ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IGPValue Interface

Provides access to members of a GPValue.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

When To Use

The IGPValue interface provides access to the property and methods required to create and define a Value object.

Values are the actual inputs to a tool containing scalars or paths to the data.

An array of values is created, based on the same order of the parameter definiton of a geoprocessing tool. This array of values is then used as input to both the Validate and Execute methods of the tool.

A complete example to create a geoprocessing function tool, including the use of IGPValue, is available here: Building Geoprocessing Function Tools .

See also IGPDataType


Read-only property DataType The data type of the value object.
Method Empty Clears the value object.
Method GetAsText Provides the value of the value object.
Method IsEmpty Indicates if the value object is empty.
Method SetAsText Provides the value of the value object with the given string value.

CoClasses that implement IGPValue

CoClasses and Classes Description
DEAddressLocator (esriLocation) The Address Locator Element.
DEArcInfoTable (esriDataSourcesFile) ArcInfo Table Data Element object.
DECadastralFabric (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) Cadastral Fabric Data Element object.
DECadDrawingDataset (esriDataSourcesFile) Cad Drawing Dataset Data Element object.
DECatalogRoot (esriDataSourcesFile) Catalog Root Data Element object.
DECoverage (esriDataSourcesFile) Coverage Data Element object.
DECoverageFeatureClass (esriDataSourcesFile) Coverage Feature Class Data Element object.
DEDbaseTable (esriDataSourcesFile) Dbase Table Data Element object.
DEDiskConnection (esriDataSourcesFile) Disk Connection Data Element object.
DEFeatureClass Feature Class Data Element object.
DEFeatureDataset Feature Dataset Data Element object.
DEFile (esriDataSourcesFile) File Data Element object.
DEFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) Folder Data Element object.
DEGeoDataServer GeoDataServer Object Data Element object.
DEGeometricNetwork GeometricNetwork Data Element object.
DEGlobeServer MapServer Object Data Element object.
DEGPServer MapServer Object Data Element object.
DEImageServer (esriDataSourcesRaster) Image Service Object Data Element object.
DELasDataset (esriDataSourcesFile) LAS Dataset Data Element object.
DELayer (esriDataSourcesFile) Layer Data Element object.
DEMapDocument (esriDataSourcesFile) Map Document Data Element object.
DEMapServer MapServer Object Data Element object.
DEMosaicDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) The MosaicDataset Data Element object.
DENetworkDataset Network Dataset Data Element object.
DEPrjFile (esriDataSourcesFile) Projection File Data Element object.
DERasterBand RasterBand Data Element object.
DERasterCatalog Raster Catalog Data Element object.
DERasterDataset RasterDataset Data Element object.
DERelationshipClass Relationship Class Data Element object.
DERemoteDatabaseFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) Remote Database Folder Data Element object.
DERepresentationClass Representation Class Data Element object.
DESchematicDataset (esriSchematic) Schematic Dataset Data Element object.
DESchematicDiagram (esriSchematic) Schematic Diagram Data Element object.
DESchematicFolder (esriSchematic) Esri Schematic Folder data element object.
DEServerConnection ServerConnection Object Data Element object.
DEShapeFile (esriDataSourcesFile) ShapeFile Data Element object.
DESpatialReferencesFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) Spatial References Folder Data Element object.
DETable Table Data Element object.
DETerrain (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) Esri Terrain data element object.
DETextFile (esriDataSourcesFile) Text File Data Element object.
DETin (esriDataSourcesFile) Tin Data Element object.
DETool (esriGeoprocessing) The tool Data Element.
DEToolbox (esriGeoprocessing) The toolbox Data Element.
DETopology Topology Data Element object.
DEVPFCoverage (esriDataSourcesFile) DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object.
DEVPFTable (esriDataSourcesFile) VPFTable Data Element object.
DEWCSCoverage (esriDataSourcesRaster) WCS Coverage Object Data Element object.
DEWMSMap (esriDataSourcesRaster) WMS Map Data Element object.
DEWorkspace Database Data Element object.
Field Esri Field object.
FMEDataset (esriDataInterop) FMEDataset Class
GPAddressLocatorStyle (esriLocation) The Address Locator Style Element.
GPAnalysisCellSize (esriGeoprocessing) GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize object.
GPArcInfoItem (esriDataSourcesFile) ArcInfo Item Data Element object.
GPArealUnit (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a areal unit value.
GPBoolean (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a boolean value.
GPCadastralFabricLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Value.
GPCalculatorExpression (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a Field Calc Expression.
GPCellSizeXY (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry.
GPCodedValueDomain2 The (GP) Coded Value Domain Object.
GPCompositeLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Composite Layer Value.
GPCoordinateSystem (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a coordinate system value.
GPDataFile (esriGeoprocessing) GPDataFile Class
GPDate (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a date value.
GPDouble (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a double value.
GPEncryptedString (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a string value.
GPEnvelope (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing an envelope value.
GPEvaluationScale (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst EvaluationScale object.
GPExtent (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing an extent value.
GPFeatureLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a feature layer value.
GPFeatureRecordSetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) GPFeatureRecordSetLayer Class
