ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IFeatureConstruction Interface

Provides access to members that add features to a specified feature class using other features and geometries.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method AutoCompleteFromFeatures Adds polygons to the specified feature class by combining existing polygons with the specified line source.
Method AutoCompleteFromFeaturesFromCursor Adds polygons to the specified feature class by combining existing polygons with the specified line source.
Method AutoCompleteFromGeometries Adds polygons to the specified feature class by combining existing polygons with the specified line source.
Write-only property ConstructedFeaturesSubtype The subtype for subsequently constructed features.
Method ConstructLines Adds line to an fc, using the map selection as the feature source. The selection can contain polygons and polylines from multiple features classes - including the target feature class. -1 for c.t. means use c.t. of target sr.
Method ConstructLinesFromCursor Adds line to a feature class, using a feature cursor as the feature source. The cursor can return features from the target feature class, in which case the original features will be deleted. -1 for c.t. means use c.t. of target sr.
Method ConstructPolygonsFromFeatures Constructs polygons into the feature class, using the map's polyline selection as the feature source.
Method ConstructPolygonsFromFeaturesFromCursor Constructs polygons into the specified feature class, using the cursor as the feature source.
Method ConstructPolygonsFromGeometries Constructs polygons into the specified feature class, using the specified set of polyline geometries to define new boundaries (possibly in combination with existing polygons features).
Write-only property DefaultZ The z value to be used when constructing features from inputs that are not z-aware.
Read-only property FeaturesChanged Indicates if the last IFeatureConstruction method created or altered features.
Method PlanarizeLines Replaces the line selection set with a planarized version of it. Assumes all lines are from same feature class.
Method PlanarizeLinesFromCursor Replaces the line selection set with a planarized version of it.
Method SplitPolygonsWithLines Splits polygons in the specified feature class, using the polyline selection as the feature source.
Method SplitPolygonsWithLinesFromCursor Splits polygons in the specified feature class, using the polyline selection as the feature source.

CoClasses that implement IFeatureConstruction

CoClasses and Classes Description
FeatureConstruction Esri Feature Construction object.


Adds features to a specified feature class by processing other features or geometries. Each of the construction methods on this interface operate under the following guidelines.