ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IRowBuffer Interface

Provides access to members used for getting and modifying a rows values and for getting the fields in the row.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


A RowBuffer is a transient object that is capable of holding the state of a row but has no object identity.  It is used primarily during data loading as the argument to the InsertRow method on an insert cursor. A RowBuffer is obtained from the Table::CreateRowBuffer method.


Read-only property Fields The fields Collection for this row buffer.
Read/write property Value The value of the field with the specified index.

CoClasses that implement IRowBuffer

CoClasses and Classes Description
AnnotationFeature (esriCarto) An Esri annotation feature.
AttributedRelationship Esri Attributed Relationship object.
ComplexEdgeFeature Esri Complex edge geometric network feature object.
ComplexJunctionFeature Esri Complex junction geometric network feature.
CoverageAnnotationFeature Esri Coverage Annotation Feature.
DimensionFeature (esriCarto) Esri Dimension Feature class.
Feature Esri Feature.
GeocodedFeature (esriLocation) A feature created by a locator.
NALocationFeature (esriNetworkAnalyst) A network location which can be used like a feature or a row.
NALocationObject (esriNetworkAnalyst) A network location which can be used like a row.
NALocationRangesFeature (esriNetworkAnalyst) A container of NALocationRanges which can be used like a feature or a row.
NALocationRangesObject (esriNetworkAnalyst) A container of NALocationRanges which can be used like a row.
NATraversalResultElement (esriNetworkAnalyst) An individual element in a traversal result.
Object Esri Object object.
RasterCatalogItem Raster Catalog Feature Class.
RelQueryRow A row defined by a join of the datasets in a RelQueryTable.
Row Esri Row object.
RowBuffer Esri Row Buffer object.
SchematicDiagram (esriSchematic) A schematic diagram object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureLink (esriSchematic) Schematic in memory feature link object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureNode (esriSchematic) Schematic in memory feature node object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeOnLink (esriSchematic) Schematic in memory feature node on link object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureSubLink (esriSchematic) Schematic in memory feature sublink object.
SchematicLink (esriSchematic) A schematic link object.
SchematicNode (esriSchematic) A schematic node object.
SchematicNodeOnLink (esriSchematic) A schematic node-on-link object.
SchematicSubLink (esriSchematic) A schematic sublink object.
SimpleEdgeFeature Esri Geometric network simple edge feature object.
SimpleJunctionFeature Esri Geometric network simple junction feature object.
TemporalFeature (esriTrackingAnalyst) Controls properties of the Temporal Feature object.
TopologyErrorFeature Esri Topology Error Feature object.


The IRowBuffer interface contains methods to access the state (the set of field values) for a row buffer. These methods take as argument the numeric index of the field to be accessed.

.NET Samples

Migrating from VB6 to VB .NET for ArcGIS 10 (Code Files: ButtonAddIn clscopy_table_sel clsCopyTableSelection)

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