export UI.
IXMLImportUI Provides access to members that control the display of XML import UI.
IXMLRecordsetLoaderUI Provides access to members that control the display of XML recordsetloader UI.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
CheckInUI The check in wizard.
CheckOutUI The check out wizard.
DataChangesUI The export data changes wizard.
DataExtractionUI The data extraction wizard.
DEProgressor Progressor that implements disconnected editing event interfaces.
FeatureServiceEditContextMenu Feature Service Edit Menu.
FeatureServiceEditMenuItem Feature Service Edit Menu items.
GeneralCOPropertyPage A dialog for setting the properties of a check-out.
GeneralGDBPropertyPage The general geodatabase property page.
ReExportDataChangesUI The re-export data changes wizard.
ReplicaDescriptionPage A dialog for viewing the properties of a replica.
ReplicaManager The master geodatabase check-out manager.
SynchronizePage A dialog for setting the properties of replica synchronization.
XMLExportUI The XML export wizard.
XMLImportUI The XML import wizard.
XMLRecordsetLoaderUI The XML recordsetloader wizard.


Enumeration Description
esriCOSpatialConstraint Spatial constraints options for extracting data.
esriExportSchemaType Export schema type.
esriPostCheckInOption Post check in options.
esriPostCheckOutOption Post check out options.
esriXMLExportType The XML export type.