ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

IRasterColormapToRGBConversion Interface

Provides access to members that convert between colormap and RGB Raster.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method ColormapToRGB Converts a colormap raster dataset to a RGB raster dataset.
Method CreateRGBRaster Creates a RGB multiband raster from a colormap raster dataset.
Method RGBRasterToColormap Converts a RGB raster to a colormap raster dataset.
Method RGBToColormap Converts a RGB raster dataset to a colormap raster dataset.

CoClasses that implement IRasterColormapToRGBConversion

CoClasses and Classes Description
RasterColormapToRGBConverter A helper class for converting between colormap to RGB raster.


IRasterColormapToRGBConversion provides access to methods that convert between a raster datset that has a colormap and a three-band raster dataset. The pOutWorkspace parameter can only be a raster workspace, which means that the output can only be a file-based raster dataset.

The ColormapToRGB method converts a raster dataset that has a colormap to a three-band raster dataset by mapping the color red, green and blue in the colormap table to the red, green and blue bands of the raster dataset.

The CreateRGBRaster method creates a Raster that contains three bands, which can be saved using ISaveAs.

The RGBToColormap method converts a three-band raster dataset to a colormap raster dataset.

The RGBRasterToColormap method takes a Raster as input and coverts to a raster dataset that contains a colormap.


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