ArcObjects Library Reference (DefenseSolutions)  

IFEGraphic Interface

Provides access to members that are specific to force element cached graphics.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.


Write-only property EchelonGraphicComponent The echelon graphic component.
Read/write property FEGraphicFactory The force element graphic factory that created this graphic.
Read/write property ForceElement An optional object that can provide attribute information for the graphic.
Read-only property FrameArea The frame area polygon.
Write-only property FrameGraphicComponent The frame graphic component.
Write-only property FrameOutlineSymbol The line symbol used for the frame's outline.
Write-only property IconGraphicComponent The icon graphic component.
Read/write property MessageString The graphic's fifteen character symbol ID, parsed out into the MOLE message string structure.
Write-only property MobilityGraphicComponent The mobility graphic component.
Read/write property Style The graphic style object that dictates the symbology used for drawing.
Read-only property SymbolID The graphic's fifteen character symbol ID.
Read-only property UID The unique, system assigned, ID of this graphic.

CoClasses that implement IFEGraphic

CoClasses and Classes Description
FEGraphic A cached graphic that symbolizes a point based military object (feature or force element).

.NET Snippets

Create Force Element | Move Force Element