ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IObjectClassName Interface

Provides access to the objects class ID.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property ObjectClassID The object class ID.

CoClasses that implement IObjectClassName

CoClasses and Classes Description
CoverageFeatureClassName (esriDataSourcesFile) Maintains ArcInfo Coverage Feature Class information.
FeatureClassName Esri Feature Class Name object.
FgdbFeatureClassName (esriDataSourcesGDB) File GeoDatabase Feature Class Name object.
FgdbTableName (esriDataSourcesGDB) File GeoDatabase Table Name object.
ObjectClassName Esri Object Class Name object.
RasterCatalogName Esri RasterCatalog Name object.
SchematicDiagramClassName (esriSchematic) Schematic diagram class name object.
TableName Esri Table Name object.


The ObjectClassID property can be used to obtain the ID for this object class within a workspace that represents a geodatabase (for example, within a Personal, File or ArcSDE geodatabase). A value of -1 is returned if the table is not registered as an object class.