ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IDataChangesEx.ChangedIDs Property

The IDs of rows that changed during the edit session.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function get_ChangedIDs ( _
    ByVal ClassName As String, _
    ByVal DiffType As esriDifferenceType _
) As IFIDSet
public IFIDSet get_ChangedIDs (
    string ClassName,
    esriDifferenceType DiffType
HRESULT get_ChangedIDs(
  BSTR ClassName,
  esriDifferenceType DiffType,
  IFIDSet** FIDSet


ClassName [in]   ClassName is a parameter of type BSTR DiffType [in]

  DiffType is a parameter of type esriDifferenceType

FIDSet [out, retval]

  FIDSet is a parameter of type IFIDSet

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


This property can be used to populate a set of feature identifiers. This can then be used to get all the rows that have been changed which correspond to a specific difference. By specifying the DiffType as an argument one can affect which feature identifiers will be present in the set.

See Also

IDataChangesEx Interface

.NET Related Topics

Obtaining changes made in the current edit session