ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IReplica Interface

Provides access to members that get information about a replica. Note: the IReplica interface has been superseded byIReplica2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property ConnectionInfo The WorkspaceName object for the master geodatabase.
Read-only property Description The ReplicaDescription associated with the replica.
Read-only property Name The name of the replica.
Read-only property Owner The database user that owns the replica in the workspace.
Read-only property ParentID The ID of the replica reference in the master geodatabase.
Read-only property ReplicaDatasets The replica datasets for this replica.
Read-only property ReplicaDate The date that the data was checked out.
Read-only property ReplicaGuid The guid of the replica.
Read-only property ReplicaID The ID of the replica.
Read-only property ReplicaRole Determines if the workspace is the replica geodatabase or the master geodatabase for the replica.
Read-only property Version The name of the replica version.

CoClasses that implement IReplica

CoClasses and Classes Description
Replica Esri Replica object.


The properties of the IReplica interface returns information about a check-out. The properties of the IReplica interface return information about a check-out. The Description property only applies to the master geodatatbase, while the ParentID and ConnectionInfo properties apply only to the check-out database. The other properties apply to both the master and check-out geodatabases.

See the IWorkspaceReplicas interface to find how to get a replica.


See Also

ICheckOut Interface | IReplicaValidation Interface | ICheckOut.CheckOutData Method | CheckOut Class | ICheckIn Interface | CheckIn Class | ICheckIn.CheckInFromGDB Method

.NET Samples

Extending the replication synchronization process (Code Files: RasterSyncWorkspaceExtension)

.NET Related Topics

Getting a list of schema differences between replicas | How to add a feature class or table to an existing replica