ArcObjects Library Reference (DefenseSolutions)  

ICachedGraphic Interface

Provides access to members common to all cached graphic objects. Note: the ICachedGraphic interface has been superseded byICachedGraphic2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.


Read/write property Angle The angle of the graphic, expressed in radians, where 0 is horizontal.
Read-only property AttributeLabels Holds a set of attribute labels that are specific to a particular graphic.
Method Draw Draw the graphic to the specified IDisplay. The client is responsible for calling StartDrawing and FinishDrawing on the IDisplay.
Read/write property Geometry The core geometry that defines the location and/or basic shape of the graphic.
Method Highlight Highlights the graphic or its extent using the specified symbology, on the specified IDisplay. The client is responsible for calling StartDrawing and FinishDrawing on the IDisplay.
Method HitTest Determines if the specified location hits the graphic.
Read/write property IsDirty Indicates whether the graphic needs to be refreshed. Examined each time the graphic is drawn.
Read/write property IsLocked Indicates whether the graphic is locked and unable to be moved.
Read-only property IsValid Indicates if the graphic is well behaved.
Read-only property Name The method returns the unique, system derived, name for a graphic.
Method QueryBounds Populates the passed in envelope with the extents of the graphic.
Method QueryEnvelope Populates the passed in envelope with the extents of the graphic.
Method Refresh Rebuilds the graphic based on its underlying attributes.
Read/write property Size The size/height of the graphic, expressed in geometry (not display) units.

CoClasses that implement ICachedGraphic

CoClasses and Classes Description
FEGraphic A cached graphic that symbolizes a point based military object (feature or force element).
GraphicLeader A collection of leaderable cached graphics, sorted and drawn using a variety of leader styles, designed to help declutter a display.
GraphicStack An ordered collection of stackable cached graphics, drawn to resemble a stack of cards.
TacticalGraphic A cached graphic that symbolizes a point, line, or polygon based tactical military object (feature or tactical element).


Cached graphics are those objects MOLE creates and normally stores in a display list (the "cache").  A cached graphic object is a composition of various vector geometries and associated symbols which it knows how to draw to a given display.

.NET Snippets

Create Tactical Graphic | Create Force Element | Export MOLE Cached Graphic To Bitmap | Export MOLE Cached Graphic To File | Move Force Element | Create Marker Symbol From MOLE Cached Graphic