GPFieldInfo (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object describing a set of fields.
GPFieldMapping (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Field Map value object.
GPGALayer (esriGeoStatisticalAnalyst) Geoprocessing Geostatistical Layer object.
GPGroupLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Group Layer value.
GPHistoricalMarker The (GP) Historical Marker Object.
GPINFOExpression (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing an INFO expression value.
GPLasDatasetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a LAS dataset layer value.
GPLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a layer value.
GPLine (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a line geometry.
GPLinearUnit (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a linear unit value.
GPLong (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a long integer value.
GPMDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing M Domain object.
GPMosaicLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Value.
GPMultiValue (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object that contains multiple geoprocessing value objects.
GPNAHierarchySettings (esriNetworkAnalyst) Geoprocessing network hierarchy settings value.
GPNALayer (esriNetworkAnalyst) Geoprocessing network analyst layer value.
GPNetworkDatasetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Network Dataset Layer object.
GPPoint (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry.
GPPolygon (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a polygon geometry.
GPRandomNumberGenerator (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object for producing Random Number Generator values.
GPRangeDomain2 The (GP) Range Domain Object.
GPRasterBuilder (esriGeoprocessing) GPRasterBuilder Class
GPRasterCalculatorExpression (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPRasterCalculatorExpression object.
GPRasterCatalogLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a raster catalog value.
GPRasterData (esriGeoprocessing) GPRasterData Class
GPRasterDataLayer (esriGeoprocessing) GPRasterDataLayer Class
GPRasterFormulated (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object.
GPRasterGDBEnvCompression (esriGeoprocessing) GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object.
GPRasterGDBEnvPyramid (esriGeoprocessing) GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object.
GPRasterGDBEnvStatistics (esriGeoprocessing) GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object.
GPRasterGDBEnvTileSize (esriGeoprocessing) GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object.
GPRasterLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a raster layer value.
GPRecordSet (esriGeoprocessing) GPRecordSet Class
GPReplica A GPReplica object
GPReplicaDataset A replica dataset.
GPReplicaDescription Defines the data to replicate or extract.
GPRouteMeasureEventProperties (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing route measure event properties value object.
GPSACellSize (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial CellSize object.
GPSAExtractValues (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPSAExtractValues object.
GPSAFuzzyFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst fuzzy function object.
GPSAHorizontalFactor (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor path distance horizontal function object.
GPSAMapAlgebraExp (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst MapAlgebra object.
GPSANeighborhood (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial Neighborhood object.
GPSANumberRemap (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial NumberRemap object.
GPSARadius (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial Radius object.
GPSASemiVariogram (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial SemiVariogram object.
GPSAStringRemap (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial StringRemap object.
GPSATimeConfiguration (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor solar-radiation time configuration object.
GPSATopoFeatures (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures object.
GPSAVerticalFactor (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor path distance vertical function object.
GPSAWeightedOverlayTable (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedOverlayTable object.
GPSAWeightedSum (esriSpatialAnalyst) GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedSum object.
GPSpatialReference (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a spatial reference value.
GPSQLExpression (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a SQL expression value.
GPString (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a string value.
GPTableView (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a table view value.
GPTerrainLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a terrain layer value.
GPTinLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a tin layer value.
GPTopologyLayer (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a topology layer value.
GPValueTable (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing two-dimensional array of geoprocessing value objects.
GPVariant (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing value object containing a variant value.
GPWorkspaceExtension The (GP) Workspace Extension Object.
GPXYDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing XY Domain object.
GPZDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Z Domain object.
Index Esri Index object.
MdVariable (esriGeoprocessing) Model variable object that contains a value object.
NAClassFieldMap (esriNetworkAnalyst) Defines one field mapping.
XMLIndex XML Index Object.
XMLIndexTag XML Index Tag Object.
XMLIndexTags XML Index Tags Collection Object.

.NET Samples

Calculate area geoprocessing function tool (Code Files: CalculateAreaFunction)

.NET Related Topics

Building a custom geoprocessing function tool | Using ArcObjects as tool input | Working with result objects