ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

ITinNode Interface

Provides access to members that control TIN nodes. Note: the ITinNode interface has been superseded byITinNode2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method GetAdjacentNodes Returns all nodes comprising triangles sharing the specified node.
Method GetIncidentEdges Returns all edges sharing the specified node.
Method GetIncidentTriangles Returns all triangles sharing the specified node.
Method GetVoronoiRegion Returns the Voronoi-polygon region of the specified node.
Read-only property Index The element's index number.
Method Init Initializes a new TIN element.
Read-only property IsEmpty Indicates if the specified element is uninitialized.
Read-only property IsInsideDataArea Indicates if the specified element is within the interpolation zone of the TIN.
Method QueryAsPoint Sets the node equal to a point.
Method QueryAsWKSPointZ Sets the node equal to a point with a z value.
Method SetEmpty Uninitializes the element.
Read-only property TagValue The tag value of the specified element.
Read-only property TheTin The TIN object referenced by the element.
Read-only property X The x-coordinate of the specified node.
Read-only property Y The y-coordinate of the specified node.
Read-only property Z The z-coordinate of the specified node.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITinElement Provides access to members to control TIN elements.

CoClasses that implement ITinNode

CoClasses and Classes Description
TinNode The Esri TinNode component.