ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IGPReplicaDescription Interface

Provides access to members which set and return the properties of a GPReplicaDescription object.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method Init Initializes the object from an existing replica.
Read/write property ModelType The replica model type.
Read/write property QueryGeometry The shape that determines which features are replicated.
Read/write property ReplicaDatasets The datasets in the replica.
Read/write property SingleGeneration Indicates if the replica is a check-out.
Read/write property SpatialRelation Defines how the shape returned by the QueryGeometry property is applied during replication and synchronization.
Read/write property TransferRelatedObjects Indicates if related objects are replicated.

CoClasses that implement IGPReplicaDescription

CoClasses and Classes Description
GPReplicaDescription Defines the data to replicate or extract.


Contains properties that can be set to define the the data to replicate or extract or are returned from existing replicas

.NET Related Topics

GeoData services | How to create a replica in a connected environment | How to create a replica in a disconnected environment