ArcObjects Library Reference (Display)  

ISimpleLineDecorationElement Interface

Provides access to members that control the simple line decoration.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


ISimpleLineDecorationElement is a way of specifying a marker symbol to be used as a decoration element. See the ILineDecorationElement interface for the generic decoration element properties. With the ISimpleLineDecorationElement you have the ability to set whether the marker symbol rotates with the slope of the line as it is drawn, and whether the marker symbols are flipped (mirror flipped, so if they are arrow heads, you can change their direction).


Method AddPosition Adds a position.
Method ClearPositions Clears all positions.
Method DeletePosition Deletes a position.
Method Draw Draws the given line geometry.
Read/write property FlipAll Indicates if all symbols are flipped 180 degrees.
Read/write property FlipFirst Indicates if marker symbol in '0' position is flipped 180 degrees.
Read/write property MarkerSymbol The marker symbol.
Read-only property Position The element position at the given index.
Read/write property PositionAsRatio Indicates if positions represent percentage or absolute distance along the line.
Read-only property PositionCount The number of positions.
Method QueryBoundary Queries for the boundary of a given line geometry.
Read/write property Rotate Indicates if marker symbols are rotated to follow the line.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ILineDecorationElement Provides access to members that control the line decoration element.

CoClasses that implement ISimpleLineDecorationElement

CoClasses and Classes Description
SimpleLineDecorationElement Simple Line Decoration Element.

.NET Samples

ArcGIS Network Analyst extension barrier location editor (Code Files: EditorForm)