ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IConflictClass Interface

Provides access to members that control the conflict class.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


References to the IConflictClass interface are obtained from the IEnumConflictClass enumerator. It is provided as a mechanism to work with conflicting rows from each conflict class after performing a reconcile. If IVersionEdit.Reconcile is not been called prior to getting a reference to the IEnumConflictClass enumerator, the classes will not be available.


Read-only property DeleteUpdates The selection set of all the objects which are delete/update conflicts.
Read-only property HasConflicts Indicates if the conflict class contains conflicts.
Method RestoreRow Restores the row from either the reconcile version or the prereconcile version.
Read-only property UpdateDeletes The selection set of all the objects which are update/delete conflicts.
Read-only property UpdateUpdates The selection set of all the objects which are update/update conflicts.

.NET Related Topics

How to merge conflicting geometries during a reconcile