Provides access to members that support the construction of sample tactical elements.
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.
Description | ||
![]() |
ReturnSampleElement | Builds and returns a representative tactical element. |
CoClasses that implement IConstructTacticalElement
CoClasses and Classes | Description |
AreaObs2525B | Renders some of the 2525B areal obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
AreaObs2525BG | Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B areal obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
Areas2525B | Renders some of the 2525B areal tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
Arrows2525B | Renders three point polylines as 2525B arrow tactical graphics. |
Boundaries2525B | Renders polylines as 2525B boundary tactical graphics. |
C2GMAreas2525B | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading. |
C2GMLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading. |
C2GMPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading. |
CSSAreas2525B | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading. |
CSSLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading. |
CSSPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading. |
FLOT2525B | Renders polylines as Forward Lines of Own Troops and related 2525B tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
FSAreas2525B | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
FSAreasChange1 | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
FSLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
FSLinesChange1 | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
FSPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
FSPointsChange1 | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading. |
LineObs2525B | Renders some of the 2525B linear obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
LineObs2525BG | Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B linear obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
Lines2525B | Renders some of the 2525B linear tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
METOCAreasChange1 | Renders area tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading. |
METOCLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B meteorology (METOC) heading. |
METOCLinesChange1 | Renders line tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading. |
METOCPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B meteorology (METOC) heading. |
METOCPointsChange1 | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading. |
MSAreas2525B | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading. |
MSLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading. |
MSPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading. |
MultipointArrows | Renders polylines as 2525B arrow tactical graphics, using the last point to define the back of the arrow head. |
OtherLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B miscellaneous/other heading. |
OtherPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B miscellaneous/other heading. |
PointObs2525B | Renders some of the 2525B point obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
PointObs2525BG | Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B point obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
Points2525B | Renders some of the 2525B point tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0). |
SwoopArrows | Renders selected 2525B arrows using curved lines. |
TacticalGraphic2525BRenderer | Renders all 2525B tactical graphics. |
TacticalGraphicAPP6ARenderer | Renders all APP6 tactical graphics. |
TaskAreas2525B | Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading. |
TaskLines2525B | Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading. |
TaskPoints2525B | Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading. |
A tactical graphic renderer has the capability to produce example graphics for each of the types of military objects it knows how to render. This interface is used to access that capability.