Geometric network geometry and connectivity error types.
Constant | Value | Description |
esriNETAll | 0 | All network connectivity and geometry errors. |
esriNETConnectivity | 1 | Network features and network elements whose connectivity is corrupt. |
esriNETAssociatedElements | 2 | Network features whose associated elements are inconsistent with their network connectivity. |
esriNETMissingAllElements | 3 | All of the network elements associated with the network feature are missing. |
esriNETMissingAnyElements | 4 | Any of the network elements associated with the network feature are missing. |
esriNETDuplicateElements | 5 | Some of the elements associated with the network feature are duplicates. |
esriNETAssociatedWithInvalidElements | 6 | The network feature is associated with invalid network elements. |
esriNETAssociatedFeatures | 7 | Network elements whose associated features are inconsistent with their network connectivity. |
esriNETAssociatedWithMissingFeatures | 8 | The network element is associated with a feature that does not exist. |
esriNETGeometry | 9 | Network feature geometry errors. |
esriNETEmptyGeometry | 10 | The network feature has an empty geometry. |
esriNETMultipartGeometry | 11 | The network feature's geometry has multiple parts. |
esriNETIdenticalStartStopVertex | 12 | The network edge feature's geometry has the same start and stop vertex (it is a loop). |
esriNETZeroLengthGeometry | 13 | The network edge feature's geometry has zero length. |
esriNETAssociatedWithSameFromToJunction | 14 | Edge feature associated with same from to junction feature. |
esriNETMismatchedZValue | 15 | The junction is coincident with an edge-feature vertex having a different Z value. |
esriNETStandaloneJunction | 16 | The junction is not connected to any other edge feature. |
esriNETEdgeTooSmall | 17 | The edge feature is too small to participate in snapping and may not be connected to other features. |
esriNETInvalidSubtypeValue | 18 | The feature has an invalid subtype value. |
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.