ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IPlugInDatasetHelper Interface

Provides access to members that help Plug-In datasets.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


This interface must be implemented by the plug-in dataset helper class of a plug-in data source.


Read-only property Bounds The extent of the dataset.
Read-only property ClassCount The number of classes in the dataset.
Read-only property ClassIndex The index of the named class.
Read-only property ClassName The name of the indicated class.
Method FetchAll Gets all the records in the database.
Method FetchByEnvelope Gets the records within the envelope (or the full extent if the envelope is null).
Method FetchByID Gets a record by object id.
Read-only property Fields The field set of the indicated class.
Read-only property OIDFieldIndex The index of the oid field in the field set of the indicated dataset.
Read-only property ShapeFieldIndex The index of the shape field in the field set of the indicated dataset.

CoClasses that implement IPlugInDatasetHelper

CoClasses and Classes Description
FMEDatasetHelper (esriDataInterop) FMEDatasetHelper Class


In the following, the term 'class' is used as a general terming meaning 'feature class or table'.  Some of the methods on this interface have a classIndex parameter, because these methods can have different results for different classes within a feature dataset.  If the dataset is not a feature dataset, the parameter will always have a value of 0 and may be ignored by the implementation.  If the dataset is a feature dataset, the value will be the index of a feature class in the dataset (0 <= classIndex < result of get_ClassCount).

.NET Samples

Simple point plug-in data source (Code Files: SimplePointWksp)

.NET Related Topics

Creating a plug-in data source